2008 BSA/IIDA/ASID Interior Architecture/Interior Design Awards Program Jurors’ Comments
This year we had the opportunity to review 82 submissions to this biennial design awards program. We received a variety of project types, including corporate office, education, hospitality, medical rvice (with an emphasis on pediatric care) and high-end residential housing projects. Surprisingly, we saw very few retail, single-family housing or public projects.
In general, the quality of work was high, though a majority of the projects struck us as competent, rather than innovative or exciting, frequently offering good details that did not quite unite the whole. Only a handful of projects were eking LEED certification, but it was clear that most designers have internalized the tacit requirement to provide sustainable solutions; this awareness was most articulately expresd through materials choice and daylighting solutions.
We noticed in veral project types — retail, hospitality, education, and corporate office -- a trend towar
d design that provides maximum transparency and openness. This broadly applied concept appears to be an example of design keeping pace with business trends as well as following a generational mandate to create spaces that promote collaboration and group interaction. In addition to supporting changed social behaviors this trend also supports tighter budget requirements by decreasing the required per-person square footage.
In addition, we saw veral projects that sought to create another type of transparency — this one between indoors and outdoors; in one instance, designers brought the natural elements directly into a living space; other projects provided deep visual connection to the outdoors by painting interior walls to reflect and extend the outside view.
Smartly conceived ceilings added verve to many projects, introducing a design element to many rooms without interfering with programmatic requirements, in many instances partially suspended ceilings provided rooms with scale, enhanced daylighting or acoustical depth.唇部保养
Becau the documents reprent a juror’s only opportunity to asss a project’s values and virtues, it’s incumbent on us to add a few thoughts about the prentations themlves. We encourage designers to:
•put your best photograph, or “money shot,” up front to excite us right away;
•leave out poor photographs, they only detract;
•edit your portfolios as if you were personally walking us through the space and telling the story;
•caption your photos so we understand why it’s important for us to be looking at each image you prent;
•be careful-- don’t make us wonder which caption and image belong together;dead汉语什么意思
•provide us with bullets rather than narrative pro so we can be sure we grasp the central points that you want to make;
•remember to tell us about the client’s goals for the project, especially as you boast about meeting them;
•show us in images anything significant you claim in writing; and
avoid using thin acetate sleeve (we like to e your work without the cloudy
We have chon to honor 11 projects this year and have bad our judgments on what we consider to be excellent design. We recognized surprising respons to programmatic requirements, innovations of all sort, beautiful work that was technically well executed, and projects with clear conceptual connections between the building and its interior. We spoke often about our shared desire to dwell in the spaces that we lected and, in the text below, we offer a few comments specific to each honored project.
As always, rving as jurors in a program such as this is an educational experience for the jury and that was the ca this time for us. We wish to express our appreciation to the BSA and to ASID and IIDA for this opportunity and we encourage all interior designers and architects to consider submitting work to this program again in 2010 as we ek to rai professional and public awareness of the possibilities of good design.
The Jurors
Marty Anderson (Fidelity Real Estate Co., Boston)
Mark Hutker AIA (Hutker Architects, Falmouth MA)
Angie Lee FAIA IIDA (SmithGroup, Chicago)
英文请假条Felice Silverman IIDA (Silverman Trykowski Associates, Boston
Grant Recital Hall (Providence RI)
for Brown University
designed by Brian Healy Architects (Somerville MA)…E.W. Burman, Inc. (general contractor, Warwick RI); Richmond So Engineers (structural engineer, Watertown MA); The Collaborative Engineers (M/E/P/FP engineer, Boston); Lam Partners (lighting consultant, Cambridge MA); Kirkegaard Associates (acoustics and a/v engineer, Chicago); Campbell-McCabe (architectural hardware, Waltham MA)
Like a glimpd ankle, this light and airy performance studio, a renovation described by one of us as “best in show,” emerges yet hides…A graceful quence throughout, the hall is an intimate, sinuous line of warmly lit, interlocked shapes and spaces…The tonal qualities of the visual environment are especially harmonic, with details beginning at the sidewalk… A perforated bamboo screen around thfifth
e stage defines the space and provides acoustical depth…This project reprents wonderfully consistent, mysterious, authoritative design.
Circa Restaurant (Memphis)
for John Bragg
designed by 3SIX0 Architecture & Design (Providence RI)…Metro Construction (general contractor, Memphis); Mystic Millwork (fabricator, Norwood MA); Yoder and Tidwell (structural engineer, Providence RI)
Incorporating a poetic interplay between solids and voids, this long and narrow restaurant makes creative u of a ries of 3-D aluminum screens cut with squiggle patterns of varying dimensions…The panels are not only ud to store wine, but to create privacy throughout the highly activated room…The screens provide the optical phenomenon of a moiré when one pass by them, but appear open when viewed directly…The back-lit cherry-paneled wall at the rear of the space offers a graphic interpretation of the screen wall’s moiré effect while providing much of the light to both restau
rant and bar…The floor is a polished, neutral counterpoint to the rest of the space…We wondered whether the choice of straight-backed chairs reprented a lost opportunity to incorporate the otherwi lively character established by the panels.
