january是什么意思英 [mdem];美 [modem]
名词 调制解调器
recycled是什么意思1. 数据机:(3) 数据机(MODEM)传输速度的单位为何 bpi CPI bps CPS.(MODEM) 多工机(multiplexer) 前端机(front-end) 集讯机24. (4) 在网际网路上有多少个新闻群组(News) 少於200 300 900可读取且可写入 唯读记忆体(ROM)只能读取,
100percenthappynewyear2. 调 解 器:a、金桥信息网(GBNet)b、中国公用计算机网(ChinaNet)c、中科院网络(CSTNet)d、中国教育和科研网(CERNET)d、中国教育和科研网(CERNET)调制调解器(mod
3. modem:modulator demodulator; 调制解调器
4. modem:modulation demodulation; 调制解调
5. modem:modulator – demodulator; 调制解调器,数据机(台湾用语)
1. Urs can plug a PLC modem into any electrical outlet to access the Web as PLC is overlaid on the electrical distribution system.minolta
2. It is alleged that China unfairly subsidies wireless modem makers such as Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corporation.
modish3. After checking the lines, he asked us to reinstall our old Alcatel modem.
4. The complaint from EU modem makers was withdrawn in October last year after the sides signed a cooperation agreement.
5. Huawei and ZTE are the two major WWAN modem makers in China, with Huawei alone accounting for more than 50 percent of the European market.
1. The ways on most modem lathes are surface hardened to offer greater resistance to wear and abrasion.
how stuff works2. Accordingly, the modem (33) is controlled to ignore the detection of the conditions after a predetermined number of unsuccessful callbacks due to the detection of the conditions until a successful callback is achieved.
3. For more compactness of the system, the main module integrates manual keypad, cen
tral management unit, speech recognition unit, GSM1GPRS remote control unit and power line modem, while the executive module integrates power line modem and home appliance driver, mostly a relay or regulator.
the battle of china4. There are many architectural types in modem cities, in which, the office buildings are in the status of predomination for the quantity and scope.
5. Although there are many reasons in the formation of modem law of law. the theoretical recour can be traced back to natural law.
6. The Block 50/52 also includes a ring lar gyro inertial navigation system, a global positioning system receiver, a larger capacity data transfer cartridge, an improved data modem, the ALR-56M advanced radar warning receiver, the ALE-47 threat adaptive countermeasure system, a digital terrain system data transfer cartridge, a cockpit compatible with night vision systems, and an advanced interrogator for identifying friendly aircraft.
7. The F-16s also have an improved data modem, a ring lar inertial navigation system, a miniaturized global positioning system, a digital terrain system, an advanced interrogator for identifying friendly aircraft, wide-angle head-up display, color multifunction cockpit displays, up-front controls (a t of programmable pushbuttons placed just below the head-up display), and Block 50-style. sidestick and throttle controllers.