Abstract.Sea ice covers approximately7-10%of the Earth’s ocean surface,and is
both an indicator and agent of climate change.The ice cover controls the exchange
of heat,momentum,and gas between the ocean and atmosphere.As a water
freezes it rejects brine and increas the salinity and density of the surrounding ocean
water,playing a key role in the polar halocline and the thermohaline circulation of
the ocean.As a material,a ice is a polycrystalline composite consisting of a pure
ice host containing brine,air,and solid salt inclusions.
makesureThis is intended primarily as an educational resource that annotates bibliographic material related to the mathematical treatment of the structure of a ice,its ecological
role,and its role in a changing climate.The choice of material is taken,in large
part,from work referenced in[2]and[12]at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute
workshop‘Ocean Ecologies and Their Physical Habitats in a Changing Climate’June
rss feed2011.
1.Introduction to Sea Ice1
2.Albedo and Climate Impacts of Sea Ice2
3.Fluid Transport in Sea Ice3
4.Snow-Ice Formation4
5.Thermal Transport5
6.Sea Ice Microbiology5
7.Sea Ice Permittivity and Remote Sensing6
8.Sea Ice Conductivity7
9.Ice Floes7国庆节活动主题
10.Fluid Flow and the Navier-Stokes Equations8
11.Miscellaneous8 References9
补发英文1.Introduction to Sea Ice
[34]D.N.Thomas and G.S.Dieckmann,editors.Sea Ice:An Introduction to its Physics, Chemistry,Biology and Geology(2nd edition).Blackwell,Oxford,2009.
This book has15chapters written by different contributing experts.It is an author-itative reference that provides a comprehensive view of our knowledge about a ice.
[37]W.F.Weeks and W.D.Hibler(III).On Sea Ice.University of Alaska Press,2010.
This is another excellent book on a ice.The author(W.F.Weeks)gives a natural history of the subject,often writing in thefirst person.Chapter16on Ice Dynamics is co-authored with W.D.Hibler III.The book covers both microscopic and macroscopic properties of a ice.The bibliography spans52pages.It contains veral appendices that include a discussion of thin ctions and remote nsing,and a glossary on a ice terminology.
[36]W.F.Weeks and S.F.Ackley.The growth,structure and properties of a ice.US Army Corp of Engineers,Cold Regions Rearch and Engineering Laboratory,Monograph82-1,1982. This manuscript is shorter than the more recent books[34]and[37].It describes the structural characteristics of a ice and the relationship between the structural characteristics and its mechanical,thermal and electrical properties.
2.Albedo and Climate Impacts of Sea Ice
[29]D.K.Perovich,J.A.Richter-Menge,K.F.Jones,and B.Light.Sunlight,water,and ice: Extreme Arctic a ice melt during the summer of2007.Geophys.Res.Lett.,35,2008. Open ocean reflects about7%of the incident solar radiation,compared to65%and 85%reflection by bare a ice and snow covered ice,
respectively.The highly reflecting ice is replaced by highly absorbing ocean as the ice cover decays,resulting in more radiation absorption and more melting.This is the so called‘ice-albedo feedback mech-anism.’
Obrvations made with ice mass balance buoys that drifted with the ice pack in the Beaufort Sea and North Pole regions of the Arctic indicate a massive amount of bottom melting of the ice in the Beaufort Sea during the summer of2007.The authors sum-marize the data and prent arguments that the bottom melting was a result of solar heating of the upper ocean.(In2008when this was published,the minimum extent of the Arctic a ice cover ever recorded had just occurred,in September2007.A new record low has now been t in September2012(as of2012)[28].)
[9]I.Einman and J.S.Wettlaufer.Nonlinear threshold behavior during the loss of Arctic a ice.Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,106:28–32,2009.
The authors consider the ice-albedo feedback mechanism and its role in the existence of future Arctic a ice.This is done by using a bifurcation analysis of an energy balance model for the surface of the Arctic Ocean.Arguments are prented for how Arctic a ice may reach an ice free state if the climate pass through a‘tipping point’.
[1]D.S.Abbot,M.Silber,and R.T.Pierrehumbert.Bifurcations leading to summer Arctic a ice loss.J.Geophys.Res.,116:D19120,2011.
SEA ICE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY3 This extends[9]by including a cloud cover into energy balance models.In short,the article address the impact clouds have on the Arctic a ice cover.Different‘tipping points’are obrved which change depending on whether or not clouds have a protective or destructive feedback effect.
[35]S.Tietsche,D.Notz,J.H.Jungclaus,and J.Marotzke.Recovery mechanisms of Arctic summer a ice.Geophysical Rearch Letters,38:2707,January2011.
In contrast to the analysis in[1]and[9],the authors conclude that a tipping point during the decline of the Arctic a ice in the21st century is unlikely to occur.The authors examine the recovery of Arctic a ice from a prescribed ice-free condition by running simulations with an Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model(AOGCM), pointing to the value of such experiments that systematically perturb Arctic a ice conditions.Their results suggest the existence of large scale recovery mechanisms that alleviate the destructive ice-albedo feedback.
Their model incorporates a dynamic thermodynamic a ice model bad on the work of Hibler[21],
which contains much of the underlying mathematical analysis.
3.Fluid Transport in Sea Ice
[14]K.M.Golden,S.F.Ackley,and V.I.Lytle.The percolation pha transition in a ice. Science,282:2238–2241,1998.
