elinor ostrom1 安徒生童话风车的故事简介rl是什么意思啊
2 安徒生童话风车的故事
occupy什么意思3 安徒生童话风车的故事英文版
Windmill stood upon the hill,proud to look at,and it was proud too.
“I am not proud at all,” it said,“but I am very much enlightened without and within. I have sun and moon for my outward u,and for inward u too; and into the bargain I have stearine candles,train oil and lamps,and tallow candles. I may well say that I’m enlightened. I’m a thinking being,and so well constructed that it’s quite delightful. I have a good windpipe in my chest,and I have four wings that are placed outside my head,just beneath my hat. The birds have only two wings,and are obliged to carry them on their backs. I am a Dutchman by birth,that may be en by my figure—a flying Dutchman. They are considered supernatural beings,I know,and yet I am quite natural. I have a gallery round my chest,and hou-room beneath it; that’s where my thoughts dwell. My strongest thought,who rules and reigns,is called by others ‘The Man in the Mill.’He knows what he wants,and is lord over the meal and the bran; but he has his companion,too,and she calls herlf ‘Mother.’She is the very heart of me. She does not run about stupidly and awkwardly,for she knows what she wants,she knows what she can do,she’s as soft as a zephyr and as strong as a storm; she knows how to begin a thing carefully,and to have her own way. She is my soft temper,and the father is my hard one. They are two,and yet one; they each call the other ‘My half.
’The two have some little boys,young thoughts,that can grow. The little ones keep everything in order. When,lately,in my wisdom,
offer是什么意思I let the father and the boys examine my throat and the hole in my chest,to e what was going on there,—for something in me was out of order,and it’s well to examine one’s lf,—the little ones made a tremendous noi. The youngest jumped up into my hat,and shouted so there that it tickled me. The little thoughts may grow—I know that very well; and out in the world thoughts come too,and not only of my kind,for as far as I can e,I cannot discern anything like mylf; but the wingless hous,who throats make no noi,have thoughts too,and the come to my thoughts,and make love to them,as it is called. It’s wonderful enough—yes,there are many wonderful things. Something has come over me,or into me,—something has changed in the mill-work. It ems as if the one half,the father,had altered,and had received a better temper and a more affectionate helpmate—so young and good,and yet the same,only more gentle and good through the cour of time. What was bitter has pasd away,and the whole is much more comfortable.
“The days go on,and the days come nearer and nearer to clearness and to joy; and then a day will come when it will be over with me; but not over altogether. I must be pulled down that I may be built
some time
up again; I shall cea,but yet shall live on. To become quite a different being,and yet remain the same! That’s difficult for me to understand,however enlightened I may be with sun,moon,stearine,train oil,and tallow. My old wood-work and my old brick-work will ri again from the dust!
“I will hope that I may keep my old thoughts,the father in the mill,and the mother,great ones and little ones—the family; for I call them all,great and little,the company of thoughts,becau I must,and cannot refrain from it.
“And I must also remain ‘mylf,’with my throat in my chest,my wings on my head,the gallery round my body; el I should not know mylf,nor could the others know me,and say,‘There’s the mill on the hill,proud to look at,and yet not proud at all.’”
That is what the mill said. Indeed,it said much more,but that is the most important part. And the days came,and the days went,and yesterday was the last day.
ewThen the mill caught fire. The flames ro up high,and beat out and in,and bit at the beams and planks,and ate them up. The mill fell,and nothing remained of it but a heap of ashes. The smoke drove across the scene of the conflagration,and the wind carried it away.
Whatever had been alive in the mill remained,and what had been gained by it has nothing to do with this story.
The miller’s family—one soul,many thoughts,and yet only one—built a new,a splendid mill,which answered its purpo. It was quite like the old one,and people said,“Why,yonder is the mill on the hill,proud to look at!” But this mill w as better arranged,more according to the time than the last,so that progress might be made. The old beams had become worm-eaten and spongy—they lay in dust and ashes. The body of the mill did not ri out of the dust as they had believed it would do. They had taken it literally,and all things are not to be taken literally.
4 安徒生童话风车的故事读后感
karl lagerfeld磨坊里曾经拥有的东西,现在仍然活着,并没有因为这件意外事件而被毁掉。反倒还因为这个意外事件而得到许多好处。有些事情过去了就是过去了,当初的信誓旦旦,只不过抓住了自己某个深信不疑的支点。只要这个支点垮了,它承载的一切看似雄伟的构想,都会立刻无影无踪。
5 安徒生童话风车的故事作者