1. Title:Esntials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Bibliographic Details
Author: Elaine N. Marieb
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
hedylamarrPublication Date: 1994
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 4th Edition
This is an excellent source for a basic
understanding of Anatomy and
Physiology. Just note that any such class
requires a lot of memorization. There are
a lot of terms, and names for things to
remember. This book makes it more
interesting my adding stories and
relating the to real life or job situations. It helps to put things into perspective. The images are not always clear, but, when ud with the workbook designed for the cour, everything comes clear.
2. Title:Anatomy and Physiology
(Laboratory Manual )
Bibliographic Details
Author: Wi, Eric
Publication Date: 2003-01-13
Edition: 3
This manual (utilizing the cat as the primary
disction specimen) us the same four-color
art program as the third edition of Saladin's
Anatomy & Physiology and follows the same
order of prentation. The 47 exercis provide a comprehensive overview of the body and prent the core elements of the subject matter.
3. Title:Anatomy for the Artist
Bibliographic Details
Author: Carter, Danie l
Publisher: Parragon Inc
Publication Date: 2007
Binding: Hardcover
This first title in Barron's brand-new,
instructive, and profuly illustrated ries
can be ud as a lf-teaching manual for
ambitious amateur artists or as a textbook
in art classrooms. After a brief introduction
on the history of anatomy in art, it offers a
detailed of the human
skeleton, muscles, bones, joints, and body
proportions of human figures in standing, sitting, reclining, and action pos. The book's exercis are focud to improve and refine students' proficiency in drawing all parts of the human body. Artists' tools and accessories are recommended, and techniques are shown to help students render the human form in both wet and dry media. 4.Title:Human Anatomy
Bibliographic Details
Author:Martini, Frederic H.;Timmons,
Michael J.;Welch, Kathleen
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publication Date: 1996
Binding: Hardcover
滑稽的意思Edition: 2nd Edition
A comprehensive introduction to human
anatomy for students majoring in biology or
fulfilling prerequisites for nursing, allied
health, or pre-med programs. The book's art
programme combines award-winning
medical illustrations by William Ober, MD and
cadaver and bone photos the
renowned biomedical photographer Ralth
Hutchings. The text also includes innovative pedagogical elements.
5. Title:Esntial Clinical Anatomy
Bibliographic Details
Author:Moore, Keith L.;Yu, Kam;Agur,
Anne M. R.;Moore, Marion
Publisher: Williams & Wilkins
Publication Date: 1995
Binding: Soft cover
Edition: 1st
University of Toronto, Canada. Conci,
core text of gross anatomy for medical
汉译英翻译students, extracted from the author's
textbook, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, third
edition. Some color illustrations from
Grant's Atlas are also included. DNLM: Anatomy - handbooks.
6.Title:Private Parts: An Owners Guide to the Male
Bibliographic Details
Author: Taguchi, Yosh
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart Ltd
bottle是什么意思Publication Date: 1996
Binding: Soft cover
Edition: 2nd Edition干杯的英文
When it comes to the health of their
x organs, even educated, intelligent
men become embarrasd and irrational,
preferring to ignore a problem in the hope
that it will go away and eking medical
advice only as a last resort. Private Parts
boldly cuts through the superstition,
popular misconception, and general
ignorance to provide a reassuring, no-nonn guide to this area of vital concern to all men.
7.Title:The New Atlas of Human Anatomy
Bibliographic Details
Author: Hippo
Publisher: Metro Books
Publication Date: 2000
Binding: No Binding
There's never been anything like this before:
the very first anatomically exact, and complete,
three-dimensional, computer-generated reconstruction of actual human anatomy. The
amazing color images come to life thanks to the
National Library of Medicine's Visible Human
8.Title:Gray's Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical Bibliographic Details
Author: Gray, Henry
Publisher: Running Pr Book Pub
Publication Date: 1974
Binding: Soft cover
Edition: Unabridged
The famous,unconditionally guaranteed,
durable paperback edition with high-quality
paper and binding. "The volume is a masterful achievement. Esntial not only for medical
students and professionals, but also for painters,
sculptors, or anyone interested in coming to
know his own body and its structure". -- Small
Press Review
9.Title:The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System
Bibliographic Details
Author: Edith J. Applegate Pat Thomas
七夕快乐英文怎么说Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company
Publication Date: 1995
Binding: Paperback
This textbook gives the basic information
that readers need, with a focus on medical
terminology and clinical applications.
Examples of personal and clinical applications
demonstrate the relevance of theory to real life
and to practice. Chapter outlines,learning
objectives, also includes lf-tests,terminology
exercis, and review questions to help readers evaluate and reinforce their comprehension of the m
aterial. The companion workbook offers readers an opportunity to test their knowledge of the material.
10.Title:Laboratory Anatomy of the Human Body
Bibliographic Details
Author: Butterworth, Bernard B.
Publisher: William C Brown Pub
Publication Date: 1991
Binding: Soft cover
Edition: 4th Edition
Logically reorganized to supplement any
human anatomy text, Butterworth's fourth
edition covers the nervous system and special
n organs before discussing the digestive
and respiratory systems