NUMBER 5210.48
January 25, 2007
USD(I) SUBJECT: Polygraph and Credibility Asssment Program
References: (a) DoD Directive 5210.48, "DoD Polygraph Program," December 24, 1984
(hereby canceled)
(b) Section 1564a of title 10, United States Code, as amended by Public Law No.
(c) DoD 5210.48-R, “Department of Defen Polygraph Program,” January 1985
(d) DoD Directive 5105.42, "Defen Security Service (DSS),” May 13, 1999
(e) Section 402a(e) of title 50, United States Code
This Directive:
1.1. Reissues Reference (a) to update policy and responsibilities governing the Department of Defen (DoD) Polygraph and Credibility Asssment (PCA) Program. Implements Reference (b) and continues to authorize Reference (c), or the authorized re-issuance of Reference (c), as amended (hereafter referred to as “Reference (c)”).
1.2. Introduces the term Credibility Asssment (CA) to reprent existing as well as potential techniques and procedures to asss truthfulness.
1.3. Directs that, before a non-polygraph CA technology is authorized for u beyond development and evaluation, specific methodologies and procedures shall be approved in accordance with Reference (c).
1.4. Transfers polygraph program management from the Defen Security Service, as listed in Reference (d), to the Director, DoD Counterintelligence Field Activity (DoD CIFA)). The transfer includes polygraph education, training, certification, quality assurance, and rearch.
1.5. Renames the DoD Polygraph Institute the Defen Academy for Credibility Asssment (DACA).
This Directive applies to:
2.1. The Office of the Secretary of Defen, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands (COCOMs), the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defen, the Defen Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defen (hereafter referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).
2.2. The conduct of PCA examinations involving DoD civilian applicants and employees, military personnel, contractors, consultants, experts, or other personnel assigned or detailed to the Department of Defen (hereafter referred to as “DoD-affiliated personnel”).
阻遏3.1. Credibility Asssment (CA). The multi-disciplinary field of existing as well as potential techniques and procedures to asss truthfulness that relies on physiological reactions and behavioral measures to test the agreement between an individual’s memories and statements.香港留学
3.2. Federal Polygraph Examiner. Military, civilian, or contractor personnel authorized to conduct polygraph examinations on behalf of a Federal agency.
3.3. Polygraph and Credibility Asssment (PCA) Instrumentation. Technical devices, ud in conjunction with associated techniques, that measure or display physiological or behavioral activity that is analyzed in the asssment of an individual’s truthfulness.
3.4. Polygraph Examination. A process that encompass all activities that take place between a polygraph examiner and examinee during a specific ries of interactions.
It is DoD policy that:
4.1. There shall be a Polygraph and Credibility Asssment Program in the Department of Defen.
4.2. PCA instrumentation, techniques, procedures, training, and examinations shall be employed and administered only as authorized and in the manner prescribed by this Directive, References (b) and (c), and 50 U.S.C. 402a (Reference (e)).
4.3. The DoD Components listed in Enclosure 1 are authorized to conduct PCA examinations in the manner prescribed by this Directive, References (b) and (c), and Reference (e).
in addition
4.4. Where U.S. law or applicable DoD issuances require, the DoD Components authorized to conduct PCA examinations shall provide adequate safeguards to protect the rights and privacy of persons who are considered for or subjected to polygraph examinations. For persons covered by Reference (b) who are considered for or subjected to counterintelligence polygraph examinations, the safeguards must include, at minimum, the safeguards outlined in Reference (b).
4.5. DoD Components shall accept only PCA examinations and/or the results of such examinations that are conducted by Federal PCA examiners.
5.1. The Under Secretary of Defen for Intelligence (USD(I)), or designee, shall:
every day
5.1.1. Overe the PCA Program.
5.1.2. Coordinate with the DoD Inspector General (IG) regarding all PCA policy and oversight matters.
5.1.3. Issue and maintain all PCA policy issuances.
奥巴马英文演讲稿5.1.4. Establish a Polygraph and Credibility Asssment Program Executive Committee (PCAPEC). (See Enclosure 2.)
5.1.5. Participate in DoD and national-level PCA program fora.
6. Coordinate with the DoD IG regarding PCA policy and oversight impacting PCA law enforcement matters.
5.2. The Director, DoD CIFA, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I), shall:
5.2.1. Manage the DoD PCA Program.
5.2.2. Coordinate, integrate, and synchronize the DoD PCA Program with other counterintelligence missions and functions.
5.2.3. Establish a process to monitor responsible and effective application of PCA examinations within the Department of Defen.雅思口语视频
5.2.4. Establish DoD PCA standards for education, training, certification, quality assurance, and rearch.
5.2.5. Properly rearch and develop PCA techniques, instrumentation, and technologies before recommending deployment.
6. Approve requests for DoD PCA support to non-DoD organizations.
苦瓜的英文5.2.7. Chair the PCAPEC.
5.2.8. Exerci authority, direction, and control over the DACA.
5.3. The DoD Components authorized to conduct PCA examinations shall:
5.3.1. Authorize the u of PCA examinations within their areas of responsibility.
5.3.2. Delegate authority to authorize PCA examinations to the heads of curity and investigative agencies, or their specific designees. Designees who receive delegated authority under this paragraph shall be the minimum required to meet operational needs.
5.3.3. Support the COCOMs.
5.4. The Secretary of the Army shall provide facility, administrative, logistical, and practical examination support as DACA may require. Such support may also be required for other PCA education, training, and rearch.
5.5. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, shall:
5.5.1. Validate COCOM PCA requirements in coordination with DoD CIFA.
5.5.2. Incorporate COCOM PCA requirements into the Joint Staff Action Process.
5.6. The COCOMs shall prioritize and submit PCA requirements to the Joint Staff and DoD CIFA.
This Directive is effective immediately.
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Enclosures - 2
E1. DoD Organizations Authorized to Conduct Polygraph and Credibility Asssment
E2. DoD PCAPEC Charter
E1.1. U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
E1.2. U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command
E1.3. U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service
E1.4. U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations
E1.5. National Security Agency/Central Security Service
E1.6. Defen Intelligence Agency
E1.7. Defen Security Service
E1.8. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
E1.9. National Reconnaissance Office
E1.10. Defen Criminal Investigative Service
E1.11. DoD CIFA