
更新时间:2023-06-07 06:10:43 阅读: 评论:0

资产负债表 Balance Sheet
项 目    ITEM fifthavenue
货币资金  Cash
短期投资  Short term investments
应收票据  Notes receivable
应收股利  Dividend receivable
应收利息  Interest receivable
big boobs应收帐款  Accounts receivable
其他应收款 Other receivables
预付帐款 Accounts prepaid
期货保证金 Future guarantee 经济学研究生
应收补贴款 Allowance receivable
应收出口退税 Export drawback receivable
存货  Inventories
其中:原材料 Including:Raw materials
产成品(库存商品) Finished goods
待摊费用  Prepaid and deferred expens
待处理流动资产净损失  Unttled G/L on current asts
一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debenture investment falling due in a yaear
其他流动资产  Other current asts
流动资产合计  Total current asts
长期投资: Long-term investment:
其中:长期股权投资 Including long term equity investment
长期债权投资 Long term curities investment
*合并价差 Incorporating price difference
长期投资合计  Total long-term investment
固定资产原价 Fixed asts-cost
减:累计折旧 Less:Accumulated Dpreciation
固定资产净值 Fixed asts-net value
减:固定资产减值准备  Less:Impairment of fixed asts
固定资产净额  Net value of fixed asts
固定资产清理  Disposal of fixed asts
工程物资  Project material
在建工程  Construction in Progress
待处理固定资产净损失  Unttled G/L on fixed asts
固定资产合计 Total tangible asts
无形资产  Intangible asts
其中:土地使用权  Including and u rights
递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred asts
其中:固定资产修理  Including:Fixed asts repair
固定资产改良支出 Improvement expenditure of fixed asts
其他长期资产 Other long term asts
其中:特准储备物资    Among it:Specially approved rerving materials
无形及其他资产合计  Total intangible asts and other asts
递延税款借项 Deferred asts debits
资 产 总 计  Total Asts
资产负债表(续表) Balance Sheet
项 目    ITEM
短期借款  Short-term loans
健身教练的学习应付票款  Notes payable
应付帐款  Accounts payab1e
预收帐款  Advances from customers
应付工资  Accrued payro1l
应付福利费 Welfare payable
应付利润(股利)  Profits payab1e
应交税金  Taxes payable
其他应交款 Other payable to government
其他应付款 Other creditors
预提费用  Provision for expens
预计负债  Accrued liabilities
一年内到期的长期负债  Long term liabilities due within one year
其他流动负债  Other current liabilities
流动负债合计 Total current liabilities
我想你了英文长期借款  Long-term loans payable
应付债券  Bonds payable
长期应付款 long-term accounts payable
专项应付款 Special accounts payable
其他长期负债  Other long-term liabilities
其中:特准储备资金 Including:Special rerve fund
长期负债合计  Total long term liabilities
递延税款贷项  Deferred taxation credit
负 债 合 计  Total liabilities
* 少数股东权益  Minority interests
实收资本(股本)  Subscribed Capital
国家资本  National capital
集体资本  Collective capital
法人资本  Legal person"s capital
其中:国有法人资本  Including:State-owned legal person"s capital
集体法人资本  Collective legal person"s capital
个人资本  Personal capital
外商资本  Foreign businessmen"s capital
资本公积  Capital surplus
盈余公积  surplus rerve
其中:法定盈余公积  Including:statutory surplus rerve
公益金    public welfare fund
补充流动资本  Supplermentary current capital
* 未确认的投资损失(以“-”号填列)    Unaffirmed investment loss
未分配利润 Retained earnings
外币报表折算差额 Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements
所有者权益合计  Total shareholder"s equity         
负债及所有者权益总计  Total Liabilities & Equity
产品销售收入  Sales of products
售收入  Including:Export sales
减:销售折扣与折让  Less:Sales discount and allowances
产品销售净额 Net sales of products
减:产品销售税金 Less:Sales tax
产品销售成本  Cost of sales
其中:出口产品销售成本 Including:Cost of export sales
产品销售毛利  Gross profit on sales
减:销售费用  Less:Selling expens
管理费用 General and administrative expens
财务费用 Financial expens
xquery其中:利息支出(减利息收入) Including:Interest expens (minusinterest ihcome)
汇兑损失(减汇兑收益) Exchange loss(minus exchange gains)
产品销售利润 Profit on sales
加:其他业务利润 Add:profit from other operations
营业利润 Operating profit
加:投资收益 Add:Income on investment
加:营业外收入 Add:Non-operating income
减:营业外支出 Less:Non-operating expens
加:以前年度损益调整 Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years
利润总额  Total profit
减:所得税  Less:Income tax
净利润  Net profit
现金流量表Cash Flows Statement
Prepared by: Period: Unit:
1.Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
  01)Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of rvices
    02)Rental received
初二英语上册 Value added tax on sales received and refunds of value
03)added tax paid
 04)Refund of other taxes and levy other than value added tax
 07)Other cash received relating to operating activities
 08)Sub-total of cash inflows
 09)Cash paid for goods and rvices
>paul robeson

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