February 19, 2008
Shunfeng Song (宋顺锋)
Professor (教授 ) 电话: (775) 784-6860 (O) Department of Economics/030 传真: (775) 784-4728 (O)
University of Nevada, Reno Email:************
Reno, NV 89557-0207 USA 手机: (775) 240-6042
上海英语口语培训EDUCATION (教育):
加州大学经济学博士, Ph.D University of California at Irvine, Spring, 1992, Economics.
北京大学力学本科学士, B.S. Beijing University, Beijing, P.R. China, July 1983, Mechanics.
2005.5- 2007.6 Chair (系主任), University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).
2000.7- Professor (教授), University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).
难受英语basketball什么意思2000.9- 2004.4 Director of Graduate Studies (研究生主任), Dept. of Economics, UNR. Summer 01&02 Acting Chair (代理系主任), Dept. of Economics, UNR.
1996.7- 2000.6 Associate Professor of Economics (副教授), UNR.
1992.7-1996.6 Assistant Professor of Economics (助教授), UNR.
1986.10-1992.6 Teaching and Rearch Assistant (助教或助研), Univ. of California at Irvine. 1983.8-1986.8 助教, 厦门大学
2007 - Rearch Associate, CCPF, Peking University (北京大学中国公共财政研究中心客座研究员)
2007 - Adjunct Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (上海财经大学公共管理学院兼职教授)
1998 - Adjunct Professor, Wuhan University (武汉大学兼职教授)
Urban Economics (城市经济学), Transportation Economics (交通经济学), Social Security (社会保障), Chine Economy (中国经济), and Applied Microeconomics (应用微观经济学).
汽车保养与维修学习Cours taught at University of Nevada, Reno:
Principles of Statistics I & II (统计原理)
Intermediate Microeconomics (中级微观经济学)
Intermediate Price Theory (中级价格理论)
Urban Economics (城市经济学, 本科生和研究生合上)
Transportation Economics (交通经济学, 本科生和研究生合上)
Introduction to Mathematical Economics (数理经济学, 本科生和研究生合上)
MBA Economics of the Firm (MBA 企业经济学)
MBA Statistics for Decision Making (MBA 决策统计学)
Cours taught in China
Urban Economics (研究生城市经济学, 浙江大学, 1997夏)
(E)MBA Managerial Economics (MBA管理经济学, 西安交通大学, 2001夏; EMBA, 2004春) IMAB Managerial Economics (IMBA管理经济学, 北京大学光华管理学院, 2004.12) PUBLICATIONS (发表论文)
Dan Li and Shunfeng Song. ―Property Tax in Urban China,‖ China and World Economy, forthcoming.
Shunfeng Song. ―Pension Systems and Reforms in China and Russia,‖ The Chine Economy, forthcoming.
Tang, Fangcheng, Weizhou Zhong, and Shunfeng Song. ―Tenders with Difference Risk新视野大学英语第二版
Preferences in Construction Industry,‖ The ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. V, No. 1, 2008, pp. 31- 38.
Chen, Zhuo and Shunfeng Song. ―Efficiency and Technology Gap in China’s Agriculture: A Meta-Frontier Analysis,‖ China Economic Review, 19, 2008, pp. 287-296.
Peng, Zhong-Ren, Yi Zhu, and Shunfeng Song. ―Mobility of the Chine Urban Poor –A Ca Study of Hefei City,‖ Chine Economy, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 36-57.
Li Gan, Dong Li, and Shunfe ng Song. ―Is the Zipf’s Law Spurious in Explaining City-Size Distribution?‖ Economics Letters, 92, 2006, 256-262.
Zhigang Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―Rural-Urban Migration and Wage Determination,‖ China Economic Review, 17, 2006, 337-345.
Hong Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―Rural Migrants’ Protections of Public Safety Protections in Urban China,‖ Chine Economy, 39(3), 2006, 26-41.
Zhigang Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―China’s Regional Disparity in 1978-2000,‖ Current Politics and Economics of Asia, 13(4), 2004, 253-279 (leading article of the journal issue).
