XX年下半年英语四级考试词汇辅导试题及答案 fos
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1. By putation, he estimated thatthe repais on the hou would cost him a thousanddollars.
A. coar B. rude C. rough D. crude
2. The police were alerted that the escaped criminalmight be in the .
A. vain B. vicinity C. court D. jail
3. The statue would be perfect but for a few small in its ba.
A. mistakes B. weakness C. flaws D. errors rightround
4. This light shelf is strong enough to all the books here.
hwr A. wipe B.wax C.survey D.sustain
5. In the big flood, only 20 percent of the people in that village .
A. remained B. stayed C. lived D. survived
6. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is nonn.
i fell good
A. shear B. sheer C. shield D. sheet
7. The factors which would influence the learning will with each other.
A. interact B. install C. innovate D. intend
8. One of his eyes was injured in an aident, but after a opration, he quicklyrecovered his sight.
reading literature A. preci B. considerate C. delicate D. nsitive
9. He would much it if you could do him the favor.
A. award B. apply C. appreciate D. anticipate
10.Mr. White tried to this job through the influence of his father.
A. harness B.fetch C.cur D.obtain
1.C。A. coar粗糙的;B. rude 粗鲁的;C. rough崎岖的,D. crude 粗的,粗鲁的。
2.B。A. vain空的,空虚的;B. vicinity在附近(in thevicinity);C. court法院;D. jail监狱。
3.C。A. mistakes 错误,误差;B. weakness 弱点;C.flaws过失,瑕疵;D. errors 误差,错误。
4.D wipe 擦,拭;擦去,消除;涂上;刷卡;wax 给……打蜡,给……上蜡;渐渐变大;变为;(月亮)渐圆,渐盈survey 调查;勘测;俯瞰;sustain维持;支撑,支持;遭受,忍受;供养。
5.D remain 留下, 逗留。stay 停留。 live 居住; 住。survive 幸存, 活下来。
6.B。A. shear剪羊毛(做名词为剪羊毛的剪子);B. sheer完全的纯粹的;by sheer chance完全处于偶然;C.shield盾牌;D. sheet薄片床单,纸张。
oceania 7.A。interact 相互作用;install 安装;innovate 创新;intend 打算。
8.C。A. preci准确的;B. considerate为他人着想的,体谅别人的;C. delicate容易受伤的,易损的,需要小心或者技巧处理的;D. nsitive 敏感的。
no boundaries 9.C。award 授予;apply 运用;appreciate 感谢;anticipate 期望。
wild style 10.D。harness 治理;给(负重的动物)套轭具;给……穿铠甲;fetch 抵达,到达;取来;卖得(好价钱);cur 诅咒;咒骂;使苦恼,使困苦;把(某人)逐出教门;obtain 获得,得到。