在整个建设工程项目的招投标过程中,技术投标文件作为投标文件的一部分,起着非常重要的作用。技术标真对项目管理机构设置、施工总体部署、主要分部分项工程施工方案、现场安全文明施工措施、环境保护措施、技术节约及降低成本措施等方面尽可能做到充分考虑,以达到全面性、科学性、适用性即及针对性,是确保最终顺利完成工程项目的建设。本设计以“育龙小区工程项目”为例进行技术投标文件设计。在技术投标文件设计的过程中,通过认真研究招标文件中对于技术标的要求,了解各项规章、规程,并查阅相关文献,编制了一份完整的技术投标文件。过程中运用了Project2007、CAD等软件来完成文件中的部分内容。最终成果包括:技术标文件编制依据、组织结构、施工准备、施工进度计划、施工管理措施以及施工现场平面布置图和施工进度计划甘特图等内容。every valley
In the bidding process for construction projects, the designing of jhttechnical bidding document in the entire designing process of the bidding documents is very important.In order to ensure that the final successful completion of the project construction ,technical bi
dding must give full consideration to the project management institutions, the environmental protection measures, technology savings and cost-cutting measures and so on. Therefore, I prepared a technical bidding document in the ca of “Yu Long residential project’s construction”. 二年级英语Before I started, I have summarized the characteristics of this project by Theoretical analysis method and studied the requirements of the tender documents for the technical bidding雅思学校首选北京新航道. Finally, I finished the complete 芝加哥有什么大学technical bidding documents.In the design process, I have u Project2007, CAD and other software to complete the part of the technical bidding document. My Final results include basishotmail of the technical bidding document, organizational structure, construction preparation,鲜为人知是什么意思 construction schedule, construction management measures as well as the construction site layout plan and construction schedule, Gantt map .
Key words: Deployment of construction, construction preparation, layout, schedule