Kevin H. Zhang and Shunfeng Song. ―Rural-Urban Migration and Urbanization in China: Evidence from Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Analys‖, China Economic Review, 14(4), 2003, 386-400.
Shunfeng Song. "Policy Issues of China's Urban Unemployment", Contemporary Economic Policy, 21, 2003, 258-269.
Shunfeng Song and Kevin H. Zhang. ―Urbanization and City-Size Distribution in China‖, Urban Studies, 39, 2002, 2317-2327.
Shuanglin Lin and Shunfeng Song. ―Urban Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence‖, Urban Studies, 39, 2002, 2251-2266.
Shunfeng Song. "City Size and Urban Unemployment: Evidence from China," World Economy & China, 9(1), 2001, 46-53.
Shunfeng Song, George S-F Chu, and Rongqing Cao. "Inter-City Regional Disparity in China", China Economic Review, 11, 2000, pp. 246-261.
Hong Lu and Shunfeng Song. "Women in China: Social-Economic Development and Provincial Laws," American Review of China Studies, Vol. 2., No. 1, Winter 2000/2001, pp. 43-55.
Kevin H. Zhang and Shunfeng Song. "Promoting Exports: the Role of Inward FDI in China," China Economic Review, 11, 2000, pp. 385-396.
Shunfeng Song, George S-F Chu, and Rongqing Cao. "Real Estate Tax in Urban China." Contemporary Economic Policy. 17(4): 540-551, 1999.
Jingjian Xiao, Shunfeng Song, and Yinzhou Xu. "Chine Pension System Reform: Voice of Worker." International Journal of Economic Development. 1(4), 1999.
Shunfeng Song. "Home Buyer's Characteristics and Selling Prices." Applied Economics Letters, pp. 11-14, 1998.
Shunfeng Song and George S-F Chu. "Social Security Reform in China: The Ca of Old-Age Insurance." Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. XV, pp. 85-93, April 1997.
Mike Mitchell, Ted Oleson, and Shunfeng Song. "A Profile of Nevada Migrants." Nevada Public Affairs, pp. 5-11, 1997.
Kambiz Raffiee,Yiqi Luo, and Shunfeng Song. "The Economic Costs of Species Prervation: The Northern Nevada Cui-ui." Review of Regional Studies, pp. 273-295, 1997.
Shunfeng Song. "Some Tests of Alternative Accessibility Measures: A Population Density Approach." Land Economics, 72(4), pp. 474-482, 1996.
Shunfeng Song. "Determinants of Bargaining Outcome in Single-Family Housing Transactions: An Empirical Examination." Urban Studies, 32, pp. 605-614, 1995.
Shunfeng Song. "Does Generalizing Density Function Better Explain Urban Commuting? Some Evidence from the Los Angeles Region." Applied Economics Letters, 2, pp. 148-150, 1995.
Kenneth A. Small and Shunfeng Song. "Population and Employment Densities: Structure and Change." Journal of Urban Economics, 36, pp. 292-313, 1994.
Shunfeng Song. "Modelling Worker Residence Distribution in the Los Angeles Region."
Urban Studies, 31, pp. 1533-1544, 1994.
Duran Bell and Shunfeng Song. "Explaining the Amount of Bridewealth-Cattle." Current Anthropology, 35, pp. 311-316, 1994.
Duran Bell and Shunfeng Song. "Sacrificing Genetic Reproduction for the Primitive
Accumulation of Cattle." Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, 4, pp. 175-184, 1993.
Kenneth A. Small and Shunfeng Song. "Wasteful Commuting: A Resolution." Journal of Political Economy, 100(4), pp. 888-898, 1992.
Shunfeng Song. "Policy Issues Involving Housing Commercialization In the People's
Republic of China." Socio-Economic Planning Scien ces, 26(3), pp. 213-222, 1992.
Duran Bell and Shunfeng Song. "Characteristics of Bridewealth Under Restricted Exchange."
Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, 2(3), pp. 243-256, 1990.
Duran Bell and Shunfeng Song. "Growth and Process in a Lineage-Bad Social
Technology." Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, 2(1), pp. 17-45, 1990.
