somewhere over the rainbow>shake that一分钟学个词|Lockdown
今天我们要学的词是 Lockdown. exerci用法
Lockdown 名词,有封锁,禁止出入的意思。Three school were placed on lockdown in respon to a bomb threat that turned out to be a hoax. 炸弹威胁让三所学校启动封锁状态,结果发现所谓的炸弹威胁是有人恶作剧。Sierra Leone impod a three-day nationwide lockdown, ordering people off the streets, in an effort to fight the outbreak of Ebola. 为了控制埃博拉病毒的扩散,塞拉利昂实行了三天的全国戒严,不许民众上街。
好的,今天我们学习的词是 lockdown.
queenie eye>perverance小作业:用今天学的词组 Lockdown 造一个句子吧。