Modern packaging
due to
1. Changing Needs and New Roles
栏杆英文Looking back, historical changes are understandable and obvious. That all of them have had an impact on the way products are bought, consumed and packaged is also obvious. What is not so obvious is what tomorrow will bring. Yet, it is to the needs, markets, and conditions of tomorrow that packaging professionals must always turn their attention.
The forces that drove packaging during the Industry Revolution continue to operate today. The consumer society continues to grow and is possibly best described by a1980s bumper sticker, “born to shop”. We consume goods today at rate 4 to 5 times greater than we did as recently as 1935. Most of the goods are not esntial to survival; they constitute what we may call “the good life”.
In the cond half of the 20th century, the proliferation of goods was so high that packaging was forced into an entirely new role, that of providing the major purcha motivation rather than prenting the goods itlf. On a shelf of 10 competing products, all of them similar in
performance and quality, the only method of differentiating became the package itlf. Marketers aimed at lifestyles, emotional values, subliminal images, features, and advantages beyond the basic product itlf——anything that would make a shopper’s hand reach for their product rather than the competitor’s. In some instances, the package has become the product, and occasionally packaging has become entertainment.
determinesGlobally, the trend toward urbanization continues. Providing incread tonnages of high-quality food to massive city complexes at affordable prices is a problem that continues to challenge packagers. A new concern is the removal of the debris generated by a consumer society and the impact that the consumption rates have on the planer’s ecology.
The makeup, needs, styles, perceptions and wishes of the consuming public are always changing. The packaging professional must be aware of and keep up with the changes or be lost to history.
2. Packaging and the modern Industrial Society
The importance of packaging to a modern industrial society is most evident when we examine the food-packaging ctor. Food is organic in nature, having an animal or plant source. One characteristic of such organic matter is that, by and large, it has a limited natural biological life.
A cut of meat, left to itlf, might be unfit for human consumption by the next day. Some animal protein products, such as afood, can deteriorate within hours.
aftereffectThe natural shelf life of plant-bad food depends on the species and plant part involved. Pulpy fruit portions tend to have a short life span, while ed parts, which in nature have to survive at least till the next
growing ason, have a longer life. Stalks and leaves parated from the living plant are usually short-lived.
In addition to having a limited natural shelf life, most food is geographically and asonally specific. Thus, potatoes and apples are grown in a few North American geographical regions and harvested during a short maturation period. In a world without packaging, we would need to live at the point of harvest to enjoy the products, and our enjoyment of them would be restricted to the natural biological life span of each.
It is by proper storage, packaging and transport techniques that we are able to deliver fresh potatoes and apples, or the products derived from then, throughout the year and throughout the country. Potato-whole, canned, powdered, flaked, chipped, frozen, and instant——is available, anytime, anywhere. This ability gives a society great freedom and mobility. Unlike less-developed societies, we are no longer restricted in our choice of where to live, since we are no longer tied to the food-producing ability of an area. Food production becomes more specialized and efficient with the growth of packaging. Crops a
platinumnd animal husbandry are moved to where their production is most economical, without regard to the proximity of a market. Most important, we are free of the natural cycles of feast and famine that are typical of societies dependent on natural regional food-producing cycles.elroy
Central processing allows value recovery from what would normally be wasted. By-products of the procesd-food industry form the basis of other sub-industries. Chicken feathers are high in protein and, properly milled and treated, can be fed back to the next generation of chickens.
Vegetable waste is fed to cattle or pigs. Bagas, the waste cane form sugar pressing, is a source of fiber for papermaking. Fish scales are refined to make additives for paints and nail polish.
The economical manufacture of durable goods also depends on good packaging. A product’s cost is directly related to production volume. A facility building 10000 bicycles per year for local sale could not make bicycles as cheaply as a 3-million-unit-a-year plant
intended to capture the national facility. Both would fail in competition against a 100-million-unit world marker facility. But for a national or international bicycle producer to succeed, it must be a way of getting the product to a market, which may be half a world away. Again, sound packaging, in this ca distribution packaging, is a key part of the system.