10月7日(周六)参考答案: 什么是分式
1、With the World War II,came the development (of the weapon)( that has since become a general threat to life on earth): the atomic bomb.
【结构分析】这是一个完全倒装句,正常形式应该是 The )()
the development是主语,谓语是came,介词with短语作时间状语。括弧里的表达是前面相关名词的后置定语,冒号后面的表达是the weapon的同位语。类似倒装大家可以参考下面例句:
Here comes the bus.
【知识链接】since adv.自此以后; threat 威胁;atomic 原子的;倭蜂猴
1、Of special importance are tho projects which provide help for lf-help in reducing poverty.
【结构分析】这是一个表语前置句,目的在于强调。主语是tho projects, 之后的which从句是其定语,谓语是are,表语是of special importance,该句复原后应是tho projects which provide help for lf-help in reducing poverty are Of special importance。其中 be of +名词=be+该名词的形容词,因此,be of importance=be important。为了达到强调效果,翻译时不必调整句序。
【知识链接】lf-help 自助;reduce poverty 扶贫。
3、In the area of life skills, rvice participants show greater positive change than do non-participants in terms of all eight outcomes analyzed.
【结构分析】这个句子的是rvice participants ,谓语是show,宾语是positive change,介词短语 In the area of life skills是状语,构成比较结构,than之后行成了倒装结构,主语是non-participants,谓语是do,指代前面的 show positive change,介词短语in terms of all eight outcomes analyzed是状语,其中过去分词analyzed是outcomes的定语。翻译时要将than之后的内容移至rvice participants 之后。
【知识链接】participants 参与者;positive 积极的;non-positive 非参与者;in 就……而论;outcomes 结果; analyze 分析。
4、During college, rvice participants exhibit greater increas in social lf-confidence and leadership ability than do non-participants.
前半部分的During college是状语,rvice participants是主语,exhibit是谓语,increas是宾语,in social lf-confidence and leadership ability是其定语;than之后的主语是non-participants,谓语do指代前面的exhibit increas。翻译时要将than之后的内容移至rvice participants之后。
【知识链接】participants 参与者;exhibit 表现,展示;lf-confidence自信;leadership 领导力;non-participants 非参与者。
kelly rowland5、Cloly associated with the value they place on individualism is the importance Americans assign to privacy.
【结构分析】这是一个表语前置句,主语是the importance,Americans assign to privacy是其定语从句,谓语是is,表语是Cloly associated with the value,they place on individualism是value的定语从句。
【知识链接】be 与……有关;individualism个人主义;
Tho who contemplate the beauty of the earth find rerves of strength that will endure as long as life exists。
【结构分析】该句可分为三部分:Tho who (contemplate the beauty of the earth)find rerves of strength(that will endure as long as life exists.)括号外的内容是主句,即Tho find rerves of strength,两个括号的内容是定语从句,分别修饰前面的Tho和rerves of strength;第一个定语从句的主语是who,谓语是contemplate,宾语是the beauty,of the earth 是后置定语;第二个定语从句主语是that,谓语是will endure,as long as life exists是条件状语从句。
【知识链接】contemplate思索,凝视;rerves of strength 力量储备;endure 持续;as long as 只要。
7、The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himlf about tho larger fruits of the heavens,the moon and the planets。
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,可以切分为:The ( factthat the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree) answered the question (he had been asking himlf about tho larger fruits of the heavens),(the moon and the planets).主干的结构是The fact answered the question;第二个括号内that引导的是同位语从句,该从句的主语是the apple,谓语是fell down,and 之后是谓语并列结构,有省略现象,补全后应是:and(did)not(fell)up into the tree,toward the earth和into the tree均是介词短语,作谓语fell down的方向状语;第二个括号内是question的定dfd
语从句,前面省略了连接词that,about tho larger fruits of the heavens是介词短语,作question的后置定语;第三个括号内是并列的名词短语,作前面tho larger fruits of the heavens的同位语。该句翻译时应将同位语从句that the apple…the tree先译出,再译主句。
【知识链接】fruit of the heavens天体(这里fruit为词汇活用现象);planet 行星。
8、Experts believe that our"silent speech"-the way we move,small changes in appearancce, posture and gestures-conveys far more meaning than the words in any converstation.
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,主句的主干结构是Experts ;难点是that引导的宾语从句,该从句的主干结构是:our"silent speech"conveys far more meaning than the words ...;破折号之间的内容是silent speech的同位语,解析其内容,
we move作the way 的宾语,之前省略了关系副词that=in which,and gestures和前面的the way是并列的名词短语,共同作silent speech的同位语。翻译时要将同位语部分单独作为句子处理,这是英译汉中常见的拆译技巧。
星期一英文简写【知识链接】posture 姿态;gesture 手势; convey 传递; conversation 对话
9、X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make (visible) details {that are otherwi impossible}.
【结构分析】本句话学习的重点是后半句:...thus make details {...}visible.