Within 100 paces in every village, there must be a tea-stall, unlike the big teahou in G
uangdong which can hold, hundreds of guests, each of the teastalls has room only for 7
博士英语or 8square tables which can rve about 20 guests. If more guests come, the teastall ow ner needn’t be worried, becau near the water side pan lion, there anchors a couple of p ainted pleasure boat, each with 4 chair aroud a tea table, in which you can enjoy yourlf to your heart content
By now the dust had been blown away, leaving the road clean and the cater run fast.
The Chine saying”three cobblers with their wits combined equal master mind”, means t he mass have great creative power.
The nunnery is as peaceful as it has been in spring with white wall and shingly black ga te
The west wind ruffling autumn water and a line of wild gee in the sky against the dist ant mountains embracing the tting sun, all merged to enhance the hunter’s interest.英语在线翻译发音
Then I had much to talk about like a string of beads, with tongue tied, my words only s wirled in the mind, but unable to be spoken out
Without one’s being aware of it, the majority of people opended mouth giving out sound of praimmtv
When we met, we exchanged greetings, and he said you’re fatter and immediately startd h is violent
attack on the revolutionaries.
Don’t snarl and snap at me bing ungrateful, I offered you my persuasion out of my best intention, but you turned around and blamed me.
还有闹新房呢,那可说什么也不能错过And we must tea the bride,that can’t be misd 他昨天擦破了⽪,现在
He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to hospital to change dressing
佃农家庭的⽣活⾃然是苦的The tenants actually led a very hard life, but becau my mot her is bright and capable, we lived wellminute怎么读
我与⽗亲不想见已有两余年,背影I have not en my father over 2 years, what I can nev er forget is the sight if him from back 这时我看见他的背影混⼊来来往往的⼈群⾥then I saw him from behind and my tears stre amed down.
等他的背影混⼊来来往往when he disappeared into the crowd coming back and forthand n ot to be found, I came in and took my at.
我读到此处在晶莹的泪光中when I read this through shining tears, I saw again the back
of my father’s fat from in blue cotton padded gown and black cloth mandarin jacket
宜昌是巴楚⽂化的发源地Yichang is the cradle of Bachu culture where had born many gr
eat historical people, such as Quyuan wangzhuangjun
每隔两个铺⾯就是⼀条仿宋Above every two shops were hung a slogan in standard scriet 下象棋我when I play the Chine chess, I can only do some simple moves
这对年轻夫妻张飞西施. This young couple was in poor match, one as beautiful as xishi,
the ancient beauty, one as bad-tempered as zhangfei
林边有⼀个洞,交⽩龙洞. There is a cave near the foreast called bailong cave, where lady white is said to have cultivated here according to the Buddhist tale of the white rpent 腊⽉⼆⼗三,灶王爷上天on the 23rd of lunar month, when kitchen god is said to go to th
e heaven, the theater shut down until new year’s day.
“这⼦绝孙的啊Q. “May you die sonless, ah Q!”was heard in distance bythe little nun cu rsing in tearful voice.
难道这也是个痴丫头. “C an she be another absurd girl to bury flowers like Daiyu?”and t hen he thought with amument”if so , then it is like that dongshi the ugly women is i
mitating xishi the beauty, which not only isn’t novel, but also sickenly.
苏轼的诗歌能够博采众长。During on the experience of poets in the past and breaking a f resh ground, su shi’s poetry shows variety in styles.
考研复试英语听力这⾸词写得⽓势雄迈,已经恢弘,境界扩⼤magnificence in style, majesty in artistic concep
tion and vast in vision, this poem stirred the readers to the depths of their hearts.
关⼼国家命运歌颂抗⾦⽃争。Concern for the country fortune, prai of the struggle agains t Jurchen invaders and thirsty for recovering the lost centre plain are the unchanged theme of LuY ou’s poetry, and chief epitome of his patriotism.
他曾经以塞上长城⾃许。He claimed to be “the Great wall”to bar the enemies away, but the undiscer
ning sovereign and sinister minister in power denied him the golden opportun ity to realize his ambition of rving the country, as his hair turned gray his failure in ca reer made him grievous and indignant.
陆游以诸葛亮⾃期。Luyou modeled after Zhugeliang, but he could not build up the same reputation and career as z did, how can’t he be overflowed with loyalty and indignation.⾟弃疾年轻⽓盛。As Xinqiji was young and ambitious, he t building up his reputation a nd career as his goal, while wine and poetry were the trifle matters or mere entertainment of life
中国有两点是靠得住的. China can be counted on among other things, first, it up holds pr inciples and cond it honor it word.世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。At the turn of century, china is very active in it’s diploma tic affairs.
胎⼜瘪了。We’ve got another flat tyre.
树缝⾥也露着⼀两点路。Through the trees, filtered a few rays from the street lamps, as li fe less as eyes of who is dozy.
到了济南府,进的成来. When reaching Jinan and entering the city, there were flowing stre ams by e
very hou and weeping willow by every door, which made him more delighted them scenery of south.
这⾥⼭花古松遍掩这悬崖峭壁. Here the wild flowers and old pine trees over sheer diff with birds sing among them from a beautiful scene full of vigor.
必须对党员,特别是领导⼲部。We must be strict with party members especially as high o fficial, putting them under strict management and supervisor.
澜沧江河床低深⽔流湍急。The Lancang River rushes violently through the narrow gorge b
etween high sheer cliff as if cut by axe inspire awe in people’s heart.
校园依⼭傍⽔,绿树成荫。Campus , which located at the foot of hill near river with gree n trees and flowers everywhere, is an ideal place for academic activities.
