Oracle Consulting offers a unique focus on Oracle-bad application and technology initiatives by combining leading experti, broad coverage, global scale, and flexible delivery. Oracle Consulting can rve as the focal point of your relationships with Oracle product development, Oracle support, Oracle University, and other related business and technology partners.
Leading Experti
Oracle Consulting delivers on Oracle’s commitment to give you a superior owner-ship experience. We develop our thought leadership through collaboration across the Oracle ecosystem, including participation in all major Oracle projects and regular interaction with Oracle product strategy and development teams. This experti and experience lets us provide you with unparalleled insights and industry-specific best practices. Our accelerated integration methodology helps you realize rapid value and competitive advantage with Oracle’s expanded footprint. Value management rvices help you continuously target and pursue measurable business benefits. And you can ensure the broadest impact of your business transformations with
our organizational change management and process improvement reviews. Even with the most-complex projects, our leading project management experti delivers the lowest proven business risk and the highest customer satisfaction.
Broad Coverage
Oracle Consulting provides a single point of accountability and customer satisfaction across all Oracle solutions. Our experts can help you unlock the power of your Oracle Applications, including financial manage-ment, human capital management, supply chain management, enterpri performance management, and customer relationship management. Additionally, with Oracle Consulting you can get even better results from your technology investments in criti-cal areas such as system performance and architecture, business process management, curity and identity management, business intelligence, and content management. With our deep business knowledge and process experti across all key industries, we supply business acumen for Fortune 100 as well as midsize business and agencies. Our end-to-end rvice-delivery capabili-
ties, high-quality project management,
Accelerate Business Transformation with Measurable Results
Oracle Consulting is the only global organi z ation fo c us e d exclusively on Oracle applications and tech n o l ogy. With unparalleled knowledge and experience with Oracle solutions, we deliver on Oracle’s commit m ent.
“Oracle Consulting was very professional and brought along a lot of project management experti. We ud them effectively, almost as a turnkey partner, in the implementation of the Oracle technology becau they are the experts.”
Ramesh Subramanian先生的英文缩写
Manager of Architecture Yarra Valley Water Victoria, Australia
“We faced a tight deadline and some critical systems issues, but Oracle Consulting had the experience, technical experti, and resources to ensure a timely solution. We will continue to work with Oracle Consulting as they show us what more we can do to maximize our u of the system.”
George Thomas Senior VP and CFO
Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd
and best practices that focus on results
let Oracle Consulting achieve exceptional long-term customer-retention levels. Global Scale
Oracle consultants are the experts people turn to for leadership in Oracle software and technology solutions. There are 11,000 Oracle Consulting experts working with more than 20 million end urs every day. At any one time, there are about 2,500 active Oracle projects supported by 24/7, “follow-the-sun” operations and our 20 global rvices delivery centers. The projects range from small, limited-scope, short-time-frame, partner- and customer-led engagements to multimillion-dollar, fixed-price, multiple-year projects. Our customers benefit from the lowest total cost of ownership, highest accountability, and fastest time to business becau of
the worldwide Oracle solution experti they receive from Oracle Consulting. Flexible Delivery
Oracle’s rvice-delivery capabilities
offer blended onsite, onshore, offshore, and federal government development support to leverage Oracle’s full breadth
of proven capabilities, infrastructure,
and process. With our global reach and “optimum shore” approach, we can deliver best-in-class rvices to lead and comple-ment your critical business initiatives around the world.
Our experience with our world-class portfolio of enterpri customers gives
us the unparalleled industry knowledge to offer packaged business-process
rvices. For example, Oracle Consulting
everybody hurtsdelivers Oracle Business Accelerators—
powerful, industry-specific configuration
takeactiontools and methods that help you achieve
rapid business results. Service offerings
also include cross-functional solutions
such as Oracle Rapid Starts and Oracle
Expert Services, which leverage Oracle’s
complete applications portfolio and公共英语等级考试网
technology stack. Oracle Unified
Method—a single, integrated-method
framework to support the entire Oracle
ecosystem—enables us to deliver high-
quality results across complex projects.
Whether we are leading large initiatives
or amlessly complementing our systems-
integration partners, Oracle’s customer-
centric delivery accelerates the time to
value for your technology investments.
End-to-End Capabilities
Oracle Consulting delivers continuous
value across the full solution lifecycle.
Our experts can help you accelerate your
business transformation, plan and establish
the business ca and road map for your
application and technology initiatives,
align your business enterpris with your
critical objectives, and track results to mea-
sure your success. With Oracle Consulting
you can continuously optimize your
applications and technology investments
to extend the benefits of your business
transformation across your enterpri.
Our consulting rvice lines are
fully integrated so that we can provide
end-to-end support for your initiatives.
Oracle Consulting rvice lines include
Organizational Change Management
Services, Enterpri Architecture Services,
Solution Services, Expert Services, and
Extended Services. All our rvices are
delivered with the highest-quality project
rmanagement methods and best-in-class
thought leadership.
Oracle Consulting Advantage
Oracle Consulting delivers a trusted
lifetime partnership, end-to-end rvice ca-
pabilities coverage, and a collaborative and
innovative approach to working with our
customers and partners. We can help you
realize long-term, sustainable, and measur-
able business benefits from your Oracle
investment by providing broad coverage,
leading experti, global scalability, and
flexible delivery.
Fact: Oracle Consulting’s more
than 13,000 Oracle experts
support customers and partners
in more than 145 countries.
Accelerate Business Transformation with Measurable Results
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