Red Star Over Chinafuyu(1)——Soviet Strong Man
Edgar Snow
Mao’s food was the same as everybody’s, but being a Hunane he had the southerner’ ai-la, or “love of pepper.” He even had pepper cooked into his bread. Except for this passion, he scarcely emed to notice what he ate. One night at dinner I heard him expand on a theory of pepper-loving peoples being revolutionaries. He first submitted his own province, Hunan, famous for the revolutionaries it has produced. Then he listed Spain, Mexico, Russia, and France to support his contention, but laughingly had to admit defeat when somebody mentioned the well-known Italian love of red pepper and garlic, in refutation of his theory. One of the most amusing songs of the “bandits,” incidentally, was a ditty called “The Hot Red Pepper.” It told of the disgust of the pepper with his pointless vegetable existence, waiting to be eaten, and how he ridiculed the contentment of cabbages, spinach, and beans with their invertebrate careers. He ends up b
y leading a vegetable insurrection. “The Hot Red Pepper” was a great favorite with Chairman Mao.
I found him surprisingly well informed on current world politics. Even on the Long March, it ems, the Reds received news broadcasts by radio, and in the Northwest they published their own newspaper. Mao was exceptionally well read in world history and had a realistic conception of European social and political conditions. He was very interested in the Labour Party of England, and questioned me intenly about its prent policies, soon exhausting all my information. It emed to me that he found it difficult fully to understand why, in a country where workers were enfranchid, there was still no workers’ government. I was afraid my answers did not satisfy him. He expresd profound contempt for Ramsay MacDonald, whom he designated as a han-chien—an archtraitor of the British people.
Mao was an ardent student of philosophy. Once when I was having nightly interviews with him on Communist history, a visitor brought him veral new books on philosophy, and M
ao asked me to postpone our engagements. He consumed tho books in three or four night of intensive reading, during which he emed oblivious to everything el. He had not confined his reading to Marxist philosophers, but also knew something of the ancient Greeks, of Spinoza, Kant, Goethe, Hegel, Rousau, and others.
( From Red Star Over China P112-115)
—选自男士肌肤保养 董乐山 译《西行漫记》
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remainderRed Star Over China(1)——Soviet Strong Mancourage是什么意思
Edgar Snow