Chapter One English Histiory
I. Choo the Correct Answer from Each of the Following.
1. In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at .
A. the Battle of Crecy C. the Battle of Hastings
B. the Battle of Agincourt D. the Battle of Waterloo
2. One of the following did not take place during the Middle Ages. It was .
A. the Norman Conquest C. the Hundred Years War
B. the Crusades D. the “Gunpowder Plot”
3. The most famous of the English Crusaders was the Norman king, .
A. Richard Lion-Heart C. King Arthur
B. King John D. Alfred the Greatbanabana
4. For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a (n) 法学硕士和法律硕士的区别 aristocracy.
A. English-speaking C. German-speaking
B. French-speaking D. Gaelic-speaking
5. In England, the Protestant Reformation began with .
A. King John C. Queen Elizabeth
kuaB. Henry VIII D. Bloody Mary
6. Shakespeare lived in the period of .part of me
A. the Middle Ages C. the Elizabethan age
B. the Victorian age D. the Industrial Revolution
7. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy took place during .ab
A. the Middle Ages C. the Elizabethan age
B. the “grab for Africa” D. the Victorian age
8. The “Gunpowder Plot” took place in the reign of .
A. James I C. Henry VIII
B. Elizabeth I D. Charles I
9. The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who was condemned to death during the English Civil War was .
A. Henry VIII C. Charles I
B. James I D. James II
10. During the whole of the eighteenth century, England’s great enemy was .
A. Spain C. America
B. France D. Germany
11. One of the following did not take place during the eighteenth century in British history. It was .
A. great victories over France C. the loss of her American colonies
B. the Industrial Revolution D. the founding of the modern police force
12. The Reform Bill in the eighteenth century in British history was made to .
A. extend the franchi C. encourage inventions
B. develop trade unions D. improve social rvices
13. One of the following was not a characteristic of the Victorian age.
A. It was an age of national development and national optimism.
B. It was an age of stability in family life.
C. It was an age of imperialism.
D. It was an age of lack of belief in religion.
14. One of the following did not take place between the two world wars in British history. It was .
A. the “suffragette” movement
B. the independence of the southern part of Ireland
C. the great “slump”
D. the General Strike
15. Which of the following did not take place after the Second World War in British history?
A. The independence of the colonies of the old British empire
B. The availability of TV ts and cars to almost every home
C. The “suffragette” movement
D. The founding of the “Welfare State”
II. Fill in the Blanks
1. The Crusades were a ries of wars in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the “ ” (i. e. Palestine, where Jesus Christ once lived) from the zra>rm16 .
commissioner2. In British history, the great rivals of the king’s authority during the Middle Ages were
and the local chiefs, called .
3. All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke as their mother tongue, and after the Hundred Years’ War, the language took its place.
4. During the Hundred Years’ War between England and France, English bowmen defeated the heavily armed French knights in the famous Battles of and , and the whole of France very nearly fell into English hands.
5. The sixteenth century was the age of great voyages of discovery. pest and were the two great sailors who started the age of discovery.
7. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in Britain in the reign of .
8. Most people associate the Elizabethan age with two things. The first is .The other is .
9. The greatest sailor who led the English fleet to victory in fighting the Spanish Armada was .
10. The English Civil War resulted in the temporary overthrow of the , and the country became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by .