(2002年6⽉29⽇第九届全国⼈民代表⼤会常务委员会第⼆⼗⼋次会议通过根据2009年8⽉27⽇第⼗⼀届全国⼈民代表⼤会常务委员会第⼗次会议关于《关于修改部分法律的决定》第⼀次修正根据2014年8⽉31⽇第⼗⼆届全国⼈民代表⼤会常务委员会第⼗次会议《关于修改〈中华⼈民共和国安全⽣产法〉的决定》第⼆次修正)⽬录第⼀章 总 则
第⼆章 ⽣产经营单位的安全⽣产保障第三章 从业⼈员的安全⽣产权利义务第四章 安全⽣产的监督管理第五章 ⽣产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理第六章 法律责任第七章 附 则
第⼀章总 则
第⼀条 为了加强安全⽣产⼯作,防⽌和减少⽣产安全事故,保障⼈民群众⽣命和财产安全,促进经济社会持续健康发展,制定本法。
第⼆条 在中华⼈民共和国领域内从事⽣产经营活动的单位(以下统称⽣产经营单位)的安全⽣产,适⽤本法;有关法律、⾏政法规对消防安全和道路交通安全、铁路交通安全、⽔上交通安全、民⽤航空安全以及核与辐射安全、特种设备安全另有规定的,适⽤其规定。
第三条 安全⽣产⼯作应当以⼈为本,坚持安全发展,坚持安全第⼀、预防为主、综合治理的⽅针,强化和落实⽣产经营单位的主体责任,建⽴⽣产经营单位负责、职⼯参与、政府监管、⾏业⾃律和社会监督的机制。
第四条 ⽣产经营单位必须遵守本
Law of the People's Republic of China on Work safety
(Adopted at the 28th ssion of the Standing Committee of the Ninth ational People's Congress on June 29, 2002; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amending Certain Laws adopted at the 10th ssion of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on August 27, 2009; and amended for the cond time according to the Decision on Amending the Law of the People's Republic of China on Work safety adopted at the 10th ssion of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on August 31, 2014)Table of Contents
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Safeguards for Work Safety of Business Entities Chapter III Rights and Obligations of Employees in Work Safety Chapter IV Work Safety Supervision and Administration
Chapter V Emergency Rescue, Investigation and Handling of Work Safety Accidents Chapter VI Legal Liability
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
Chapter I General Provisions
skyscraperArticle 1 To reinforce work safety, prevent and reduce work safety accidents, protect the life and property safety of the people, and promote the sustainable and sound economic and social development, this Law is developed.
Article 2 This Law is applicable to the work safety of entities engaged in roduction and other business activities (hereinafter referred to as the “business entities”) within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Where a relevant law or administrative regulation provides otherwi for fire safety, road traffic safety, railway traffic safety, waterway traffic safety, civil aviation safety, nuclear and radiation safety, or safety of special equipment, the provisions of such a law or administrative regulation shall apply.Article 3 In work safety, the notion of “peopleoriented and safe development” and the principle of “safety first, focusing on prevention, and integrated control” shall be adhered to, the primary responsibilities of business entities shall be reinforced and enforced, and
a mechanism including the responsibilities of business entities, participation of employees, governmental regulation, industry lfregulation, and supervision from the general public shall be established.
英语作文我的暑假Article 4 Business entities must comply with this Law and other
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laws and regulations related to work safety, strengthen work safety management, establish and improve their work safety responsibility systems and work safety polices and rules, enhance work safety conditions, promote work safety standardization, improve their work safety levels, and ensure work safety.
kate voegele
Article 5 The primary person in charge of a business entity shall be fully responsible for the business entity's work safety.
Article 6 Employees of a business entity shall be entitled to safeguards for work safety according to the law, and perform work safety obligations according to the law.
Article 7 Trade unions shall overe work safety.
The trade union of a business entity shall organize employees to participate in the democratic management and oversight of work safety of the business entity, and protect the lawful rights and interests of employees in terms of work safety. To develop or amend polices and rules related to work safety, a business entity shall hear the opinions of its trade union.
Article 8 The State Council and the local people's governments at and above the county level shall develop and organize the implementation of general plans on work safety in accordance with the national economic and social development plans. General plans on work safety shall be connected with general plans on urban and rural development.
The State Council and the local people's governments at and above the county level shall strengthen their leadership in work safety, support and supervi the relevant departments in performing their regulatory duties in work safety according to the law, establish and improve work safety coordination mechanisms, and provide timely coordination and solutions to the major issues existing in work safety supervision and administration.
The people's governments of townships and towns and the branch offices of the local people's governments such as subdistrict offices and development zone management institutions shall, accor培训机构网站
ding to their duties, strengthen the supervisory inspection on work safety of business entities within their respective administrative regions, and assist the relevant departments of the people's governments at a higher level in performing their regulatory duties in work safety according to the law.
