什么是Takt Time?
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什么是Takt Time?
Takt Time是一个周期时间,在周期中开展生产活动满足客户需求,反映了生产线或生产设备相应客户需求生产所耗费的时间。
通过确定Takt Time,将帮助企业更好的完善将客户需求和生产速率同步的方法。
如何确定Takt Time呢?
1. 确定满足客户总需求所涉及到的工艺流程。
仔细认证准确的需求信息,同时考虑批量的增减情况。如在同一设备上生产进行多样化生产,则这种复合需求也应计算在Takt Time之内。生产能力计划需于需求量的层次相适应,
将生产层次于设备设计产能挂钩。产能水平以精细产能率(Lean Capacity Rate),最大产能(Max Capacity)和弹性产能率(Flex Capacity Rate)表示。精细产能率以组装车间一周的产能计算每日的生产率(一周以五天工作时计),该生产率用于确定一周120小时的生产时间对应客户需求的情况。最大产能是生产平台一周总生产能力的上限。弹性产能率反映了混流生产的状况。公布的最大产能和弹性产能率能够合理的得出需求的最大值;并可以通过一定的方法(如加班、轮换工作时刻表、增加外来劳力等)获得更大的产量。对某些产量不稳定的生产部门可以使用这些手段对产能进行确认。
2. 确定生产流程段的计划运转时间:
计划运转时间(Scheduled Runtime)=(有效时间Effective Minutes)-(计划停机时间Planned Downtime)
有效时间=(每班工作时Minute per shift)-(实际中断时间approved breaks)
3. 计算Takt Time:
Takt Time=计划运转时间/客户总需求
Takt Time机器人瓦力插曲
Takt Time是一个周期时间,在周期中开展生产活动满足客户需求,反映了生产线或生产
通过确定Takt Time,将帮助企业更好的完善将客户需求和生产速率同步的方法。
如何确定Takt Time呢?
1. 确定满足客户总需求所涉及到的工艺流程。
高中英语单词听力 仔细认证准确的需求信息,同时考虑批量的增减情况。如在同一设备上生产进行多样化生产,则这种复合需求也应计算在Takt Time之内。生产能力计划需于需求量的层次相适应,将生产层次于设备设计产能挂钩。产能水平以精细产能率(Lean Capacity Rate),最大产能(Max Capacity)和弹性产能率(Flex Capacity Rate)表示。精细产能率以组装车间一周的产能计算每日的生产率(一周以五天工作时计),该生产率用于确定一周120小时的生产时间对应客户需求的情况。最大产能是生产平台一周总生产能力的上限。弹性产能率反映了混流生产的状况。公布的最大产能和弹性产能率能够合理的得出需求的最大值;并可以通过一定的方法(如加班、轮换工作时刻表、增加外来劳力等)获得更大的产量。对某些产量不稳定的生产部门可以使用这些手段对产能进行确认。
幸福就在身边 生产记录(每日,每月的生产变动情况)
2. 确定生产流程段的计划运转时间:
计划运转时间(Scheduled Runtime)=(有效时间Effective Minutes)-(计划停机时间Planned Downtime)
有效时间=(每班工作时Minute per shift)-(实际中断时间approved breaks)
3. 计算Takt Time: 大学英语精读第四册答案
Takt Time=计划运转时间/客户总需求
Takt time
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It is derived from the German word Taktzeit which translates to cycle time.
Takt time ts the pace for industrial manufacturing lines. In automobile manufacturing, for example, cars are asmbled on a line, and are moved on to the next station after a certain time - the takt time. Therefore, the time needed to complete work on each station has to be less than the takt time in order for the product to be completed within the allotted time.
Takt time concept aims to match the pace of production with customer's demand.
Contents [hide] ∙ 1 Definition ∙ 2 Implementation ∙ 3 See also ∙ 4 References ∙ 5 Further reading |
[edit] Definition
Takt time can be first determined with the formula:
T = Takt time, e.g. [minutes of work / unit produced]
Ta = Net time available to work, e.g. [minutes of work / day]
Td = Time demand (customer demand), e.g. [units required / day]
Net available time is the amount of time available for work to be done. This excludes break times and any expected stoppage time (for example scheduled maintenance, team briefings, etc.).
If there is a total of 8 hours (or 480 minutes) in a shift (gross time) less 30 minutes lunch,
30 minutes for breaks (2 × 15 mins), 10 minutes for a team briefing and 10 minutes for basic maintenance checks, then the net Available Time to Work = 480 - 30 - 30 - 10 - 10 = 400 minutes. If customer demand was, say, 400 units a day and one shift was being run, then the line would be required to spend a maximum of one minute to make a part in order to be able to keep up with Customer Demand.
In reality, people and machines can never maintain 100% efficiency and there may also be stoppages for other reasons, so allowances will need to be made for the instances and thus the line will need to be t up to run at a faster rate to account for this.
Also, takt time may be adjusted according to requirements within the company. For example, if there is one department that delivers parts to veral manufacturing lines it often makes n to u similar takt times on all lines to smooth out flow from the preceding station. Customer demand can still be met by adjusting daily working time, reducing down times on machines and so on.
[edit] Implementation
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Takt time is calculated on virtually every task in a business environment. It is ud in manufacturing (casting of parts, drilling holes or preparing a workplace for another task), control tasks (testing of parts, adjusting machinery) or in administration (answering standard inquiries, call center operation). It is, however, most common in production lines that move a product along a line of stations that each perform a t of predefined tasks.