61. 参观者成群结队地来看这头怪物。
正确答案: Visitors came in flocks to e the monster.
62. 我宁愿住在市中心。
正确答案: I prefer to live in the heart of the city.
63. 在烈日下连续工作了几小时,我太想喝杯茶了。
正确答案: Having worked in the sun for hours in a row, I was dying to have a cup of tea.
64. 有的人去旅游并不是为了欣赏什么世界奇观,而是去享受一下冒险的乐趣。
正确答案: Some people travel not to e world spectacular but to enjoy the sheer happiness of adventure.
61. To maintain their place in media world, the newspapers try hard to
____________________ (比网络更详细地报道事件).寅吃卯粮
正确答案: report events in greater detail than internet
62. W ith the new suburb springing up ____________________ (在大城市的边缘), the urban life has changed completely.边缘:marginal,edge
正确答案: on the fringe of the big city
63. We are not allowed to ____________________ (自行拆开电脑) otherwi the manufacturer will not warrant its repair.
12younggirls正确答案: take apart the computer ourlvesstonger
64. ____________________ (她只得避不露面) when her husband was holding a meeting.
正确答案: She had to keep out of sight
65. The cars are reported ____________________ (前天已结队通过沙漠).
正确答案: to have crosd the dert in convoy the day before
61. 参观者成群结队地来看这头怪物
正确答案: Visitors came in flocks to e the monster.
64. 那个小男孩又把收音机拆开了
正确答案: That little boy took his radio apart again.
63. ____________________ (看不见星星的夜晚), people in the jungle can derive clues about their location by obrving tree leaves.
正确答案: When out of sight of stars at night
65. Robert was the only person ____________________ (有资格看那里的文件的人).
正确答案: who was entitled to e the documents there
61. 这是一个很广阔的领域,我在这里只能讲个大概。
正确答案: This is an enormous field of which I can here touch only the fringe.
65. He said he would try to carry out the new decision, ____________________ (但他个人不同意新决定).
end是啥意思是什么正确答案: but he was personally at odds with it
61. 友谊增进欢乐,分担忧愁
正确答案: Friendships multiply joys and divide grieves.
62. 他回想起以前住在农村时的快乐日子。
正确答案: He thought back to the happy days when he lived in the countryside.
63. 经济繁荣时代,存在激烈竞争,很多人会同时竞争一个职位。
正确答案: During the economic boom, there exists inten competition. Many people may contend for a post.
64. 一个名作家如果不继续写出更好的作品,很快会变得默默无闻。
正确答案: A famous writer may soon become obscure if he does not contrive to write better works.
61. The remarks ____________________ (跟我们讨论的问题无关).
breedlove正确答案: are not pertinent to the matter we are discussing
62. To become a writer, a person ____________________ (必须首先要富有想象力).
正确答案: must, first of all, be imaginative
63. The death of his parents was a ____________________ (对这个年轻人是个沉重打击).
山东大学考研成绩查询正确答案: mortal blow to the young man
64. ____________________ (他回想起昨晚的事) and felt at a loss what to do.
正确答案: He thought back to last night
65. The log cabin stayed empty ____________________ (除了我们暑假期间来).
正确答案: except when we came during the summer vacation 61. 小偷走后屋里一片混乱。
正确答案: The thief left the hou in chaos.
63. 他回想起以前住在农村时的快乐日子。
正确答案: He thought back to the happy days when he lived in the countryside.
61. ____________________ (所有的准备工作都劳而无功) becau the visit was cancelled.
正确答案: All that preparation was for nothing
62. To become a writer, a person ____________________ (必须首先要富有想象力).
正确答案: must, first of all, be imaginative
65. With illustrations and data ____________________ (他极其透彻地解释了他的论点).
正确答案: he explained his argument in crystal detail
61. 多年来,丈夫可能会回到她身边的幻觉一直折磨着她。
pouch正确答案: For years she suffered from the illusion that her husband might come back to her.第19届上海国际电影节
62. 他一枪就打下了那只鸟。
正确答案: With one shot he brought down the bird.
63. The bag of sweets on the table was ____________________ (对孩子是难以抗拒的诱惑).
正确答案: too strong a temptation for a child to resist
64. The death of his parents was a ____________________ (对这个年轻人是个沉重打击).
正确答案: mortal blow to the young man
61. 他出国期间把他的房子给我使用。
正确答案: He will accommodate me with the u of his hou while he is abroad.
62. 她订购了好几本女性杂志。
正确答案: She subscribes to veral women’s magazines.
63. 我很感谢您的热情好客
正确答案: I’m obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.
64. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
正确答案: A loud noi from the street diverted my attention. 61.
____________________ (鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职), it's natural that they object to their husbands treating them like houkeepers.
正确答案: Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home
62. The customer complained that no sooner ____________________ (他刚试着使用这台机器,它就不运转了).