Unit 3 My school calendar
PB Let’s learn
(1)学生能够听、说、读、写:July, August, September, October, November, December, 及其缩写形式。
(2)学生能能在情景中熟练、正确地运用以上单词,并熟练地交谈关于对季节的喜好:When is Mid-Autumn Day? It’s usually in September or October. I’ll eat mooncakes with my family.
resume(2)能够在语境中理解生词July, August, September, October, November, December的意思及其缩略形式,并能正确地书写。
1、句型:When is Mid-Autumn Day? It’s usually in September or October. I’ll eat mooncakes with my family.
2、词汇:July, August, September, October, November, December的意思及其缩略形式,并能正确地书写。
yrz1、学生能够在语境中理解生词July, August, September, October, November, December的意思,并能正确发音、书写,理解一般将来时态的语用。
2、在具体的语境中,理解并使用下列句型:When is Mid-Autumn Day? It’s usually in September or October. I’ll eat mooncakes with my family.
Step 1:热身互动
Good morning boys and girls, how are you?I'm fine thank you, sit down.Today i prepare some apples for you ,do you like apples?OK, the red apples is for girl and the green apples is for boys.if you did well i will give you an apples,OK?
This lesson we will learn my school calendar part b let's learn.before the class let's sing a song ,do you like sing a song?OK let's sing together.
欣赏歌曲。《what's your favourite ason》
Is it a beautiful song right ?so now can you tell me when is your watch your favorite ason ?
学生回答,教师继续追问“w h y d o y o u li ke i t b est”.3到5分钟的fr ee ta l k后,教师“E v e r y o n e h as h i s fa v o r i te as o n.D o y o u k n o w m y fa v o ur i te as o n c a n,y o u guess ”学生猜测,从而引出暑假,导入新课。
Step2 教授新课
Do you know when is summer vacation and what will you do in summer vacation? 引出july /august 的教学。
highheelsAfter summer vacation autumn is coming there are some festival in autumn do you know what are they ?从而引出中秋季,教师节,国庆节和感恩节。
Do you know when ismid-autumn day?引出九月的教学。并通过微视频了解中秋节的传说。
Every year we have three days off,when this festival comes,do you know what it is?引出十月份教学。
After October is the last month of autumnat ,at this time there is the festiva lof American for harvest,do you know what it is?引出十一月份教学。
How many months we have learnt,so do you know what's the last one?引出十一月份教学
Step3 games
save me Roll,
roll,r oll
Step4 Homework
Plea collect other festivals after class and make ntence like this.
mega millions
Unit 3 My school calendar
PB Let’s learn
July Jul. August Aug. September Sept.
October Oct. November Nov. December Dec.