大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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1. Warm-up Questions 2. Background Information About Medicine
About DoctorsThree Types of Doctors Other Medical Workers 3. White Lies Definition of a White Lie Pair Work on White Lies 4. Introductory Remarks
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Warm-up Questions1. Have you ever been to hospital? What did you think of the doctor s
attitude?2. Have you ever thought of being a doctor? Why or why not? 3. Suppo you are riously ill, do you want the doctor to tell you the truth or not? Why?
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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About Medicine Medicine is the practice of maintaining of health and preventing, alleviating, or curing of dia. WHO, or the World Health Organization, declared that health is “a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being, and notmerely the abnce of dia”. Obviously the goal of medicine is to maintain health.
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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About Doctors Doctors refer to physicians and other medical healers. In the United States they are called health care professionals, which include physicians, surgeons, dentists. Most of them work in health care
rvices, which involve diagnosing and treatingpatients. Others work mainly in rearching, teaching, or administration of medical facilities.
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Three Types of Doctors General practitioners: (全科医生) They may not have special training in any particular medical field, but develops a wide knowledge of all kinds of illness. Specialists: (专家,专科医生) Some doctors prefer to treat only certain kinds of illness, thus becoming specialists in their chon field.
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Rearchers:(医学研究人员) Tho doctors often help teach future physicians in medical schools. At the same time, they u the
laboratories and hospital facilities of the medical schoolsto conduct rearch programs.
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Other Medical Workers Physician内科医生
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Other Medical Workers Dentist牙医
Intern, Resident, Chief Resident
实习医生,住院医 生,住院总医师
minorities Nur, Head Nur
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Other Medical Workers Veterinarian (Vet)兽医
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Definition of a White LieA white lie is a lie that is considered to be justified, or even praiworthy, if it is in the interests of the person or people to whom it is told. Quite often,
a doctor s lie is thought to be a ca in point.
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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Pair Wo
rk on White Lies 1. Compile a list of situations in which you think a white lie would be justified.
2. Recall occasions on which you have told a white lie and explain why it wasjustified. 3. Discuss about the would-be benefits and would-be costs about white lies.
大学英语精读电子教案第4册 UNIT5
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