中共中央总书记 | General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee |
政治局常委 | Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee |
政治局委员 | Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee |
书记处书记 | Member, cretariat of the CPC Central Committee |
中央委员 | Member, Central Committee |
候补委员 | Alternate Member |
省委/市委书记 | Secretary, Hunan Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC |
党组书记 | Secretary, Party Leadership Group |
国家主席/副主席 | President/Vice President, the People's Republic of China |
全国人大委员长/副委员长 | Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People's Congress |
秘书长 | Secretary-General |
常务秘书长 | Executive Vice Secretary-General |
副秘书长 | Vice Secretary-General |
主任委员 | Chairman |
委员 | Member |
(地方人大)主任 | Chairman, Local People's Congress |
人大代表 | Deputy to the People's Congress |
国务院总理 | Premier, State Council |
国务委员 | State Councilor hight |
秘书长 | Secretary-General |
(国务院各委员会)主任 | Minister in Charge of Commission for |
(国务院各部)部长 | Minister |
部长助理 | Assistant Minister |
司长 | Director |
局长 | Director |
省长 | Governor |
常务副省长 | Executive Vice Governor |
副省长 | Vice Governor |
厅长(局长、主任) | Director-General |
副厅长(副局长、副主任) | Deputy Director-General |
巡视员/助理巡视员 | Counl/ Assistant Counl |
处长/副处长 | Director of Division/ Deputy Director |
调研员/助理调研员 | Consultant/ Assistant Consultant |
科长/副科长 | Section Chief/ Deputy Section Chief |
主任科员 | Principal Staff Member |
副主任科员 | Senior Staff Member |
科员 | Staff Member |
办事员 | Clerk |
院长/副院长 | President/ Vice-President |
常务副院长 | Executive Vice-President |
独任仲裁员 | Sole Arbitrator |
审判长 | presiding judge |
审判员 | judge |
首席大法官 | chief justice |
大法官 | Associate Justices / Justice |
法官 | Judges |
法警 | Bailiff; Court Police |
审判委员会委员 | Member of the Judicial Committeeelectra |
助理审判员 | Assistant Judge |
代理审判员 | Acting Judge |
陪审员 | Juror |
书记员 | Clerk |
法律文书 | Legal Instruments/Papers |
检察长/副检察长 | Procurator-General/ Deputy Procurator-General |
首席检察官 | chief procurator |
大检察官 | Chief Procurator/ Deputy Chief Procurator |
高级检察官 | Senior procurator |
检察委员会委员 | Member of the Procuratorial Committee |
法庭庭长 | Chief judge of a tribunal |
检察员 | Procurator |
助理检察员 | Assistant Procurator |
仲裁员 | arbitrator |
自治区人民政府主席 | Chairman, Autonomous Regional People's Government |
地区专员 | Commissioner, prefecture |
香港特别行政区行政长官 | Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
市长/副市长 | Mayor/Vice Mayor |
区长 | Chief Executive, District Government |
县长 | Chief Executive, County Government |
乡镇长 | Chief Executive, Township Government |
秘书长 | Secretary-General |
办公厅主任 | Director, General Office |
(部委办)主任 | Director |
警员 | Constable |
警司 | Superintendent |
警督 | Supervisor |
警监 | Commissioner |
总警监 | Commissioner General |
公证员 | Notary Public |
律师 | Lawyer |
监狱长 | Warden |
人民检察院检察长 | Procurator-General, People's procuratorates |
法警 | Judicial Policeman |
法医 | Legal Medical Expert |
书记 | Clerk of the Court |
审判员 | Judge | chine input
审判长 | Chief Judge |
人民法庭庭长 | Chief Judge, People's Tribunals |
人民法院院长 | President, People's Courts |
处长/副处长 | Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief |
科长/股长 | Section Chief |
科员 | Clerk/Officer |
发言人 | Spokesman |
顾问 | Advir |
参事 | Counlor |
巡视员 | Inspector/Monitor |
特派员 | Commissioner |
销售副总裁 | Vice-President of Sales |
高级客户经理 | Senior Customer Manager |
销售经理 | Sales Manager |
地区销售经理 | Regional Sales Manager |
采购经理 | Merchandising Manager |
销售助理 | Sales Assistant |
批发采购员 | Wholesale Buyer |
电话调查员 | Tele-Interviewer |
房地产评估师 | Real Estate Apprair |
市场顾问 | Marketing Consultant |
市场与销售总监 | Marketing and Sales Director |
市场调查分析员 | Market Rearch Analyst |
厂家代表 | Manufacture’s Reprentative |
分公司权利总监 | Director of Subsidiary Rights |
销售代表 | Sales Reprentative |
客户管理助理 | Assistant Customer Executive |
市场实习 | Marketing Intern |
市场总监 | Marketing Director |
保险代理人 | Insurance Agent |
客户经理 | Customer Manager |
市场副总裁 | Vice-President of Marketing |
地区客户经理 | videos是什么意思 Regional Customer Manager |
销售主管 | Sales Administrator |
电话销售总监 | Telemarketing Director |
电话销售员 | Telemarketer |
销售执行者 | Sales Executive |
