1. Humans ud to be a species just like any other on Earth.But we've now become so populous and so destructive that we are the single most influential creature on Earth.
2. 人类活动导致地球变暖引发了更加极端的旱灾和洪灾许多动物的生存因此变得难上加难。
As we warm the planet, we create more extreme droughts and floods, making it increasingly difficult for many animals to survive.
图片英文3. 照料者们替代了它们所失去的家人照料者的照顾温柔又周到对大象孤儿的康复至关重要。
简体转换繁体The keepers replace a lost elephant family. They provide the tender loving care and the nurturing that is so important for them to heal.
2010考研英语一答案4. But to survive, they now need to live in managed rerves, where people top up water su
pplies when droughts return.
5. 迄今为止地球上最大规模的灭绝事件是因地球过热造成的频繁的火山活动。
The single greatest extinction event on the planet so far was caud by the superheating of the world.
6. 但是城市的扩张,畜牧以及采矿都导致亚马逊雨林正以惊人的速度消失
But urban expansion, cattle ranching and mining means that the forests of the Amazon are being lost at a frightening rate。
7. 我们保护动物的原因不只是因为它们既有趣又美丽更是因为它们是这个运转的星球不可或缺的一部分我们需要它们的存在
We don 't just want to protect animals becau they are interesting and theyre beautiful.
They're an integral part of a functioning planet,and we need to keep them around.
8. 它们知道这样做是获取美餐的最快方式
They know that doing so is the fastest way to a meal.
9. 现在是六月,而就在海边不远处奇怪的黑斑块出现了看起来像一大片油污绵延数里
lt's June and just off-shore, strangeblack patches have appeared. They look like immen oil slicks up to a mile long.
儿歌mp3下载infection10. click是什么意思在尖峰时刻每小时会有5千只乌龟来去 。海滩上是如此拥挤它们要爬过同伴的身体前进。才能找到一块可以挖土产卵的地方。
At the peak time, five thousand are coming and goingevery hour. The top of the beach gets so crowded that they have to clamber over one another to find a bare patchwhere they can dig a nest hole.pillow