证明 1. proof2. testimony3. prove4. confirm the truth of
wisp Feb.02. 2022
It is bereby certified that Mr. Tang Dongshan, male, bore in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, in March 1976, is a nior engineer of electronics. He graduated from Anhui University in 1998 with the degree of Bachelor of Science and finished his postgraduate cours in Anhui University in July 2022, when he was awarded the degree of Master of Science. He took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the State University of California in U.S.A. in 2022. He received a state science and technology award in 2022.
Zhang Ping
Public Notary, Wuhu Notary
grand central Public Office, Anhui Province,
betadine People's Republic of China
2. bkd
Income Certification
To whom it may concern,
We certify that XXX has been employed by XXX since XXX .
We also certify that his current yearly salary is XXX RMB.
Yours sincerely,
Sign by:
豫园介绍 Dated:
promotes 3.
首先写抬头 XX proof然后写 It is hereby to certify that there's no accident happen to XX's(填你要证明的人的名字) car during the drive in China.最终写证明人的名字,公司名称,职位,联系方式(最好有电话和邮件)再加上日期
4. 比利时时间
存款证明:Certificate of Deposit shulian
工作证明:Certificate of Employment
房产证:property ownership certificate
户口本:Houhold Register。在英语口语的〔面试〕过程中,导师还会用英语问一些与你报考〔专业〕相关的问题,考生要在复试之前把握一些〔专业〕名词的英语用法。比方你〔学习〕新闻专业,你就要知道“新闻”、“消息”、“评论”等专业名词对应的英语词汇。当然,本科生是没有方法用英语很好的表述专业问题的,所以没有导师会期盼你有一个很好的`回答,基本上大家都跟你一样的,不会回答的很好。但是,〔同学〕们也不要一点也不做预备,到时“一问三不知”也是特别糟糕的。跨考教育英语教研室的老师提示大家,在参与复试之前的时候,肯定要自己用英语预备至少三个专业的问题以及它的回答。