市场助理 | Marketing Assistant |
零售采购员 | Retail Buyer |
房地产经理 | Real Estate Manager |
房地产经纪人 | Real Estate Broker |
采购代理 | Purchasing Agent |
产品开发 | Product Developer |
市场经理 | Marketing Manager |
广告协调员 | Advertising Coordinator |
广告助理 | Advertising Assistant |
广告文撰写人 | commissionAd Copywriter(Direct Mail) |
客户代表 | Customer Reprentative |
网络管理经理 | Manager of Network Administration |
电脑部经理 | MIS Manager |
项目经理 | Project Manager |
技术工程师 | Technical Engineer |
开发工程师 | Developmental Engineer |
系统程序员 | Systems Programmer |
局域网管理员 | Administrator |
操作分析员 | Operations Analyst |
电脑操作员 | Computer Operator |
产品支持经理 | Product Support Manager |
电脑操作主管 | Computer Operations Supervisor |
信息服务主管 | Director of Information Services |
系统工程师 | Systems Engineer |
硬件工程师 | Hardware Engineer |
应用软件程序员 | Applications Programmer |
信息分析 | Information Analyst |
系统分析 | LAN Systems Analyst |
统计员 | Statistician |
人力资源总监scientists | Director of Human Resources |
人事助理 | Assistant Personnel Officer |
薪酬经理 | Compensation Manager |
招募顾问 | Employment Consultant |
后勤经理 | Facility Manager |
人员配置专员 | Job Placement Officer |
英文慰问信劳动关系专员 | Labor Relations Specialist |
招聘人员 | Recruiter |
培训专员 | Training Specialist |
人力资源副总裁 | Vice-President of Human Resources |
人力资源副总裁助理 | Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources |
职员经理 | Personnel Manager |
员工福利协调员 | Benefits Coordinator |
员工关系代表 | Employer Relations Reprentative |
员工顾问 | Personnel Consultant |
校长/坦泰尼克号电影副校长 | President/ Vice President |
教务长 | Dean of Academic Affairs |
学务长 | Dean of Student Affairs |
总务长 | Dean of General Affairs |
院长/副院长 | Dean/ Deputy Dean/Associate Dean |
主任委员 | Commissioner |
馆长(图书馆) | Curator |
主任/所长 | Director |
主任秘书/秘书长 | Secretary-General |
系主任 | Chairperson/Chairman |
科主任 | Section Head |
处长/场长(山地农场、农试场、实验林) | Manager |
院长(动物医院) | Superintendent |
会计主任 | Comptroller |
会计主任(农学院附设机构) | Chief Accounting Officer |
组长/组主任 | Section Chief |
股长 | Subction Chief |
名誉教授 | Professor Emeritus |
副教授 | Associate Professor |
助理教授 | Assistant Professor |
讲师 | Instructor |
助教 | Teaching Assistant |
兼任教授 | Adjunct Professor |
客座讲座教授 | Visiting Chair Professor |
客座教授 | Visiting Professor |
客座专家 | Visiting Specialist |
临床教授 | Clinical Professor |
教授级专业技术人员 | Professor Rank Technical Expert |
专案计画讲座教授 | Project-Appointed Chair Professor |
专案计画教授 | Project-Appointed Professor |
专案计画博士后研究 | Project-Appointed Post-Doctoral Fellow |
研究员/副研究员 | Rearch Fellow/ Associate Rearch Fellow |
助理研究员 | Assistant Rearch Fellow |
研究助理 | Rearch Assistant |
特约研究员 | Contract Rearch Fellow |
特聘研究讲座 | Distinguished Rearch Chair Professor |
研究讲座 | Rearch Chair Professor |
特聘讲座 | Distinguished Chair Professor |
兼任专技教师 | Adjunct Professional Expert |
英文秘书 | English Secretary |
特别助理 | Special Assistant |
委员 | Member of |
总教官 | Chief Military Instructor |
军训主任教官 | Military Training Director |
军训教官 | Military Training Instructor |
专门委员 | Senior Administrative Officer |
编纂 | Senior Administrative Officer |
编审 | Administrative Assistant |
专员 | Administrative Assistant |
训导员(辅导员) | Administrative Assistant |
组员 | Senior Clerk |
办事员 | Clerk |
书记 | Associate Clerk |
人事管理员 | Personnel Staff |
兼办人事 | Joint-Appointment Personnel Staff |
会计员 | Accounting Staff |
兼办会计 | Joint-Appointment Accountant |
约聘人员 | Contract Staff |
技正 | Technical Specialist |
技士 | Senior Technician |
技佐 | Technician |
医师 | 职业化心态Doctor |
药师 | Pharmacist |
护士长/护理长 | Head Nur |
护理师 | Senior Nur |
营养师 | Nutritionist |
社会工作员 | Social Worker |
主治兽医师 | Chief Veterinarian |
兽医师 | Veterinarian |
程式设计师 | Systems Designer |
资料管理师 | Data Manager |
程式设计员 | Junior Systems Designer / Programmer |
一等贵仪技术师 | Precision Instrument Specialist I |
驻警队长 | Campus Security Supervisor |
驻警副队长 | Campus Security Assistant Supervisor |
驻警小队长 | Campus Security Officer |
驻警队员 | Campus Security Guard |
技工 | Technical Worker |
首长座车驾驶 | Chauffeur |
执行长 | Executive Director |
规划师 | Contract Planner |
工程师 | Contract Engineer |
船务监督 | Ship Affairs Superintendent |
船务助理 | Ship Affairs Assistant |
职务代理人 | tag Deputy |
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