美工培训班Graffiti painting is traditionally a daredevil pursuit . Teenagers dodge curity guards to put their names on trains and bus . But over the past decade , graffiti has all but disappeared from Britains cities . Between 2007 and 2012 the number of incidents of graffiti recorded by the British Transport Police fel by 63%. A survey by the Environment Ministry shows that fewer places are blighted by tags than ever . Graffiti are increasingly confined to sanctioned wals , such as the Stockwel ball courts . In time the practice may die out entirely .
The most obvious reason for the decline in tagging and train - painting is better policing . Numerous CCTVcameras mean it is harder to get away with painting illegally . And punishments are more vere . A generational shift iS apparent , too . Fewer teenagers are getting into painting wals . They prefer to play with iPads and video games . Some have gone to art school and want to make money from their paintings . The Internet means that painters can win far more attention by posting pictures online than they can by breaking into a railway yard .
呈报好看的英文字母Taggers and graffiti artists mostly greW up in the 1980s and 1990s. Tho men 一 and almost all are men 一 are noW older and less willing to take risks . Graffiti may eventually disappear . But for now the hobby is almost respectable . The former graffiti artists paint abandoned warehous at the weekend . It has become something to do on a Sunday afternoon 一 a slightly healthier alternative to sitting and watching football .
1.Teenagers are not afraid of being caught by curity guards when they put their names on trains and bus . F
2.Less tags can be found in public places nowadays . T 3.Becau of better policing graffiti decreas . T ya ya ying
4.Some teenagers go to art school in order to learn to paint wals . F 5.Taggers and graffiti artists are still willing to take risks . F