The Susan P. and Richard A. Friedman Study Center (Providence RI)
for Brown University
designed by Architecture Rearch Office (architect/interior design, New York City)…Shawmut Design and Construction (general contractor/construction manager, Providence); Leslie E. Robertson Associates (structural engineer, New York City);
Altieri Sebor Wieber (M/E/P engineer, Norwalk CT); Tillotson Design Associates (lighting designer, New York City); Shen Milsom & Wilke (acoustics/information technology, New York City); Hughes Associates (code and life safety, Great Neck NY); Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (landscape architect, New York City; Open (graphic design, New York City); Move Management (furniture vendor, Providence); Paul Warchol Photography (photographer, New York City)
Elegant and quiet, this renovation to the three lower floors of a Brutalist campus building introduces a creative u of signage to manage sound levels throughout the building and moveable curtainwalls made of resin that allow natural light to flood the core while still providing private areas in which to read, chat with friends or flirt…The walls are printed with dozens of quotations and illustrations from books found in the university’s library, including their call numbers, enabling curious students to find the permanent graffiti’s source…The collaborative work areas are fitted with translucent, writeable walls that bring openness to the process, revealing the work underway while making the product of that work part of the center’s visual environment.
Studzinksi Recital Hall at Bowdoin College (Brunswick ME)
a cupfor Bowdoin College
designed by William Rawn Associates, Architects (Boston)…H.P. Cummings Constructions Co. (general contractor, Winthrop ME); LeMessurier Consultants (structural engineer, Cambridge MA); TMP Consulting Engineers (M/E/P engineer, Boston); Carol R. Johnson Associates (landscape architect, Boston); Harimman Associates (civil engineer, Auburn ME); Horton Lees Brogden Lighting
Design (lighting consultant, New York City); Kirkegaard Associates (acoustics, Chicago); Theater Projects Consultant (S. Norwalk CT); Robert Benson (photographer, Hartford CT)
This below-street-level recital hall for student performers is a remarkable re-u of an historic swimming pool, completely integrated and beautifully executed…
A spare asmblage of materials, lighting, proportion and color, the design is classic and clean and won’t detract from the performances…Adjustable brass mesh tuner panels define the space architecturally and allow for it to respond to a variety of acoustical programs…This theater is an intimate vesl pitched at a very comfortable angle in a lovely space greatly activated by mature, restrained design.
Lewis Walpole Library, (Farmington CT)
for Yale University
designed by Centerbrook Architects and Planners (Centerbrook CT)…PAC Group (general contractor, Harwinton CT); Altieri Sebor Wieber (M/E/P engineer, Norwalk CT); Gibble Norden Cham
pion Brown (structural engineer, Old Saybrook, CT); Phillip R. Sherman, P.E. (code consultant, Elkins NH); Milone & MacBroom (civil engineer, Cheshire CT); Stephen Stimson Associates (landscape architect, Falmouth MA); Atelier Ten (lighting consultant, New Haven CT); JLC Preconstruction & Estimating Services (cost consultant, Madison CT); Peter Aaron/Esto Photographics (photographer, Mamaroneck NY)
With almost Shaker simplicity, this library addition and renovation is restrained and sophisticated…Informed by a local tradition of connected farm buildings, the addition is an attached barn that contains discreet state-of-the-art HVAC and curity systems to protect the valuable collections inside…The reading room in the new building is modern and spacious, with a magnificent white oak-paneled ceiling that bends toward the windows, framing daylight…The renovated library offers a warm, traditional counterpoint to the contemporary addition…Throughout the complex, space is well- delineated to respond to diver programmatic requirements, providing cure public exhibit space, comfortable rooms for quiet contemplation and for staff, and a modern work environment that includes plenty of natural daylight.
Continuum Headquarters (West Newton MA)
for Continuum
designed by Sasaki Associates. (Watertown MA)…Commodore Builders (contractor, Newton MA); LeMessurier Consultants (engineer, Cambridge MA)
Designed to bring complete transparency and maximum flexibility to the business process, this consulting studio renovation is conceptually holistic and meticulously executed…The designers were careful not to overwhelm the fully connected studio with brash colors and tones…The main stairway connecting the two floors is lit by box-shaped skylights…A rhythmic ries of cloud-like panels lowered from an otherwi expod ceiling energizes the entire space and brings intimacy and definition to particular areas within the open floors…Smartly lected, budget-friendly, mass-produced furniture includes conference tables on wheels, enabling easy reconfiguration and reorganization.
Design School Library (Providence RI)
for Rhode Island School of Design