郑江淮、王成思、宋顺锋;《工业化升级中的农村要素流动和收入保障:基于苏州制造业升级与农村劳动力“返土”、土地集中的理论分析》,中国农村观察,第6期(首篇),2007, 2-13。
仲伟周、潘黎、宋顺锋,2004;《内需不足的气焰嚣张经营诱因及其政策涵义》,当代经济科学,第3期, 6-10。
仲伟周、曹永利、宋顺锋,2004;《我国非营利组织发展存在的问题及其治理》,西安交通大学学报,第2期, 20-24。
PAPERS PUBLISHED IN BOOKS (in English, 英文书集论文):
Zhigang Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―Rural-Urban Migration and Wage Determination,‖ in Market Development in China, edited by Belton Fleisher, Haizheng Li, and Shunfeng Song, Edward Elgar, USA, 2007, 209-221. Reprinted from China Economic Review, 17, 2006, 337-345.
Li Gan, Shunfeng Song, and Chiu Tan. ―Higher Efficiencies or Resource Reallocation?‖ in The Revival of Private Enterpri in China, edited by Shuanglin Lin and Shunfeng Song, Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK, 2007, 11-18.
Zhigang Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―Characteristics of Rural-Urban Migrants: the Ca of Tianjin, China,‖ in China’s Rural Economy after WTO: Problems and Strategies, edited by Shunfeng Song and Aimin Chen, Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK, 2006, 159-175.
Shunfeng Song and Cheng Hong. ―WTO and Private Enterpris: A Ca Study of China Feiyue,‖ in The Chine Economy after WTO Accession, edited by Shuming Bao, Shuanglin Lin, and Changwen Zhao, Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK, 2006, 33-44.
Muqun Li, Wei Liu, and Shunfeng Song. ―How Do Fluctuations of Yen and US dollars Affect Exports of China, Japan, and South Korea?‖ in Globalization and Regionalism of the Northeast Asian Economies, edited by Doowon Lee, Shunfeng Song, and Choong-Yong Ahn, Yoni University Press, Korea, 137-167, 2005.
Shunfeng Song. Six entries in ―Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chine Civilization: 1949-Prent," edited by Jing Luo, Greenwood Publication Inc., USA, 2005.
Shunfeng Song and Kevin H. Zhang. ―Spatial Dynamics of City-Size Distribution in China,‖ in Urban Transformation in China, edited by Aimin Chen et al. Ashgate Publishing Co., UK, pp. 137-150, 2004.
Shuanglin Lin and Shunfeng Song. ―Determinants of Urban Economic Growth in China,‖ in Urban Transformation in China, edited by Aimin Chen et al. Ashgate Publishing Co., UK, pp. 193-214, 2004.
智子疑邻翻译Shunfeng Song, George S-F. Chu, and Xiangming Chen. ―Housing Investment and
Con sumption in Urban China,‖ in Urbanization and Social Welfare in China, edited by Aimin Chen et al. Ashgate Publishing Co., UK, pp. 85-106, 2004.
Kevin H. Zhang and Shunfeng Song. ―Migration and Urbanization,‖ in Urbanization and Social Welfare in China, edited by Aimin Chen et al. Ashgate Publishing Co., UK, pp. 180-198, 2004.
Hong Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―Rural Worker Migration and City Transient Crime,‖ in Urbanization and Social Welfare in China, edited by Aimin Chen et al. Ashgate Publishing Co., UK, pp. 372-388, 2004.
Zhigang Lu and Shunfeng Song. ―China’s Regional Disparity in 1978-2000,‖ accepted in West China Development: Domestic Strategies and Global Implications, edited by Ding Lu and William Neilson, WorldScientific Publishing Co., pp.519-546, 2004.
Kevin H. Zhang and Shunfeng Song. ―How Inward FDI Interact with Regional Economic Growth in China?‖ in China’s Economic Globalization through the WTO, edited by Ding Lu et el. Ashgate Publishing Co., UK, pp. 73-86, 2003.
pool是什么意思George S-F Chu, Shunfeng Song, and Dasong Deng. "Some Suggestions from the U.S. Experience on How to Establish A Social Protection System with Chine Characteristics", in