匪军所⾄,杀戮⼈民。Wherever they went, the enemy troops committed all possible atroci ties---king, raping, burning, and robbing.
这位⼩姐德性温良。This young lady who is virtuous, mild-tempered, talented and beautiful
is treated as the apple of the eyes by Mr. and Mrs. Lu who have no descendants.
⽑泽东指出的骄傲⾃满。The short comings of conceit and lf- satisfaction, narrow-m inded, conrvation and arrogance as pointed out by Mao Zedong should be guarded again st by the ideological and theoretical workers.
⾃此⽽下,江⾯宽阔。From the hill, the river becomes wide and slow. If you take a smal l boat down stream, you can enjoy the beautiful sights along the river to your heart’s con tent
苏轼的散⽂,多姿多彩. Sushi’s pro works marked by diversity, an imposing style, fluenc y and naturalness are highly expressive and appealing.
他的论⽂如《六国论》. His argument works like “on the six states”or “on marquis of liu”taking advantage of the past to comment on the prent are characterized by imposing st yles, profound thinking and penetrating reasoning.
他的⼩品⽂简练精辟,挥洒⾃然. His essay, which is brief but to the point, with unrestrain ed flowing style and a lasting flavor, gives a full expression to his talent and character.
This ction describes in Baoyu’s eyes the beautiful scenery of the garden of brand sight after a night heavy snow with green pines, emerald bamboos and plum trees in red blosso ms against the whole white world.
空旷的⼭野上,荡起她天天的笑声。In the wilderness, there echoed sweet laughers.
英勇善战于前,⼜放弃⼟地于后。It is not lf-contradictory to fight heroically first and t
o abandon the land later? Will not our heroic fighters shed their blood for nothing?
Once at the Shenyang station, he found a middle-aged woman extremely worried becau she had lost her ticket. So he brought her a ticket out of his own pocket and saw her ab oard.
连叫⼏遍,只见那柳荫⾥⾯. After veral calls, there were en a small boat came creakin
g along from under the willows.
他⼼直⼝快,总是愿意和任何⼈交朋友. His outspokenness and readiness to make friends s oon won him trust from everyone.
中国的富强和发展China will never threaten anybody with its prosperity and development
轻纺⼯业的花⾊品种增多,产品质量继续有所提⾼。The light industrial and textile product
s are available in more patterns, greater varieties and better quality.
到冬天,草黄了。When winter comes, the grass turns yellow, and the flower fade, but fro m the heaven, there come down flowers spreading the whole ground with glistening snow flakes.
楼的质量不⾼。The building was not well built.
Our aim in propagating the line of the congress is to built up the confidence of the whol e party and the entire people in the certain victory of the revolution.
农民缺乏训练,许多农场⽣产效率低下。Lack of training for farmers and low productiving of farms have pit most farmers in poverty-stricken condition.
忠⾔逆⽿利于⾏,良药. Just as better medicine cures dia, the unpleasant advice benefit
s conduct.
新的景点不断出现,观光⼈数不断增多。The constant appearance of new scenic spots and
the incessant increasing in number of tourists have greeting boosted the regional economy ⾃从来到厦门,我⼏乎天天都要
到海滨去散步。Since my arrival in Xiamen, I have been i
n the habit of taking a stroll along the beach.
世界上往往有许多巧事. Many things in the world happen by more coincidence quite beyo nd out expectation.
There are too many scenes in the memories to be counted.
青海湖位于青海省东北部⼤通⼭名⼭. Qinghai Lake is surrounded by Datong Mountain, m ing mountain and nanshan mountain in the northeast of Qinghai Province.
在我们这个年代,任何⼈想要在社会上起作⽤。In our times, esntial education is a must
for any one who want to be uful to the society.
China doesn’t regard social system as yardstick in approaching problems.
和古庙正好隔河相对的那座宝塔据说是. The pagoda across the river from the old temple is said to have been built in ming dynasty.
The famous Italian traveler Marco polo was so impresd by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described as the most charming city in the world where one feels as if in paradi.
⼀踏进门槛,屋⾥的混乱景象是我⼤吃⼀惊。Once inside, I was shocked by the chaos.
这只船容易倾覆因为他造型This boat is apt to overturn becau it’s unreasonably shaped,
⼈们来到莫⼲⼭,⽬的可都People did not came to mogan mountain with same purpo.中国的批评
I neither realize nor care about the trend of Chine critical field.
沙发上坐着⼀个⼈。On the sofa was sitting a man.
马可波罗的中国之⾏给他. What impresd marco polo most during his reade in china wa
s the natural beauty of the west lake in Hangzhou.
早晨的公园⾥,遛鸟着市场可见。People walking with caged bird in hand were often en in the garden in the early morning.
我们明天上午九时动⾝。We t off at 9:00 am tomorrow.
武当⼭终年云雾缭绕Seas of clouds enshroud the peaks of wudang thought out the year.
在机器中,很多能量是由于部件之间The lost of much energy in a machine was caud b
y fiction between its parts.
他们很细⼼的观察化学变化。They watched the chemical reaction with great care.
他们肩并肩以疯狂速度向They ran to the stone pagoda side by side in a fantastic speed
The meeting will be ceremonious opened in Beijing on September.
他1938年8⽉22⽇早晨6:30诞⽣于. He was born in a small country of Hunan at 6:0
0 am. On august 22 in 1938.
⼥主⼈以离开⼈世,再没有⼈喂它了。He emed to have realized that the hostess has di
ed and nobody would rai him anymore.
It was an unexpected piece of luck that came to Xiamen middle school to teach the stud ents.