辨别:under the sun 和 in the sunattender
①under the sun
可解作beneath the sun。它是个习语,决不可译作"在太阳下"。它有两个意思和用法:
森本慎太郎2.用于加强语气,常放在疑问词之后,意为"到底,究竟",等于on the earth。例如:
The President's assassination shocked everyone under the sun.
总统遇刺,全世界都为之震惊。卑鄙的我 2
In his opinion, California has the best climate under the sun.
cuban missile crisisWhat under the sun did he do it for? 他做那件事到底是为了什么?
②in the sun
His character is as fickle as the icicle in the sun.
kiss me goodbye
Don't read in the sun. 不要在阳光下看书。
The cat likes to sit in the sun. 猫爱晒太阳。
ackyThe new generation of writers has achieved a place in the sun. 新一代的作家已经功成名就。
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