As an important means of Literary Criticism and an anti-traditional thought, Deconstruction has been widely ud in criticizing the text. The main feature of Deconstruction is to 笑柄的意思prove that so-called two oppositions in structuralism such as men and women, homoxual and heteroxual, bad or good are actually inparable and there is inbetween in the two extremes. That is to say the two oppositions can neither be completely parated nor strictly divided to two categoriesva国际教育. So the usual conclusion is that the categories are actually not fixed or exists in any absolute form.
The Merchant of Venice has been recognized as an early Shakespeare’s reprentative works among his comedies, and it is full of social satire. In this work, the author creates a new ries of distinct images of humanism. As a negative character, Shylock arous interest of readers and critics for his complex personality. Since Marx had such comments on the theme of the drama that the play reflected “the contradiction between capital and loan-sharking”[1]85, for a long time Shylock has been defined as a typical usurer who is mercenary and ruthless. Even in some dictionaries, Shylock has become a noun to describe the unscrupulous mir.
However, the comments are somewhat partial, such as John Grosssincon said, “If Shylock is merely a typical image, he can not occupy the stage over 400 years.”[2]273 There are still certain positive aspects in his personality. Then in recent years, people have begun to get away from the influence of stereotyped bias on Shylock and give Shylock a fair and objective evaluation.
The paper here is intended only to rever the term of “binary opposition”, u the theory
of deconstruction to analyze Shylock, and study the real Shylock through the interpretation of Shylock’s language, action and psychological description. In this paper, three ctions can be identified: the study of theories of “binary opposition” and Deconstruction, the analysis of Shylock’s image from the perspectives of the two theories, and the various 例如英语factors influencing the formation of Shylock’s image.
2. Review of “Binary Opposition” and Deconstruction
Binary thought often appears in people’s minds. People like to look at the problem from the perspective of binary opposition becau of the mcgeerelatively simple way of thinking. Deconstruction, corresponding to binary opposition, is a pluralistic analysis approach, and similar to the multiple results of the mathematical analysis.
2.1 Theory of “Binary Opposition”
Structuralism is one of the most frequently ud methods to analyze the language, culture and society in the cond half of the twentieth century. As the core of Structuralis
m, “binary oppositions” provides us with an effective method of comprehending such a critical approach [3]128. In critical theory, a binary opposition is a pair of theoretical opposites. It is often en as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, culture, and language [4]1.fromwww.lunwen315/
The most classic example of “binary opposition” is rational and emotional, while in western philosophy, rationality has always enjoyed higher evaluation than nsibility. Another example is prence and abnce. Similarly, the former position in the Western philosophy is much higher than the latter. The similarity of “high concept” is regarded as the impact of the logical centrality’s western philosophy.
The reasons why people tend to look at the problem in the perspective of binary opposition are the influence of empiricism in addition to the simple way of thinking. Empirical approach is to u the direct impact of the lf-experience and imagination to judge or determine the nature. The simplest qualitative ways are the ones like: good or bad, I like or I do not like, like me, or do not like me, you can believe or not believe. Usual
ly people’s thinking is qualitative. Binary world may exist in only two parts, and usually the two are absolute and oppod. Briefly, it is hard for people to avoid the dualistic way of thinking in fact, becau people ud to grade or think about things according to their experience.
2.2 Theory of Deconstruction
The emergence of the term of “binary oppositions” helps people get away from the chaotic living appearance and expo the integrity of the hidden structure. However, in post-structuralism, the categorization of binary oppositions is “often value-laden and ethnocentric”, with an illusory order and superficial meaning[5]36. It beauty expertsimplifies the results. Becau there are a variety of positions located between the two extreme positions. In fact, many arguments about the structuralism are trying to clarify the mentioned problems.