charity is a concept which阅读理解
Charity is a concept which dates back to Biblical times, when helping the poor was something that rich people basically did to make themlves feel good. Social work has its roots in charity, as it originally began around the time of the industrial revolution when there were many poor people and society was eking a way of dealing with the poor and social problems. Although social work began as charity work, it has expanded a lot and needs to be en from a completely diferent perspective.
Modern-day social work deals not only with poverty and the subquent problems, but also with the problems arising from various types of "social fear"("social phobias") and discrimination such as xism, racism, and discrimination against an individual due to his age, or mental or physical disabilities. Social workers deal with the conquences of the discriminations as well as conquences that ari from xual abu, drug abu, and various other problems.
Social work provides an important rvice to society. Individuals and families in need of h
chinapay>tfcelp are the focus of it, and are re ferred to as clients. Social workers help clients live a productive life in their own community. In order to reach this goal, they often enlist the assistance of family members, relatives, local religious leaders, and other influential members of the community. Although institutionalization may be necessary at times, it is a temporary solution.sou
Social workers usually rve in the front line, and reach out to the clients soon after problems occur. The goal is to help clients return to normal life in a natural tting.
1. The charity originally means to (A:B;C}.
A. help the poor that makes the rich feel good.
B. help clients return to normal life.
C. rve the whole society.
2. When does social work begin?(A;B;C}
A. around the time of the industrial revolution B. Biblical times C. modern time
fairy是什么意思3. Modern-day social work deals with the following problems except (A;B;C}?
A. poverty B. racism C. education
惊喜英文单词4. In order to help clients live a productive life, social workers can tum to the assistance of (A;B;C}.
A. government B. family members C. businessmen
5. Which statement about social work is NOT True?(A;B;C}汽车维修培训
A. Social work roots from charity.
B. Social work deals not only with poverty and the subquent problems, but also with various social fear and discrimination.
C. Social work is that the rich people want to help the poor people.visit怎么读