电灯泡英文Percolation theory is ud to explain the pha transition that occurs in thefluid transport properties of columnar a ice at a5%brine volume fraction.Columnar a ice is effectively impermeable tofluidflow below a5%brine volume fraction,yet is permeable for brine volume fractions above this threshold value.This‘on-off’switch has become known as the‘rule offives’and is commonly ud in rearch prented in many subquent publications and investigations.This is thefirst major result that evaluates a ice using a percolation theory approach commonly ud when investigat-ing composite materials.
[18]K.M.Golden,H.Eicken,A.L.Heaton,J.Miner,D.Pringle,and J.Zhu.Thermal evo-lution of permeability and microstructure in a ice.Geophys.Res.Lett.,34:L16501,2007. The article asss thefluid permeability of a ice using X-ray computed tomo-graphic images,theoretical bounds,percolation theory,and hierarchical models.The are ud to accurately describe in situ permeabilityfield data.T
he article address the impact the brine volume fraction and microstructure have on the effectivefluid transport properties of a ice.
[30]D.J.Pringle,J.E.Miner,H.Eicken,and K.M.Golden.Pore-space percolation in a ice single crystals.J.Geophys.Res.(Oceans),114:C12017,2009.
This paper examines thefluid permeability of single crystals of a ice,using X-ray computed tomographic images and percolation theory.The authors obrve a notable difference between the vertical and horizontal permeabilities in single crystals of a ice and prent an argument bad on a ice anisotropy to account for the difference. Further,a modified brine volume threshold value in traditional vertical columnar a ice percolation models allows for accurate modeling of the obrved horizontal perme-abilities.
4.Snow-Ice Formation
[3]S.F.Ackley,V.I.Lytle,K.M.Golden,M.N.Darling,and G.A.Kuehn.Sea ice mea-surements during ANZFLUX.Antarctic J.U.S.,30:133–135,1995.
Snow-ice formation is prented as a critical element for a ice growth in the Antarc-tic.During the1994Antarctic ANZFLUX expedition,a large heatflux from the ocean was obrved,and the a ice pack should have melted within a month.When this melting was not obrved,it was postulated that the obrved snow-ice formation was allowing the ice to grow at a rate similar to which it was melting.Thus,the a ice thickness remained relatively unchanged.
[24]T.Maksym and M.O.Jeffries.A one-dimensional percolation model offlooding and snow ice formation on Antarctic a ice.J.Geophys.Res.,105(C11):26,313–26,331,2000.英语作文网
This article examines snow-ice formation and provides a rigorous and detailed de-scription of the process.Two one-dimensional models are prented.Thefirst‘simple model’primarily investigates the effect of snow loading on the surface of the ice,while the cond‘standard model’further includes the effects of brine percolating through the a ice(using the‘rule offives’as described in[14]).A comparison with data ts is made.The analysis accounts for the many factors that drive snow-ice formation.
[25]T.Maksym and T.Markus.Antarctic a ice thickness and snow-to-ice conversion from atmospheric reanalysis and passive microwave snow depth.J.Geophys.Res.,113:C02S12, 2008.
While[24]investigates snow-ice formation on a microstructural scale,this publica-tion focus on the macroscopic aspects of snow-ice from the perspective of the entire Antarctic ice pack.Snow fall data and snow accumulation data arefirst considered. Next,the amount of snow-ice created in different regions is interpolated,and from that overall a ice thickness are estimated.In particular,a process using ICESat(Ice, Cloud,and land Elevation Satellite)to determine ice thickness is described.The article provides a good example of a way to‘parametrize’a microscale process into a larger-scale system.
5.Thermal Transport
[23]V.I.Lytle and S.F.Ackley.Heatflux through a ice in the Western Weddell Sea:Con-vective and conductive transfer process.J.Geophys.Res.,101(C4):8853–8868,1996.piab
The authors prent a detailed experimental analysis of thermal transport in a ice. Obrvations at veral experimental sites revealed the existence of convectivefluid transport process that occur when the ice is porous,thus accelerating the heat trans-port.This is a well written article that provides a good foundation for understanding heat transport in a ice.
6.Sea Ice Microbiology
[33]D.N.Thomas and G.S.Dieckmann.Antarctic a ice–a habitat for extremophiles.Sci-ence,295:641–644,2002.
This conci article examines the microbiology of a ice.It focus on the important survival mechanisms that organisms have developed to survive in the extreme condi-tions of a ice.The include adaptations to survive cold temperatures,high salinities, and low light.It is also briefly mentioned that knowledge about such extremophiles may be uful when trying to detect life on other planets.
[11]C.H.Fritn,V.I.Lytle,S.F.Ackley,and C.W.Sullivan.Autumn bloom of antarctic pack-ice algae.Science,266(5186):782–784,4November1994.
The biological impact of the‘rule offives’(e[14]in§3)is considered.An algae bloom obrved in the upper layers of a a ice column displayed rapid growth while the ice was porous tofluid transport.As the temperature dropped,it was obrved that the brine volume fraction dropped below the critical5%in the layer hosting the algae. Thus,the brine pockets became isolated,and the algae quickly depleted the available nutrients.
[22]C.Krembs,H.Eicken,and J.W.Deming.From the Cover:Exopolymer alteration of physical properties of a ice and implications for ice habitability and biogeochemistry in a warmer Arctic.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science,108:3653–3658,March2011. The authors examine the effects that algal extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) have on a ice microstructure and its physical properties.A ries of experiments are prented,and the obrved differences in bulk salinity and ice permeability between ice with EPS and without EPS are discusd.The broader impacts of EPS in a ice as the climate warms are also briefly mentioned,and the introduction provides references addressing the state of algae growth in the Arctic as summer a ice diminishes.In contrast to[11],which examines the effects that a ice microstructures have on bio-logical activities,this article examines the effects that biological activities have on a ice microstructure.