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Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited (“Blue Cross”) is a member of The Bank of East Asia Group. With over 40 years of operational experience in the insurance industry, Blue Cross provides a comprehensive range of products and rvices including medical, travel and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers.
汗译英Blue Cross’ success in insurance provision and customer rvice is regularly re-affirmed through professional recognition and commendations. Major awards include The Most Favorite Travel Insurance Company Award (2005-2012), the TVB Most Popular TV Commercial Awards 2012 – Info-rvice, The 12th Capital Outstanding Enterpri Awards – Medical and General Insurance, the Capital Weekly PRO Choice Awards – Medical & General Insurance (2009-2011), the Quality Life Awards – Quality Insurance Service Award (2008, 2009 & 2011), the Best Editor’s Pick (2008 & 2009), the Capital Weekly Service Awards – Medical Insurance (2008). In 2012, Blue Cross is assigned a financial strength rating of “A-” (Excellent) and an issuer credit rating of “a-” by A.M. Best Company, a global full-rvice credit rating firm specialising in the financial rvice industry.英语培训哪个比较好