从语言角度来看,卖花女伊莉莎的嗓音被希金斯教授称为“如小鸡在粮仓里咯咯叫”,“她发的每一个音都不适当,她应该被吊死因为她无情地谋杀了英语”。从语音分析四的个方面(音高,音重,音长,音质)来解析伊莉莎的自身语音系统,她有着与其成长环境一致的发音习惯,比如,她会把“以为”发成“以味”的音,经常读错重音,会把粽子 英语[ə:]发成[ə],把[z]发成[T] clo cloth breeze breathe。自由的生活环境和卖花女身份更丰富的了她的发音方式。这让教授初教她发音字母时头疼不已。
Sociolinguistic Analysis of My Fair Lady
[ Abstract] M y FairLady is a movie about how a poor flower girl turns to a lady by simp ly changing her language atsol the help of a linguist. It demonstrates in a dramatic way the importance of language as a social identity of a person and the influence a language exerts on a person’s experience. This paper tries to exp lain some phenomena in the movie in a sociolinguistics view, focusing on variations of language caud by gender difference and class difference. The paper hopes to help the reader to know better the charm of language through the analysis and to have a p rofound understanding of the film.
[ Key words] grapefruit sociolinguistic; gender difference; class - related variation
I. In troduction
Sociolinguistic is“the study of language in relation to society”. [ 1 ] 1 It is believed that language is an esntial part in our
lives becau it is“a very structured t of symbols”by which we can identify ourlves in t
he world[ 1 ] 12. Just as it is impossible for two peop le to have identical experiences, so the language of two peop le will never be the same. A person’s language is cloly related to his/her social background and vice versa, his/her experience will to a large extent be determined by the language he / she speaks. The movieM y FairLady is a good illustration. M y FairLady is a movie about how a poor flower girl named Eliza changes her life by changing her language at the help of a famous linguist Professor Higgins. Eliza is a lower - class flower girl lling flowers on the streetswho speaks“terrible English”.
Higgins boasts to his friend Pickering that he could turn this girl into a real lady in six months simp ly by teaching her standard English. Eliza also wants to become genteel so that she could find a job in a flower shop, therefore she goes to Higgins for help. The game begins and after two months Eliza successfully chemistry是什么意思turns into a lady, dancing in the Embassy Ball with Transylva nian p rince and everyone thinks her is a p rincess.This paper tries to analyze the movie from a sociolinguistic angle, mainly focusing on language difference caud by social class and gender difference.
Ⅱ. Dialects
Every language may have varieties, which defines by Hudson as“a t of linguistic items with similar distribution”[ 2 ] 21.
Dialect is one of the varieties of language which is believed to be excluded from polite society[ 2 ] 24. Taking English for example,as the most wildly - ud language in the world, English has many varieties such as British English, American English, Indian English and so on. In each variety, there are many dialects.To tho who do not speak natural standard English, we can always find traces of dialects in their speaking from which we may find out their identities. Just as Professor Higgins has said in the movie, “an Englishman’sway of speaking absolutely classifies him”.
2. 1 RegionalDialect
Regional dialects are“varieties of a language which are spoken in different geographical areas”[ 3 ] 154. A regional
dialect distinguishes peop le of one region from tho of another region. In the movie, as
a linguist Higgins can easily tell where the person is from by the accent he / she wears. He knows Eliza is from the far eastern part of Britain, L isson Grove, and that Charlie,Eliza’s father, may have a Welsh mother from their speaking.Not only could he tellwhich part of Britain a person is from but also he could roughly tellwhich block a person lives if she /her is a Londoner. Although itmay be exaggerated to portray a linguist like this in themovie, it has indeed demonstrated to us how great the influence of a dialect can be. As a fan of standard British English, Higgins desp is any regional English variety besides条件编译
standard British English. “The Scotch and the Irish leave you 安排翻译clo to tears. In America they haven’t ud it ( English) foryears, ”said the p rofessor.