
更新时间:2023-06-09 20:38:40 阅读:12 评论:0

Day 1
1.The famous battle depicted in the film Braveheart took place in northern England, not, as
many people assume, in the Scottish Highlands.
牛津英语2.As he eagerly awaited the interview for the job, Miguel thought it wi to suppress his
nervousness and to display a calm he did not feel.
3.Men and women leave the village before sunri to hike four miles up steep, precarious trails
to the forests and return by late afternoon with 70-pound loads of firewood on their backs. 4.The main reasons students give for failing to participate in the political process are that they
have demanding assignments and that they work at part-time jobs.
5.Though heavily dependent on the government for business and information and on
universities for talent, the space rearch center is a corporation independent of both.
Day 2
6.Some people are convinced that dowsing, a method of finding underground water with a
Y-shaped stick, is effective, but others condemn the procedure as mere superstition.
7.The issue the council debated was whether repeal of rent control would improve housing or
just increa profits for landlords.
8.Most people know about calories and nutrition, but they do not u this knowledge to lo
weight and keep it off permanently.
9.Arelia believes that cloth draped over hills is an art form that will not last long enough either
to plea or to influence future generations.
10.The eerie songs of humpback whales, often lower in pitch and lasting longer than tho of
birds, are intriguing to scientists partly becau whales have no functional vocal cords.
Day 3
11.Scientists eking better ways to predict damage from earthquakes are using supernsitive
recorders to study how rock breaks and moves in an earthquake.
12.Although he played a leading role in planning spacecraft expeditions, Dr. Carl Sagan refud
to accept prai for the plants he had designed or otherwi to profit from later advancements in space exploration.
13.  A fine orchestral performance will exhibit the skills of the musicians, their abilities to work
as an enmble, and their respons to the conductor.
14.Explaining modern art is impossible, partly becau of its complexity but largely becau of
the rapidity with which it changes.
15.The landscape artist who designed New York City's Central Park believed that providing
scenic ttings accessible to all would not only benefit the public's physical and mental health but also foster a n of democracy.
Day 4
16.Storing bread in the refrigerator delays drying and the growth of mold but increas the rate
at which the bread los flavor.
17.Dime novels, known in nineteenth-century England as "penny dreadfuls," flourished becau
incread mechanization of printing and incread literacy rates made production of large numbers of the books profitable.
18.  A hot-air balloon ris when the air inside it becomes warm, drops when that air cools, and
moves sideways when blown by the wind.
19.The director's insistence that there be adequate stage lighting and professionally installed
backdrops in the theater resulted not from obstinacy but from a determination to provide a safe work environment for the actors and stage crew.
20.In his book on the Harlem Renaissance, Huggins makes clear his determination not only to
emulate his intellectual forebears but also to recognize that their challenges were unique.
Day 5
21.Smallest of the copperhead snakes, the broad-banded copperhead, if disturbed, vibrates its
tail rapidly and is also known to crete a substance that smells like cucumbers.
22.Most of the books around this old hou smell of mildew, and if you pick one up, you will
find that the spine has deteriorated and its cover has rotted.
23.  A recent study of animal language offers provocative theories about the origins of such
complex behaviors as the colorful and noisy signals animals u to communicate.
24.Many places in the Arctic region yield evidence of late Precambrian glaciation, which took
place about 650 million years ago and which some scientists believe was global in extent. 25.There is probably no story more dramatic than that of baball's great hitter and right fielder,
Hank Aaron.
Day 6
26.Finding a wide variety of financial rvice in a small city is usually not as easy as it is in
metropolitan areas.
27.Film audiences in the 1950’s saw more musicals than did audiences in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
28.Candy manufacturers applauded the discovery by rearchers that students who smell
chocolate while studying and again while taking a test are able to recall more material than students not expod to the odor of chocolate.
乔布斯 演讲29.The article featured the Sea Islands becau many of the people there were known to live
much as their ancestors of a century ago had lived.
30.Meals prepared by the Algonquin Indians, who were farmers as well as hunters, included
more maize and pumpkin than did tho prepared by other Indian tribes.
Day 7
31.The candidate called for medical insurance reform, but to me he emed less interested in the
plight of uninsured citizens than in whether enough were registered to vote.
32.The director valued the actor not so much for his broad commercial appeal as for his
passionate and intelligent approach to every role.
33.Like many people, Luanne believes that parents can foster musical ability in small children
by playing classical music for them while they are infants.
34.When for the first time the United States imported more oil than it exported, Americans
should have realized that an energy crisis might be imminent.
35.The library is older than the courthou but just as beautiful.
Day 8
36.There is a special relationship between a conductor and the members of an orchestra, which
at its best can be creative and at its worst, destabilizing.
37.The Great Gatsby is now considered a classic novel t in America’s Jazz Age, but in 1925 its
reviews were mixed and its sales disappointing.
38.The grooved and barbed spears of the box jellyfish, each trailed by a poison thread, are
relead when the animal is threatened.
39.Great literature, such the Greek tragedies or the novels of Jane Austen, endures becau it
speaks directly and freshly to each new generation of readers.
40.Many of the instruments ud in early operations of the United States Anny Signal Corps,
particularly the heliograph, were adaptations of equipment ud by Plains Indians.