Article 9 The work safety administrative department of the State Council shall conduct comprehensive supervision and administration of work safety nationwide in accordance with this Law; and the work safety administrative departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level shall conduct comprehensive supervision and administration of work safety within their respective administrative regions in accordance with this Law. The relevant departments of the State Council shall, in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, conduct supervision and administration of work safety in the 法和其他有关安全⽣产的法律、法规,加强安全⽣产管理,建⽴、健全安全⽣产责任制和安全⽣产规章制度,改善安全⽣产条件,推进安全⽣产标准化建设,提⾼安全⽣产⽔平,确保安全⽣产。
第五条 ⽣产经营单位的主要负责⼈对本单位的安全⽣产⼯作全⾯负责。
第六条 ⽣产经营单位的从业⼈员有依法获得安全⽣产保障的权利,并应当依法履⾏安全⽣产⽅⾯的义务。
第七条 ⼯会依法对安全⽣产⼯作进⾏监督。
第⼋条 国务院和县级以上地⽅各级⼈民政府应当根据国民经济和社会发展规划制定安全⽣产规划,并组织实施。安全⽣产规划应当与城乡规划相衔接。
doubt的用法第九条 国务院安全⽣产监督管理部门依照本法,对全国安全⽣产⼯作实施综合监督管理;县级以上地⽅各级⼈民政府安全⽣产监督管理部门依照本法,对本⾏政区域内安全⽣产⼯作实施综合监督管理。
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假如我是校长relevant ctors or fields within their respective scopes of duties; and the relevant departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level shall, in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws and regulations, conduct supervision and administration of work safety in the relevant ctors or fields within their respective scopes of duties. The work safety administrative departments and the departments conducting supervision and administration of work safety in the relevant ctors or fields are collectively referred to as the departments with work safety regulatory functions.
Article 10 The relevant departments of the State Council shall, according to the requirements for safeguarding work safety, develop relevant national or industry standards in a timely manner according to the law, and amend such standards
appropriately on the basis of technological advancement and economic development. Business entities must implement the national or industry standards for safeguarding work safety developed a
ccording to the law.
Article 11 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments thereof shall strengthen the publicity of laws and regulations on work safety and work safety knowledge in various forms to rai the work safety awareness of the whole society.
Article 12 The relevant associations shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and their articles of association, provide business entities with information, training, and other rvices related to work safety, play their lfregulatory roles, and promote the enhanced work safety management of business entities.
Article 13 Institutions legally formed to provide work safety technical and management rvices shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and standards of practice, provide work safety technical and management rvices for business entities as agreed upon therewith.
Where a business entity employs an aforesaid institution to provide work safety technical or management rvices, the business entity shall remain responsible for ensuring its work safety.
Article 14 The state shall apply an accountability enforcement system to work safety accidents, and t
he persons liable for such accidents shall be subject to legal liability in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws and regulations. Article 15 The state shall encourage and support the scientific and technological rearch on work safety and the promotion and application of advanced work safety technology to improve the level of work safety. Article 16 The state shall confer awards on entities and individuals which have made outstanding achievements in improving work safety conditions, preventing work safety accidents, and participating in rescue operations, among others.全⽣产⼯作实施监督管理;县级以上地⽅各级⼈民政府有关部门依照本法和其他有关法律、法规的规定,在各⾃的职责范围内对有关⾏业、领域的安全⽣产⼯作实施监督管理。
第⼗条 国务院有关部门应当按照保障安全⽣产的要求,依法及时制定有关的国家标准或者⾏业标准,并根据科技进步和经济发展适时修订。
第⼗⼀条 各级⼈民政府及其有关部门应当采取多种形式,加强对有关安全⽣产的法律、法规和安全⽣产知识的宣传,增强全社会的安全⽣产意识。
第⼗⼆条 有关协会组织依照法律、⾏政法规和章程,为⽣产经营单位提供安全⽣产⽅⾯的信息、培训等服务,发挥⾃律作⽤,促进⽣产经营单位加强安全⽣产管理。
第⼗三条 依法设⽴的为安全⽣产提供技术、管理服务的机构,依照法律、⾏政法规和执业准则,接受⽣产经营单位的委托为其安全⽣产⼯作提供技术、管理服务。
第⼗四条 国家实⾏⽣产安全事故责任追究制度,依照本法和有关法律、法规的规定,追究⽣产安全事故责任⼈员的法律责任。
第⼗五条 国家⿎励和⽀持安全⽣产科学技术研究和安全⽣产先进技术的推⼴应⽤,提⾼安全⽣产⽔平。
第⼗六条 国家对在改善安全⽣产条件、防⽌⽣产安全事故、参加抢险救护等⽅⾯取得显著成绩的单位和个⼈,给予奖励。
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Chapter II Safeguards for Work Safety of Business Entities
Article 17 Business entities shall meet the work safety conditions prescribed by this Law and other relevant laws, administrative regulations, and national or industry standards. Business entities not meeting such conditions shall not be engaged in production and other business activities.
Article 18 The primary person in charge of a business entity shall have the following duties in the work safety of the business entity:
(1) Establishing and improving the work safety responsibility system of the business entity.
