Welcome Speech
By H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tradeluckyguy
北京夜校managersAt the Seminar on Good Governance Practices
For the Promotion of Human Rights
Seoul, 15 September 2004
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Madam High Commissioner, Excellencies, Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outt, let me begin by expressing warm welcome to all of you to the "Seminar on Good Governance Practices for the Promotion of Human Rights".
I also express my sincere gratitude to Madam Justice Loui Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for making her time available to join us today.
I am confident that High Commissioner Arbor, with her excellent record of achievements and experti in the human rights arena, will fulfill her noble mandate with distinction for making a universal culture of human rights and fundamental freedoms prevailing in this world.
I particularly take note of the prence of Her Excellency Mrs. Bitamazire, Minister of State for Primary Education of Uganda, Her Excellency Dr. Ing, Minister of Women's Affairs of Cambodia, and His Excellency Dr. Surin, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. I welcome them all and anticipate their contributions to this minar. dux
maybe歌词I am grateful to all the distinguished reprentatives from governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations from every corner of the world united in the common interest and goal of promoting universal respect for human rights.
My thanks also go to the panelists and moderators for their valuable contributions to this minar.
在线英文字典Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
There is a convincing argument put forward by many scholars that we approach the stage of an ideal society when human beings no longer suffer the abu of their inalienable rights.
referredThis belief is bad on the firm conviction that human beings are born good and human history ultimately is steered by human reason. I for one join such scholars in this belief.
纪念九一八演讲稿It is obvious that considerable progress has been made in the enhancement of a universal culture of human rights and fundamental freedoms as human history has unfolded.
However, unfortunately, today's world does not yet witness to the ideal society. The task of achieving universal respect for human rights remains daunting. Lamentable human rig
hts violations still persist in this world. We hear of innumerable instances of human rights abu from various regions.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that the inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the very foundation for freedom, justice and peace in the world.
In this 21st century, I believe, we may one day realize the ideal of a society the prescient scholars and the Universal Declaration envisage. My government will do its proper part in this process and today's minar is a clear demonstration of my government's strong commitment to this noble mission.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The title of this Seminar, "Good Governance Practices for the Promotion of Human Rights" is significant appropriate in light of the fact that good governance is prerequisite for the protection of human rights.
thenutsThe international community has repeatedly affirmed in cardinal declarations the central role that good governance has to play in curing human rights.
For instance, in the Millennium Declaration of September 2000, world leaders pledged to "spare no effort to promote democracy and strengthen the rule of law, as well as respect for all internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development".
The Monterrey Connsus, adopted in March 2002, also committed world leaders to "sound policies, good governance at all levels and the rule of law" as a way to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including tho t out in the Millennium Declaration.
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights has adopted resolutions on the role of good governance in the promotion of human rights without a vote every year since 2000.
The Republic of Korea has co-tabled the resolutions alongside partners from regions across the world such as Australia, Poland, South Africa and Chile. As you are aware, this minar is taking place as a follow-up measure to the resolution adopted this year.
My government has hosted a number of important international events other than this minar to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law.