HINA aims to reach peak carbon emissions before 2030, and to become carbon neutral before 2060. This goal will lead to profound changes in the country’s social and eco-nomic development.
Meaningful Goals
开讲啦贝克汉姆When it comes to addressing climate change, China has a decisive influence on achieving global goals. With a large population and a large economy, it is also a big greenhou gas emitter. How far China’s bold pledge goes will determine how much the global climate change goals could be achieved.The United States officially withdrew from the Paris Agreement after the latter entered its fifth year in force. The COVID-19 pandemic has also made
China’s Momentous Carbon Neutrality Goal
many people confud about whether the agree-ment can continue. At this moment, China’s pledge in
dicates strong support for the agreement. It will not only redefine China’s leading role in mitigating climate change, but also has a significant impact on geopolitics, global governance, and the world order in general.
Domestically, the carbon neutrality target will determine the direction of China’s future economic development. At prent, China is formulating its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025). As the COVID-19 epi-demic has been effectively contained at home, China is eing a recovering economy. The announcement of carbon emission reduction targets at this particu-lar moment could hopefully change the entire struc-ture of the economy in the future. We can expect a radical shift in China’s coal-bad energy landscape as the renewable energy industry will embrace more development opportunities, while coal mining and coal burning for power generation will be gradually phad out.
Well Prepared
The propod carbon targets are bad on China’s decades-long efforts to reduce carbon emissions. As early as 2015, the Chine government submitted to the United Nations Enhanced Actions on Climate Change its Intended Nationally Determined Contri-butions goals.
Through multiple efforts, China has made great progress in carbon emission reduction. At the end of
2019, the carbon intensity was 18.2 percent lower than that of 2015, fulfilling the binding targets t in the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) ahead of schedule.
In terms of technology, China has made major
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The World
Meteorological Or-ganization (WMO) holds a press conference in Ge-neva, Switzerland, on November 25, 2019, releasing a greenhou gas bulletin, which indicates that the concentration of greenhou gas in the earth’s atmosphere has t a new record.
January 2021
autobahnWe can expect a radical shift in China’s coal-bad energy landscape as the renewable energy industry will embrace more devel-opment opportunities.breakthroughs in a number of fields. In the past decade, for example, the cost of renewable energy production fell sharply, with the cost of photovoltaic power falling by 90 percent to below that of coal. Green electricity generated by renewable resources can already compete with that of coal. Industrial energy efficiency has also improved significantly. China’s digital and information technology have rin to prominence and bee
n widely ud, accelerating the adjustment of the energy structure.
China’s commitment to green development and efforts to promote environmental progress embody its mission to cut carbon emission. In terms of economic policies, more emphasis is placed on the transformation of economic growth patterns. There has also been very good synergy between economic and envi-ronmental policies.
It is fair to say that China has made dramatic changes in carbon emission reduction
over the past five years, giv-ing itlf more confidence of meeting its future targets.
Transformation and Development
To achieve the carbon neutrality goal, China will need to make profound changes in all areas.
In the energy ctor, the share of coal in energy consumption will fall to 10 or even less than five percent. For now, Qinghai Province in northwest China offers a perfect example. Qinghai has a unique energy mix, rich in wind, solar energy, and water resources; its clean energy accounts for 87 percent of the total. Each year, there are 100 days when power is generated solely by clean energy. The development potential of renewable energy has reached three billion kilowatts, and its direct exp
writtenloitation potential now reaches one billion kilowatts.
siggraphIn September 2020, the first ultrahigh-voltage direct current transmission channel to deliver clean energy from Qinghai to other regions was connected to Henan Province in central China. In the future, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and other western provinces and regions will become bas for clean energy generation, thus changing China’s energy supply map.
Another concern is how provinces and regions with rich natural energies will transform. Today, In-
ner Mongolia, on the one hand, is vigorously devel-A model of a super large container ship with zero carbon emission made by China is displayed at the China International Maritime Technol-ogy Exhibition in Shanghai on December 5, 2019.
oping its wind power industry to increa the pro-portion of green electricity. On the other hand, great efforts have also been made to build big data centers to explore new growth momentums. The efforts will help hedge against the impact of coal reduction on the economy and society. The transformation of the energy mix is a long process that may take five, 10 or more years. It involves a large number of work-ers being moved away from high-carbon industrial chains such as coal mining. For workers in traditional industries, training opportunities should be provided to help them transfer to other posts smoothly. For older workers who have difficulty in transferring posts, the social curity system should be improved to minimize the adver effects brought about by lay-ing them off.
In the renovation of old cities and the construc-tion of new urban areas, we should follow a low-car-bon principle and improve the transportation infra-structure, especially making public transportation
more convenient. Now in Shenzhen, taxis and bus are fully electric; other big cities should also u more electric vehicles. We should continue to promote the u of trains instead of trucks, and the combined u of railways and ports for long-distance deliveries.Prently there are also many key technologies be-ing developed in industries. For example, as stocks of scrap steel increa, replacing iron ore with short-process steel made from scrap steel could save a lot
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In the renovation of old cities and the con-struction of new urban areas, we should follow a low-carbon principle
and improve the trans-portation infrastructure.of energy. Besides, when the reducing agent in steel mak-ing is changed from coal and
coke to hydrogen, there will not be any carbon emissions produced. R&D of low-carbon
and even zero-carbon cement
is also under way. In addition, the manner in which the
coal-bad chemical industry
becomes hydrogen-bad is
also undergoing much re-arch at prent.
The transformation of the construction ctor should be cloly combined with China’s urbaniza-tion process. In the future, hundreds of millions of Chine farmers will migrate to cities. Ruicheng City in Shanxi Province, Shenzhen and other cities are piloting zero-carbon and flexible buildings. Photo-voltaic panels are installed on the roof and facade of buildings, direct current distribution networks are installed, and energy storage batteries are equipped to realize lf power supply, refrigeration, and heat-ing of the building. In the future, it will be trendy to build more residential communities and industrial parks with zero-carbon emissions.In the agricultural field, the development poten-tial of photovoltaic agriculture is huge. For example, installing photovoltaic panels in the derts of Qing-hai Province could not only generate electricity, but also reduce the evaporation of dert water. By wash-ing tho photovoltaic panels, wasteland irrigation can be incread, and grassland area coverage can be incread. The locals put sheep under the panels to graze, and a comprehensive ecological cycle of water, grass, photovoltaic power, and livestock is estab-lished.
Qingdao in east China’s Shandong Province is also exploring the development of photovoltaic agric
ulture, with local farmers planting mushrooms under solar panels, dramatically increasing farmers’ income.
At prent, China still has a large low-income population in rural areas. Therefore, exploring new energy-related industries is also a way to help them generate more income. C
ZOU JI is CEO & president of Energy Foundation China.
Volunteers teaching
children how to u smart waste sort-ing and recycling
李济勋equipment in Jinyu Xintiandi Com-munity, Yuquan District of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, on
August 4, 2020.