The Toxic Substances Control Act Frequently Asked Questions
What is a chemical substance for purpos of regulation under TSCA?
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) defines the term "chemical substance" as "any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity, including -- (i) any combination of such substances occurring in whole or in part as a result of a chemical reaction or occurring in nature and (ii) any element or uncombined radical." The Environme
ntal Protection Agency (EPA) states: "TSCA defines ‘chemical substance’ broadly and in terms which cover microorganisms as well as traditional chemicals."
“有毒物质控制法”(TSCA)将术语“化学物质”定义为“具有特定分子特性的任何有机或无机物质,包括 - (i)由于以下原因而全部或部分出现的此类物质的任何组合化学反应或在自然界中发生的和(ii)任何元素或未结合的自由基。“美国环境保护署(EPA)表示:“TSCA广义地定义了'化学物质',涵盖了微生物和传统化学品。”来源:临安科达认证韦小姐,QQ:2956482524
Are there any exemptions from the definition of a "chemical substance"?
news bbcTSCA specifically exempts from the definition of "chemical substance" (1) mixtures; (2) Federal Incticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) pesticides; (3) tobacco and tobacco products; (4) certain materials regulated under the Atomic Energy Act; (5) firearms and ammunition; and (6) foods, food additives, drugs, cosmetics, and devices re
gulated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). In addition to tho substances specifically excluded from TSCA, EPA has exempted other categories of substances from certain TSCA requirements. For example, certain chemical substances -- including impurities and byproducts -- are excluded from TSCA Section 5 requirements becau "[a]lthough they are manufactured for commercial purpos under the Act, they are not manufactured for distribution in commerce as chemical substances per and have no commercial purpo parate from the substance, mixture, or article of which they are a part." EPA also exempts "articles" from various TSCA requirements.
TSCA特别豁免“化学物质”的定义(1)混合物;(2)联邦杀虫剂,杀真菌剂和灭鼠剂法(FIFRA)杀虫剂; (3)烟草和烟草制品;(4)根据“原子能法”规定的某些材料;(五)枪支弹药;(6)根据联邦食品,药品和化妆品法案(FFDCA)管制的食品,食品添加剂,药品,化妆品和设备。 除了特别排除在TSCA之外的那些物质,EPA还豁免了其他类别的物质来满足TSCA的某些要求。例如,某些化学物质 - 包括杂质和副产品 - 被排除在TSCA第5节的要求之外,因为“虽然它们是根据该法案为商业目的而制造的,但它们不是作为化学物质本身在商业上制造的。与他们所属的物质,混合物或物品没有任何商业目的。“ EPA还
What are "articles" under TSCA?
TSCA defines "article" as "a manufactured item (1) which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture, (2) which has end-u function(s) depending in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end u, and (3) which has either no change of chemical composition during its end u or only tho changes of composition that have no commercial purpo parate from that of an article, and that results from a chemical reaction that occurs upon end u of other chemical substances, mixtures, or articles." Fluids and particles are not considered articles, however, regardless of shape or design. Articles that contain chemical substances which are not intended to be removed and have no parate commercial purpo are generally exempt from TSCA. Articles that contain chemical substances designed to be ud or relead (i.e., ink in pens) are subject to TSCA requirements.
Who is subject to TSCA requirements?
TSCA may apply to any person who manufactures, process, distributes in commerce, us, or dispos of a chemical substance. A person is defined broadly as "any natural or juridicial person including any individual, corporation, partnership, or association, any State or political subdivision thereof, or any municipality, any interstate body and any department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government."
凯夫拉尔How does EPA keep track of the chemical substances subject to TSCA?
slow是什么意思meibiTSCA Section 8(b) directs EPA to "compile, keep current, and publish a list of each chemical substance which is manufactured or procesd in the United States." This list is known as the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory). EPA compiled the initial TSCA Inventory in 1977. The TSCA Inventory is continually updated by the addition of chemical substances for which a premanufacture notice (PMN) and subquent notice of commencement (NOC) have been submitted. For tho chemical substances who identities are confidential, EPA maintains a confidential portion of the TSCA Inventory that only EPA can review.