
更新时间:2023-06-07 07:34:18 阅读: 评论:0

  原委Phobias are strange things, turning emingly innocuous objects and situations into catalysts of fear. The following 19 phobias include some that are common knowledge, whereas others are a little more… unorthodox. Can you get through the list unfazed, or is there something in there that gives you the chills? 恐惧症很奇怪,平白无故的事物或情景都可能引发恐惧。下面19种恐惧症,有些很常见,而有些则比较特例。赶快看看你是能淡定地看完这个恐惧症清单,还是有啥是会让你不寒而栗的?
  av splitter1. Acrophobia – fear of heights恐高症——害怕高处
  Probably the most ‘normal’ of all phobias. How high you have to go to start feeling it differs from person to person, but many will have at one time or another experienced a flipping stomach and spinning head when looking over the edge of a steep precipice. It’s completely natural to feel a fear respon when in a situation that’s obviously dangerous, and some experts have even suggested that it’s tho who don’t feel the fear of heights tha
t have the problem。恐高症可能是所有恐惧症种最常见的一种。每个人的恐惧高度不尽相同,但站在陡峭的悬崖边缘时,我相信大多数人都会有恶心、晕眩的经历。其实在危险环境中,人很容易感到害怕。甚至有专家认为,不恐高的人才有问题。
  However, some sufferers can’t escape the fear of falling even when the high place is completely safe, like being in the enclod room at the top of Tokyo Tower, while others find themlves dizzy at a height of only a couple of meters。但有些人,哪怕站在像东京塔这样的密封安全环境中,也还会觉得快要掉下去了;甚至有些人,仅仅几米的高度都会感到晕眩。
  2. Trypophobia – fear of objects with small holes clo together密集物体恐惧症在线英语听力室——害怕有密集小孔的物体
  The name for this phobia was only coined in 2005, but there are a surprisingly huge number of people who suffer from this strange fear. It’s hard to give a specific definition of the trigger, but the basic idea is a revulsion and fear of things with clusters of small holes – think beehives, ant holes, and in particular lotus ed heads. Unfortunately for sufferers
badmoodof this phobia, the Internet has found much joy in photoshopping lotus-pod designs onto various body parts. Google if you dare。这种恐惧症在2005年才作为一个新名词诞生,但患症人群却数量庞大。很难具体定义这种恐惧症的诱因,但笼统来说,就是指对有密集小孔的物体感到恶心和恐惧,类似物体有蜂窝、蚁窝,尤其是莲蓬。但对患症人群而言不幸的是,网络上到处都是蜂窝化的人体影像处理。不信可以谷歌一下。

  3. Megalophobia – fear of large things恐巨症——thatisall害怕庞大物体
  This vague terms covers all ‘huge objects’. The are often objects such giant statues or works of art which are much bigger than the real thing they are mimicking. In the prence of such objects, people become overwhelmed and unable to move。这个模棱两可的定义涵盖所有庞大的物体been a long day”,例如巨型雕像,或比现实物体大得多的临摹艺术品。面对类似物体时,有人会变得四肢僵硬、喘不过气来。
  4. Coulrophobia – fear of clowns小丑恐惧症——害怕小丑
  We all known clowns are meant to make us laugh, but for some unfortunate folks the sight of a guy in pajamas with big colored buttons and a painted face nds them running. Perhaps it’s Stephen King’s It we have to thank for a generation of kids who have now grown up to be clown-phobic adults. A particular focus of fear is poor misunderstood Ronald McDonald. I know it’s hard to imagine people being frightened of him, I mean just look how completely normal, sane and non-homicidal that face is!众所周知小丑是用来逗乐的。但在有些人眼里,身穿大纽扣睡衣的花脸小丑很可怕。有些人害怕小丑,也可能是因为一直受斯蒂芬-金小说的影响。最典型的就是对麦当劳叔叔的恐惧。很难相信有人害怕麦当劳叔叔,是不是?麦当劳叔叔看上去完全正常没有半点恶意嘛!
  5. Aichmophobia – fear of sharp objects恐尖症——害怕尖锐的物体
  Scissors, needles, pencils, knives, you name it – if it’s sharp, they’re scared of it. Sufferers enter a state of extreme psychological agitation when around objects with sharp, pointy ends. Of cour anyone would be scared of a crazed person wielding a butcher knife at you, but a characteristic of this phobia is that the sufferer is scared of the
appletreeobject even when they know there is no danger of their being cut or injured. Some peoples’ fear is bad around the irrational and disturbing worry that they might end up using a nearby pointed end to stab someone el。剪刀、针、铅笔、小刀……反正,只要是尖锐的东西,患症者就会害怕。要是周围有尖尖的锐利的东西,他们心理上会感到极度焦躁不安。当然,正常人遇到疯子手持利器对着自己也会害怕,而这种恐惧症的区别就是,当事人即便知道自己不会被戳伤划伤,也还会心生恐惧。相反,还有些人是莫名其妙害怕自己一不小心拿利器伤害别人。

  6. Dysmorphophobia – fear of ugliness丑形恐惧症英语四六级准考证号查询入口官网——害怕丑陋
  Specifically, fear of one’s own ugliness. This is characterized by an extreme obssion with one’s appearance, and an unhealthily low opinion of one’s own looks. It’s often classified as a form of hypochondria and obssive compulsive disorder, and can even develop into schizophrenia in the worst cas. Many sufferers get plastic surgery, but as this is a psychological condition, sufferers are unlikely to ever be satisfied with the results.
Paradoxically, many people end up actually mutilating their own face or body。具体来说,是害怕自己的丑陋。这种人通常对自己的外貌相当自恋,但同时又极端不自信。一般这类似于疑病症和强迫症,严重的话还会引发精神分裂症。大部分患症者都整过容,但因为症结在于心病,当事人对整容结果不会满意。而且荒唐的是,多数患症者最后真的毁掉了自己的容貌或身体。
  7. Triskaidekaphobia – fear of the number数字13恐惧症——害怕数字13
  The number 13 has a long history of unluckiness in the Western world, leading some people to fear that emingly innocuous pairing of a one and a three. And if the 13th of the month falls on a Friday, then it’s a double whammy. In Japan, Korea, and China, replace 13 with the number 4, which has all kinds of nasty connotations with death.13在西方被视为不吉利可谓由来已久,以致有些人看到13就没来由地害怕。而且,如果一个月的13号恰好是星期五的话,晦气更是严重。在日本、韩国和中国,数字4则被视为不吉利,绕来绕去总好像跟死亡有关。sow

本文发布于:2023-06-07 07:34:18,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:物体   患症   害怕   恐惧症   类似   当事人   不会
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