(2) Organizing the development of policies, rules, and operating procedures for work safety of the business entity.
(3) Organizing the development and implementation of the work safety education and training plans of the business entity.
(4) Ensuring the effective utilization of the work safety input of the business entity.
(5) Supervising and inspecting the work safety of the business entity to eliminate hidden risks of work safety accidents in a timely manner.
(6) Organizing the preparation and implementation of the business entity's emergency rescue plans for work safety accidents.德文
(7) Reporting work safety accidents in a timely and honest manner.
Article 19 The work safety responsibility system of a business entity shall specify the responsible person for each position, the scope of duties, and the evaluation criteria, among others.
A business entity shall establish corresponding mechanisms to strengthen the supervision and evaluation of the implementation of its work safety responsibility system and ensure the implementation of the system.
Article 20 Input of funds necessary for a business entity to meet the prescribed work safety conditions shall be guaranteed by the decisionmaking body or the primary person in charge of the business entity or the lfemployed investor of the business entity, and such a body, person in charge, or investor shall be liable for the conquences of insufficient input of funds necessary for work safety.
The business entity shall, as legally required, t aside and u work safety expens exclusively for
improving work safety conditions. The actual amount of work safety expens shall be included in costs. The specific measures for the taside, u, supervision, and administration of work safety expens shall be 第⼆章 ⽣产经营单位的安全⽣产保障第⼗七 条⽣产经营单位应当具备本法和有关法律、⾏政法规和国家标准或者⾏业标准规定的安全⽣产条件;不具备安全⽣产条件的,不得从事⽣产经营活动。
第⼗九条 ⽣产经营单位的安全⽣产责任制应当明确各岗位的责任⼈员、责任范围和考核标准等内容。
第⼆⼗条 ⽣产经营单位应当具备的安全⽣产条件所必需的资⾦投⼊,由⽣产经营单位的决策机构、主要负责⼈或者个⼈经营的投资⼈予以保证,并对由于安全⽣产所必需的资⾦投⼊不⾜导致的后果承担责任。
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developed by the financial department of the State Council in conjunction with the work safety administrative department of the State Council after solicitation of the opinions of other relevant departments of the State Council.
Article 21 An entity engaged in mining, metal smelting, building onstruction, or road transportation or
an entity manufacturing, marketing, or storing hazardous substances shall establish a work safety management body or have fulltime work safety management personnel.
Any business entity other than tho specified in the preceding paragraph shall establish a work safety management body or have fulltime work safety management personnel if the number of its employees exceeds 100; or shall have fulltime or parttime work safety management personnel if the number of its employees is 100 or less.
Article 22 The work safety management body and work safety management personnel of a business entity shall perform the
following duties:
(1) Organizing or participating in the development of the work safety policies, rules and operating procedures and the emergency rescue plans for work safety accidents of the business entity.
(2) Organizing or participating in and honestly recording the work safety education and training of the business entity.
(3) Supervising the implementation of safety control measures for the major hazard installations of th
e business entity.
(4) Organizing or participating in the emergency rescue rehearsals of the business entity.
(5) Inspecting the work safety condition of the business entity, conducting screening for any hidden risks of work safety accidents in a timely manner, and offering recommendations for improving work safety management.
(6) Prohibiting and redressing any command against rules, forced operation at risk, or violation of the operating procedures.
(7) Supervising the work safety corrective actions taken by the business entity.
Article 23 The work safety management body and work safety management personnel of a business entity shall faithfully and legally perform their duties.
In making work safetyrelated business decisions, a business entity shall hear the opinions of its work safety management body and work safety management personnel.
A business entity may not lower the wages, welfare, and other remuneration of or rescinds the emplo
yment contract with a work safety management employee becau of the employee's performance of duties according to the law.部门会同国务院安全⽣产监督管理部门征求国务院有关部门意见后制定。
第⼆⼗⼀条 矿⼭、⾦属冶炼、建筑施⼯、道路运输单位和危险物品的⽣产、经营、储存单位,应当设置安全⽣产管理机构或者配备专职安全⽣产管理⼈员。
第⼆⼗⼆条 ⽣产经营单位的安全⽣产管理机构以及安全⽣产管理⼈员履⾏下列职责:
第⼆⼗三条 ⽣产经营单位的安全⽣产管理机构以及安全⽣产管理⼈员应当恪尽职守,依法履⾏职责。
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An entity manufacturing or storing hazardous substances or engaged in mining or metal smelting shall inform the competent department with work safety regulatory functions of any appointment or removal of work safety management personnel. Article 24 The primary person in charge and the work safety
management personnel of a business entity must have work safety knowledge and management capabilities commensurate with the business activities of the business entity.askew
The primary person in charge and the work safety management personnel of an entity manufacturing, marketing, or storing hazardous substances or an entity engaged in mining, metal smelting, building construction, or road transportation shall pass the asssment on their work safety knowledge and management capabilities conducted by the competent department with