Google is the most popular company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. The term ‘Google’ comes from a mathematical word ‘googol,’ which means one with a hundred zeros. Google is the largest global market for arch engines.
Google is an internet savvy market that has created a global impact. Its principal activities are to provide online advertising and arch engine. Google also manages hardware and software products and operating systems. It has extended its business of delivering as well as lling products and rvices in over 50 countries.
空中旅行 Google has overturned the lives of people with its system of world information accessible and uful.
Long and Short Essay on Google for Students and Kids in English
We have mentioned two essays- a 500 words Long Essay and a 200 words Short Essay. The extended essay on Google consists of 400-500 words. The Long essay is a guideline t
world是什么意思hat helps students with assignments and exams. The short essay on Google is written for 200 words and is suitable for children and kids with their classwork.
honor什么意思Long Essay On Google 500 Words in English
炫耀是什么意思shields The below- mentioned long essay is for pupils aspiring for competitive exam and tho belonging to class 6,7,8,9, and 10, respectively. The essay guides the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks,
Google is the leading Internet arch engine optimization and provides its primary rvices with targeted arch outcomes. It holds conquences from over eight billion web pages. Google was developed by two Stanford dropouts Larry Page and Sergey Brin, from a college project. The current CEO of Google is the proud Indian- Sundar Pichai.
Google made a life-changing announcement in August 2015, where it declared to restructure its leading subsidiary conglomerate- Alphabet Inc. This subsidiary was the um
brella company that managed all of the Alphabet’s Internet interests. While Larry Page upheld his position as the CEO of Alphabet, Sundar Pichai was nominated as the CEO of Google.