A Probe Into The Implementation Of Subject Moral Education In The Teaching Of Music In The Senior
Grade Of Primary School
The students in the nior grade of primary school are in the golden period of receiving moral education,and their three views of plasticity are relatively strong at this time.At prent,all ctors of our society attach great importance to the moral education link in basic education,moral education is
of great significance to the moral character and quality growth of students.With the advance of the times,it is easy to appear some social problems that run counter to the current moral education,and this is undoubtedly a challenge to how to carry out the subject moral education.For example:Hong Kong in recent years,young people's counter-example,is a very typical ca of missing discipline moral education.
The first chapter of the text,the introduction part mainly introduces the reason, background,rearch method and purpo and meaning of the topic.The cond chapter defines the concepts of the upper grade,classroom teaching,primary music classroom,moral education,discipline moral education and the implementation of the concepts.The third chapter,first of all,through the primary school nior students'lf-awareness development and emotional development characteristics,as well as the theoretical discussion of the stage of learning and cognitive development, answered"What is the reason for implementing the discipline moral education in the music classroom teaching of the upper grade of primary school?"Second,according to the specific content of moral education analyzed in the curriculum standards and the social aspects of moral education and combined with current events,once again demonstrated the importance of this rearch topic.The fourth chapter,combined with the characteristics of primary school music disciplines,the us
e of music discipline moral education advantages,once again affirmed the music discipline moral education as a means to implement the feasibility of moral education.In chapter five,the author us the practice of internship in xiamen local primary school,us questionnaire method,investigates and analyzes the current situation,problems and reasons of the implementation of discipline moral education in the music classroom teaching of the upper grade of primary schools in Xiamen.Chapter6,on the basis of the above
problems,put forward from the school,teachers,family three levels of rationalization proposals and some practical cas,in which the school,focusing on the discipline of moral education and the optimization of text content,is conducive to the development of discipline moral education work,but also better to carry out the music classroom derived from the moral education evaluation mechanism,to create a good academic moral education environment for students.Chapter7,the conclusion part of the full text is briefly summarized.
Through the discussion on the moral education of music subject in the nior grade of primary school,this paper hopes that the subject moral education can be carried out to the beginning and end of music classroom teaching,so that students can grow up healthily in the imperceptible influence of moral education.
Keywords:music subject moral education;primary school nior;music classroom teaching
第1章引言 (1)
1.1选题缘由 (1)
1.2文献综述 (1)
1.2.1研究背景: (1)
1.2.2国内外研究现状: (2)
1.3研究创新点 (3)
1.4研究方法 (4)
1.4.1内容分析法 (4)
1.4.2问卷调查法 (4)
1.5研究目的与意义 (5)
plls第2章概念界定 (6)
2.1小学高年级音乐课堂教学 (6)
2.1.1小学高年级 (6)
2.1.2课堂教学 (6)
daisyinsummer2.1.3小学音乐课堂 (6)
2.2德育教育 (7)
2.2.1学科德育 (7)
2.2.2德育概念定义 (7)
2.3贯彻 (8)
第3章小学高年级音乐课堂教学中贯彻学科德育及思路 (9)
3.1小学高年级音乐课堂教学中学科德育内容贯彻的重要性 (9)
3.1.1小学高年级是道德观念发展的黄金时期 (9)
3.1.2该阶段学生的自我意识发展特点 (9)
3.1.3该阶段学生的情感发展特点 (10)
3.1.4该阶段学生的学习与认知发展特点 (11)
3.2针对义务教育阶段音乐课程标准中的德育内容分析 (11)
3.3社会各群体对学科德育教育的高度重视与需求 (12)
3.3.1国家是贯彻德育工作的支持者 (12)2015qs世界大学排名
3.3.2社会是贯彻道德工作的引导者 (13)
3.3.3学校是贯彻德育工作的执行者 (13)
3.3.4家庭是贯彻德育工作的奠基者 (13)
3.4贯彻学科德育教育的正反面例子:以澳门与香港为例 (13)
课程标准2011第4章小学高年级音乐课堂教学中学科德育教育贯彻的可行性 (15)
4.1小学音乐学科的特点为学科德育提供了可能性 (15)
4.2小学高年级学生音乐素养的提高有效促进德育工作的开展 (16)
4.3小学高年级人音版音乐教材德育内容主题归纳 (16)
第5章小学高年级音乐课堂教学中贯彻学科德育教育的现状、问题与原因 (25)
5.1调查目的 (25)
5.2调查对象 (25)
5.3调查现状与问题归纳 (26)
5.3.1学校对小学高年级音乐学科德育工作重视程度不高 (26)
5.3.2小学高年级音乐教师对学科德育教育贯彻意识不强 (27)
5.3.3小学高年级音乐教师在课堂教学中施行学科德育方式单一 (32)
5.3.4家长过分依赖学校德育教育 (36)
5.3.5家校联动性不强 (37)
5.3.6部分音乐教师对小学高年级学生德育评价不全面 (40)
5.4小结 (42)概念
5.4.1学校对小学高年级音乐学科德育工作重视程度不高 (42)
5.4.2小学高年级音乐教师对学科德育教育贯彻意识不强 (42)
5.4.3小学高年级音乐教师在课堂教学中施行学科德育方式单一 (42)
5.4.4部分音乐教师对小学高年级学生德育评价不全面 (43)
5.4.5家长过分依赖学校德育教育 (43)
第6章针对小学高年级音乐课堂教学中贯彻学科德育教育问题提出的对策 (44)
提醒英语6.1针对学校开展德育工作的做法建议 (44)
6.1.1加强对学科德育教育方式及内容的转变 (44)
6.1.2加强对音乐学科德育的重视 (45)
6.1.3完善对小学生的德育评价机制 (46)
6.1.4支持由音乐课堂中衍生出的德育艺术活动 (46)
6.2针对教师实行学科德育工作的做法建议 (46)
6.2.1提升小学高年级音乐教师的德育素养 (46)
6.2.2音乐教师须形成课堂教学中多样化的德育评价 (47)