1. 她是被从数千名申请者中挑选出来做那份工作的。(pick)
She was picked out from thousands of applicants for the job.
2. 七点钟我开车来接你。(pick)
I’ll pick you up面点培训班 at 7 o’clock.
3. 你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏,真可惜。(pity)
What a pity that you can’t come to the theatre with us tonight.
4. 我们从未发觉那天晚上他们之间发生了什么事情。(take place)
We have never discovered what took place between them that night.高一英语必修一知识点总结
5. 是谁给你灌输的这种思想?(plant)
Who planted that idea in your head?
6. 当老师和蔼地与我们说话时,我们开始微笑并感到自在。(pleasantly)
While the teacher was talking to us pleasantly, we began to smile and feel comfortable.
7. 他看起来对自己做的事颇为得意。(plead)
He looks rather plead with what he has done.
8. 在夏天,你往往可以得到大量新鲜水果和蔬菜的供应。(plentiful)
In summer, you may find plentiful supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables.
9. 突然间灯灭了,狭窄的楼梯顿时陷入黑暗之中。(plunge)
Suddenly the light went out and the narrow stairs were plunged into darkness.
10. 你介不介意我指出你的一些缺点呢?(point)
Would you mind if I point out some of your shortcomings?
11. 在广告宣传上花那么多钱是毫无意义的,除非你能保证销售额的急剧提高。(pointlessalec baldwin)
It is pointless to spend so much money on the advertising campaign unless you are sure that sales will increa dramatically.
12. 到处都是受到工厂排放的化学废料污染的河流。(pollute)
There are rivers polluted with chemical waste from factories everywhere.
13. 因为小而节能,这种新款的车很受老百姓的欢迎。 (popular)
Small and economical, the new model of the car is extremely popular with common people.
14. 她对所涉及的钱数十分肯定。 (positive)
She was quite positive about the amount of money involved.
15. 他决定放弃他所有的一切,出家为僧。(posss)
He decided to give away everything he possd and become a monk.
16. 我们不得不将婚礼延期至Jane的母亲彻底康复。全国翻译专业资格水平考试(postpone)
We had to postpone the wedding until Jane’s mother has recovered from her illness.
17. 象许多他同时代的诗人一样,他一生都在贫困中渡过。 (poverty)
Like many of his fellow poets, he lived in poverty throughout his life.
18. 在Mrs. Thatcher 1979年上台时,没有人想到她会执政13年。 (power)
When Mrs. Thatcher came to power in 1979, nobody expected her to stay there for 13 years.
19. 看英语电影给你训练听力的机会。 (practice)
Watching English movies gives you practice in listening comprehension.
20. 每个人都赞扬the holidayDouglas用冷静和有效的方法解决了那个棘手的问题。 (prai)
Everyone praid Douglas for the calm and effective way he handled the tough problem.
全身快速美白21. 他们为早日结束苦难而祈祷。 (pray)
They prayed for an end to their sufferings.
22. 很难预测谁将成为下一届美国总统。 (president)
It’s hard to predict who will be the next president of U.S.A.
23. 我倒宁愿他们下个周末来。 (prefer)
I should prefer that they came next weekend.
24. 我们必须做好最坏的打算,你的祖母病得很重。 (prepare)
We must be prepared for the worst --- your grandmother is very ill.
25. 他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。 (prent)
They prented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.
26. 宣布那消息时你在场吗? (prent)
Were you prent when the news was announced?
27. 实验室的架子上排列着保存在罐子里的人体器官。 (prerve)
Human organs, prerved in jars, lined the shelves of the laboratory.
28. Sharon 装作对新生活兴奋无比,但我知道她怀念以前的朋友。 (pretend)
Sharon pretends to be thrilled with her new life but I know she miss her old friends.
29. 健康的饮食如何在心脏病的预防方面起作用? (prevention)
How does a healthy diet help in the prevention of heart attacks?
30. 她对自己的孩子取得的成绩感到无比骄傲。 (pride)
She takes great pride in her children’s success.
31. 结果比我们原先设想的还要好 (turn out)
It turns out that we were more successful than we had anticipated.
32. 你想得真周到,到来这么多雨伞,否则我们都要被雨淋湿了。 (thoughtful)
It’s thoughtful of you to bring us so many umbrellas, or we will be caught in the rain.
33. 你明天开始工作方便吗? (convenient)
Will it be convenient to/ for you to start work tomorrow?
34.由于大雨,看来我们只能在山顶上过夜了。 (em)
It ems that we will have to stay overnight on the top of the mountain becau of the heavy rain.
35.我从没有想到过,她,一个新手,会被授予年度最佳歌手。 (occur)
It never occurred to me / struck me that she, a green hand, was awarded the best singer of the year.
36. oppo广告曲病人昏倒时,旁边碰巧没人在。(happen)
It so happened that nobody el was around when the patient fainted.
37. 我们不能认为父母为我们所做的事情是理所当然的。(take it for granted that..)
We can not take it for granted that parents are doing all they can for us.
38. 你到底在什么时候,在哪里遇到那位著名的教授? (it)
When and where was it that you met the famous professor?
39. 英语集体备课记录直到他脱下墨镜,我才意识到他是个著名的影星。(it)
It was not until she took off her glass that I realized she was a famous film star.
azzaro40. 电脑已使我们在家里就能以低价买到满意的货物。(make it possible)
Computers have made it possible for us to buy satisfying goods at a low price at home.
41. 据估计,上海20年后将在许多方面赶上像纽约这样的国际大都市。(estimate)
It is estimated that Shanghai will catch up with the international cities like New York in many ways in 20 years.