一 填空(10题,一道2分,共20分)(有的题是大概的意思)
1. I eated too much. according to error analysis, it belongs to ____.
2. Speech Act Theory was propod by_____.
3. The _____ School studied the system of language and the function of language.
4. ____ refers to the same words which have many meanings.
5. Interlanguage contains field, mode and ___
6. There are 3 class of theory towards SLA ______,environmentalist and functionalist.
7. Referential meaning also called ____meaning
8. The mantic feature of the words "pine,elm,willow,birch,polar" is _____
9.Such words as " pot, oven, knife,ladle,napkin"not belong to a prototype of category which is ____
10. "waistcoat"is from British English while its American English is _____.
二 term (4题,一道5分,共20分)
11.parole 12. entailment 13. conventional meaning 14. conversational implicature
三 paraphra (3题,一道5分,共15分)
15. The chicken is too hot to eat
16. Flying planes can be dangerous
17. I saw him on the bus
四 写出下列句子的Presupposition(5题,一道3分,共15分)
18. Did their team win his year's African Cup finals?
19.Their team win this year's African Cup finals.
20.Mary didn't e the hor with two head.
21. Ambraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.
22. Would you plea try it again?
五 大题(一道10分,共30分)
1. Write two dialogues about preference structure,and give explanation and illustrate it
2.How to understand the ntence “ In successful communication, what is actually said is only the tip of iceberg.”
3. the factors of SLA
首先:一定要准备first自我介绍,记住,自我介绍的内容无需太过繁琐,可说你的姓名,毕业于或将要毕业于哪所学校,我的兴趣是。。我的梦想是。。等等,也就是1分钟左右的就可以了。 (注意:进面试的屋时记得先敲门,进去后坐下,老师会问你的名字,因为她要找你的序号,你可以有礼貌的先打声招呼,比如说bonjour之类的,老师特别好,不用担心老师为难你什么的。即使问到你没听懂的也不要慌,保持冷静。)
我记得当时一进屋左边是3个女老师,右边2fatal error是什么意思个男老师。他们都很和蔼,不必拘谨,不必害怕,就当是你的亲人在问你的问题。对于问题而言,这个个人感觉和运气和排名有些关系,排名在前2的,一般老师不会太问书上的实质性内容,反而会更多问比如你的学校啊,如果你不是吉林省的,或比较远的省的,或非师范类学校的,他们问的更多的是篡夺你的学校,你在大学时你都上过什么专业课之类的问题。(即使不是前2的,准备下这方面的问题也无妨,说不定就问到你了呢。(*^__^*) )
1. psycholinguistics
2. cognitive linguistics
3. cohesion
4. the utterance meaning
5. inferential meaning
6. referential theory
7. presupposition
8. communicative competence
1. Plea explain the two major theories of categorization.
2. Point out the bound morphemes in the following ntence. State the functions of each morpheme and point out whether each morpheme is a derivational morpheme or a inflectional morpheme.
The manager’s proposals proved to be very impractical.gachin
3. State what maxim of cooperative principle is flouted and what is the implicature meaning.
A: Let’s get the children something to eat, okay?
B: OK, but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M.
4. Are the two ntences mean the same in terms of thematic meaning?
(1)Tom broke the teapot.
(2)The teapot was broken by Tom.
5. The following ntences are ambiguous in meaning, plea paraphra them by two or more versions.
a. Smoking grass can be very nauating.
b. Mr. Green finally made the decision on the boat.
6. The deixis may involve distance concept, plea state your viewpoint about it with examples.
7. In what way the phonemes are related to morphemes?
8. According to Dell Hymes, “there are rules of u without which the rules of grammar is uless”. Illustrate this point of view with examples.
四个名词解释 各5分
有discour marker ,syllable structure 复试之后玩儿心太重,没及时回忆,只记得这两个了,其他两个都常见,并不难。
四个简答题 各20分
有different approaches to syntax(见杨忠老师的语言学概论第47页)、陈述Sapir-Whorf hypothesis、陈述systematic-functional grammar题目都很大 另外一个忘记了真爱如血第七季
1.How do you understand the ntence"there are rules of u without which the rules of grammar is uless" 细心的同学会发现,这是2011年复试笔试里面的题目。
2. What is the difference between language u and language usage? (当时没听懂,今儿在南苑食堂吃饭还提到复试了呢,嘿嘿)
3.Do you think vocabulary is more important than grammar in language learning?
4. Can you try to explain what is communicative competence?