time of day1. ⼀切以⽤户为中⼼,其他⼀切纷⾄沓来 Focus on the ur and all el will follow.
nomenclature2. 把⼀件事做到极致. It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
t are
3. 快⽐慢好. Fast is better than slow.
4. ⽹络社会需要民主. Democracy on the web works.
北京汇佳私立学校5. 您不⼀定要在桌⼦前找答案. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.
隔离霜要卸妆吗6. 不做坏事也能赚钱. You can make money without doing evil.
cute怎么读呢7. 未知的信息总是存在的. There’s always more information out there.
8. 对信息的需求⽆所不在. The need for information cross all borders.
total recall9. 不穿西装也可以严肃认真. You can be rious without a suit.
10. 仅有优秀是远远不够的. Great just isn’t good enough.