Some of the most successful people in history have done their best work in coffee shops. People across nations and centuries have tapped into their creativity in a café.
There are many ways coffee shops boost our creativity. The combination of noi, casual crowds and visual variety can give us just the right amount of distraction (注意力分散) to help us be sharpest and most creative.
Some of us stick in earbuds (耳塞) as soon as we sit down to work in a public tting. But scientists have known for years that background noi can benefit our creative thinking. A suitable level of noi in a cafeteria can actually improve your creative output. If you’re slightly distracted from the task at hand by some stimuli, it boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation.
There’s also the fact that in a coffee shop, we’re surrounded by people who’ve come to do t
he same thing, which acts as a motivator. Simply performing a task next to a person who makes a lot of effort can motivate you to work harder. It’s similar to going to the gym for a workout. That is the social-facilitation effect: you go there, you e other people working and it puts you in a mood where you just naturally start working as well.
Another thing that can make working at home or in the office tiring is the visual environment; often we sit in the same chair and look at the same four walls without relief. How the office is decorated has an effect on people’s creative thinking process. While rearchers tried to address this by adding decorative lights, they soon found that the furnishings (家具及日用设备) quickly became familiar and boring. Coffee shops, though, generally have visual stimuli. And hitting up different coffee shops keeps things even more varied.
Rearchers believe that there is no doubt about the “coffee-shop effect”. Even if working from home or office remains an option for the long-term, the benefits of going to a coffee shop may be too good to pass up. And maybe the coffee is better.
40. Why did some successful people do their best work in coffee shops?
41. In what way is going to the gym similar to working in a coffee shop?
42. Plea decide which part is fal in the following statement, then underline it and
explain why.
When people feel the visual environment in their office is boring, they can
redecorate the office or try some other working places to solve the problem.
43. If you were free to choo a place to study in, where would you like to go? Why?
(about 40 wordswisp)
Digital Inclusion for Older Adults
生活大爆炸第7季As a rearcher in the behavior of older adults, I regularly hear complaints from them like, “I’m just not part of this world anymore. In certain parts of society, I just can’t join… Some things just are not possible if you are not in the flow of the Internet.” or “We feel like we’re standing outside a building that we have no access to.”
Today, mastering digital technology has become a key component of what it means to fully participate in society. But one area in particular threatens to prevent some older adults from making connections: the digital divide.
As a recent study shows, one-third of adults aged 65 and older say they’ve never ud the Internet, and half don’t have Internet access at home. Of tho who do u the Internet, nearly half say they need someone el’s help to t up or u a new digital device.
In contrast to concerns about technology u increasing isolation(孤立;隔离) among younger populations, the communication and connection possible online can be especially valuable for older adults who are homebound, live far away from family, or hav
e lost the loved ones. Older adults can u online tools to connect with friends and family via messaging platforms, video chat, and social media even if they can no longer physically visit them. And they can engage with the outside world through news, blogs, streaming platforms, and email, even if they are no longer able to move about as easily as they once could.
For older adults in particular, the risks associated with social isolation are profound. Loneliness among older adults has been associated with depression, functional decline, and death. Technology can rve as an important tool to help reduce the risks, but only if we provide older adults with the skills they need, to make inclusion in the digital world accessible to them. reliable的意思