Steps in Briefing a Ca 【案例简报的流程】
2.Statement of Facts【陈述案情】
3.Procedural History【既往程序】
4.Legal Issues【法律问题】
5.Arguments of the Parties【双方主张】
6.Rule of Law or Legal Principle Applied 【法律规范,即适用的法律】
8.Reasoning of the Court【判决理由】
9.Separate Opinions【审判庭内部异议】
10.Additional Comments/Personal Impressions 【后记/感想】
Ca Name (parties)【案件名称暨当事人】
女厕所英文2.Statement of Facts【陈述案情】
Identify the legally水立方介绍 important facts【重要实体事实】
•Tho facts that tend to prove or disprove an issue before the court.【正面或反面论证某法律问题的诉讼外事实】
•What happened before the parties entered the judicial system.【司法程序启动前发生的事实】
Identify the procedurallyotherwi是什么意思 important facts 【重要程序事实】
1.the cau of action (plaintiff’s claim)【案由】
2.relief the plaintiff requested,【诉请的救济】
3.defens, if any, the defendant raid.【抗辩】
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3.Procedural History【既往程序】
How did this ca get to this particular court?【如何诉至本院】
What happened in the lower court(s)?【下级法院的诉讼】
The decision(s) of the lower court(s). 【下级法院的裁判】
Could be judge or jury deciding.
The damages/relief awarded.【救济】
Who appealed. 【上诉人】
4.Legal Issues【法律问题】
question(s) the court being asked to decide【诉至法院,有待处理】
Court will usually clearly state the issue(s).【法院通常将其指明】
You should state the issues in a way that they can be answered with 商务英语学习课程a yes or a no.【在brief中应该以一般疑问句形式陈述】
eg· Did defendant’s conduct create an implied contract?【例如:被告的行为是否以默示形式订立合同?】
eg· Did trial court judge improperly exclude evidence?【例如:初审法院排除证据是否不当?】
Substantive Issue【实体问题】
The point of law in dispute
Procedural Issue 【程序问题】
What did lower court do wrong, according to appellant?【上诉人所主张的下级法院错误之处】
5.Arguments of the Parties【双方主张】
What are the positions or arguments of both parties?【双方立场、论点】
Why does each party think they should win the ca?【双方如何论证】
6.Rule of Law or Legal Principle Applied 【法律规范,即适用的法律】
The Rule of Law is the legal principle that controls the issue before the Court.【即调整争议问题的法】
The Court will apply the Rule to the facts of the ca to determine the correct outcome of the issue it is being asked to decide.【法院据以对照事实,认定诉请处理的法律问题】
can be:【可能是】
1.a constitutional provision;【宪法条款】
2.a statutory provision;【制定法条款】 administrative rule or regulation;【行政命令】
4.a rule developed through prior controlling ca law; or a rule created by the court in the prent ca. 【判例法】
The disposition of the ca.【对案件的处理】
Who did the court rule in favor of【谁胜诉】
What remedy was granted.【救济】
If Appellate Court, is the ruling of the lower court【上诉法院中,判决对象是下级法院的裁判】
Remanded for further proceedings【还押候审】
Affirmed in part and Reverd in part 【部分维持,部分撤销】
8.Reasoning of the Court【判决理由】
The most important ction of a ca brief.【brief的最重要之点】
This ction will be fairly lengthy and should show step by step how the court reached its decision.【该部分应逐步展示法院论证其结论的过程,篇幅较长】
Describe the analysis the court follows in reaching its decision 【法院的分析】
The chain of argument which led the judges to rule as they did. 【论点间的逻辑链条】
How the court applies the rule(s) of law to the particular facts and circumstances of the ca.【法律规范与个案事实的关联性】
9.Separate Opinions【审判庭内部异议】
Explain why the judges disagreed with the majority.【阐释这些少数派法官的观点】
Concurrence 【理由不同】
a parate opinion in which one or more of the judges agrees (concurs) with the result reached by the majority of the court but has different reasoning for reaching that result.【结论上赞同多数意见,但理由不同】
Disnt 【反对结论】
10.Additional Comments/Personal Impressions 【后记/感想】
What was the impact (legal/social) of the decision?【法律、社会影响】
What do you think of the judges’ decision?【评价该判决】
What would happen if the ca had been decided in China?【该案型在中国的处理】
感谢信 英文Anything el of interest about the ca or the law involved.【其他感兴趣之处】