Day 9
41.The region bounded by the northwest corner of Greenland, the northern tip of Labrador, and
the Mackenzie Delta includes the islands collectively known as the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
42.Curiosity about other people, about the ways they think and act, has caud Jeff to meet some
fascinating characters as well as some very boring people.
43.Along the curve of islands known as the Florida Keys lies a reef of living coral, the only one
of its kind in the continental United States.
44.Also supported by the commission were the propod health clinics and the propod center
to distribute information on job-training opportunities.
45.Available through the school’s guidance office are a job directory and a list of job referral
centers that provide information for students in need of employment.
四级满分Day 10
46.In the foothills of that large mountain range are the sources of a river who cour was not
fully mapped until this century.
47.At the heart of the program, enthusiastically endord by the city’s business association, are
plans for refurbishing neighborhoods and for making low-interest mortgage available to young families.
48.Extending along veral city blocks is a row of ginkgo trees, their leaves turning a brilliant
yellow now that summer is over.
49.Among the most dangerous environmental threats that we face is "compu-garbage," the
nonbiodegradable and often toxic waste resulting from the improper disposal of obsolete
personal computers.
50.Above the beautiful white-sand beach run two rivers that eventually combine to form a
waterfall cascading to the sand.
Day 11
51.Linking the sides of the gorge was a suspension bridge built a hundred years earlier by local
farmers eking to expedite travel between their fields and the marketplace.
雕像英文52.After trying his hor to the hitching post, the cowboy dusted off his boots and took off his
hat, causing the hor to shake its mane and move around uneasily.
53.On October 13, 1955, at the Six Gallery in San Francisco, Allen Ginsberg read his poem
Howl, thus inaugurating both a new style in poetry and the Beat movement.
54.  A volunteer organization, the Covington Soup Kitchen has been feeding needy families since
1977, annually distributing nearly a million pounds of food.
55.Buffalo herds, which once thrived in the Great Plains of North America, trampled vegetation,
thereby aiding future plant growth by returning nutrients to the soil.
Day 12
56.During the labor dispute, barrels of potatoes were emptied across the highway, thereby
blocking all traffic.
57.  A lack of job opportunities for recent graduates restricts their independence, often forcing
them to remain at home or el to move back home.
58.In the 1980’s, the median price of a hou more than doubled, generally outdistancing the
rate of inflation.
59.In his old age, the painter James McNeill Whistler walked to the beach almost every day,
carrying a small eal and his paints in order to paint the sky, the water, and the shore.
60.Nicknamed the supergrain of the future, quinoa is a complete protein, one that contains all
the necessary amino acids and is high in fiber.
Day 13
61.After repeatedly asking in vain for a comprehensive health-care plan, the employees called in
sick as a protest against their employer's stubbornness.
62.Having come this far, the delegates did not want to return without accomplishing something.
63.While working as a nur in the streets of Calcutta, Mother Teresa developed a profound love
for the poor.
64.Having been a victim of malicious rumors, Helen purpoly avoided gossips.
65.Growing up on a farm, my sister and I visited many county fairs, where my parents would
glad you came
exhibit their prize livestock.
Day 14
66.Mindful of the growing popularity of backyard compost piles among home gardeners, experts
warn that adding meat, dairy products, or cooking grea to compost will attract vermin. 67.Having pleaded in vain for improved maintenance rvices, the tenants refud to pay rent
上海插画培训班until the landlord agreed to make the much-needed repairs.
68.By incorporating Pueblo figures into her strongly geometric and abstract work, Pueblo artist
Helen Hardin has had a significant impact on contemporary Native American art.
69.Having completed a cour in art appreciation, Maureen and I were able to judge the
paintings in the Muum of Modern Art more critically than we had before.
70.After listening to the concerto’s first movement, which sounded like a medley of every bad
tune I had ever heard, I was surprid by the beauty and originality of the cond movement.
Day 15
71.Established by African Americans during the Reconstruction period, the town of Nicodemus,
Kansas, is now a national historic site where visitors can learn about the role of African Americans in westward expansion.
72.Angry and a bit confud, the defen witness found it difficult to respond coherently to the
district attorney’s aggressive cross-examination.
73.Carrying signs and waving flags, angry demonstrators demanding better health benefits
surrounded the company’s corporate office.
74.Unfortunately, the opening of the new library complex, previously scheduled for next
September, will be delayed for veral months becau of construction difficulties.
75.In Germany, foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years
earlier, even though the trees had shown no signs of dia then.
Day 16
76.Although born in the Midwest, Langston Hughes lived most of his adult life in Harlem, in
New York City, where, like other writers in the 1930’s, he wrote some of his finest works. 77.For the past hundred years or more, Yellowstone national park has been a kind of sociological
laboratory in which North Americans have been exploring the meaning of the national-park concept.
78.When the news spread about new goldfields that had been discovered in Nome, Alaska,
thousands abandoned Dawson, the site of the previous gold rush.
79.Many people were alarmed by the Supreme Court ruling that gave judges discretionary
power to determine whether trials should be clod to the public.
80.In 1850 Jim Beckwourth, a Black American explorer, discovered in the mountains of the
Sierra Nevada a pass that would soon become an important gateway to California gold-rash country.
Day 17
81.The problem of copyright violation is frequently compounded in certain countries where the
sale and u of copyrighted materials are not tightly controlled.
82.In a world where the rate of technological and social change accelerates frighteningly, change

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