Wi-Fi俗称无线宽带,wi-Fi与Wlan的区别在于WLan是无线局域网,Wi-Fi是一种技术。Wlan属于Wi-Fi。它是一种短程无线传输技术,能够在数百英尺范围内支持互联网接入的无线电信号。Wi-Fi的正式名称是“IEEE802.11b”,与蓝牙一样,同属于在办公室和家庭中使用的短距离无线技术。虽然在数据安全性方面,该技术比蓝牙技术要差一些,但是在电波的覆盖范围方面则要略胜一筹。随着技术的发展,以及IEEE 802.11a 及IEEE 802.11g等
标准的出现,现在IEEE 802.11这个标准已被统称作Wi-Fi。从应用层面来说,要使用Wi-Fi,用户首先要有Wi-Fi 兼容的用户端装置。Wi-Fi是一种帮助用户访问电子邮件、Web和流式媒体的互联网技术。它为用户提供了无线的宽带互联网访问。同时,它也是在家里、办公室或在旅途中上网的快速、便捷的途径。能够访问Wi-Fi 网络的地方被称为热点。Wi-Fi 热点是通过在互联网连接上安装访问点来创建的。这个访问点将无线信号通过短程进行传输,一般覆盖90米左右。当一台支持Wi-Fi 的设备遇到一个热点时,这个设备可以用无线方式连接到那个网络。
Android一词的本义指“机器人”,同时也是Google于2007年11月5日宣布的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统的名称,该平台由操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成,是首个为移动终端打造的真正开放和完整的移动软件。目前,最新版本为Android 2.4 Gingerbread和Android 3.0 Honeycomb。Android早期由原名为"Android"的公司开发,谷歌在2005年收购"Android.Inc"后,继续对Android系统开发运营,它采用了软件堆层(software stack,又名软件叠层)的架构,主要分为三部分。底层Linux内核只提供基本功能,其他的应用软件则由各公司自行开发,部分程序以Java编写。2011年初数据显示,仅正式上市两年的操作系统Android已经超越称霸十年的塞班系统,使之跃居全球最受欢迎
目前,国内外对Android平台下开发应用程序的热情很高,开发Android平台下的即时通信软件也是层出不穷,其中涌现了许多有价值的开源社区以及一些第三方做的框架。例如:,Android Asmack等等,这对于完成Android平台下的即时通信软件有着阶段性的贡献,还有许许多多Android爱好者在一些论坛和博客中共同交流和完善这个Android即时通信系统,给用户的体验也越来越好。这也吸引了越来越多的人投身到对Android软件的开发研究当中,因为他是开源的,因为它有许多的志同道合的人能够进行交流,并且从中获取经验和进步。
Design and Implementation of the WiFi-Bad Instant Messaging Software
beneathsolesReal-time communication is a terminal rvices, allowing two or more individuals to u network can transfer to cross-platform real-time information in words, text files, voice and video communication. Since the instant communication software which has been, this kind of take the network as the basis, and other online ur interaction information real-time mode, has its quick and convenient features, got to news of the high requirement of real-time feedback industry and institutions favored.
Instant communication since 1998 has come out, especially in recent years the rapid development of the function of the instant communication increasingly rich, gradually integrated E-mail, blogs, music, TV, video games and arch multiple functions. Real-time communication is no longer a simple chat tool, it has developed the chengji exchange, information, entertainment, arch, e-commerce, office coordination and enterpri customer rvice as a comprehensive information platform.
ikeyThe traditional instant communication application is in the most of the realization of the PC, but along with the wireless transmission network development, all kinds of intelligenc
e spot run>新东方英语900句e operation platform provides hardware launch bad, on a mobile device of the instant communication systems as 3G business new window. Along with the rapid development of Internet technology, information technology to improve the mobile terminal technology increasing, kinds of intelligent operating system platform, the emergence of the mobile communication system for real-time provides hardware foundation; Mobile devices open Android platform, as the 3G network development quickly occupied the market.
The third generation mobile communication technology (3rd-generation, 3G), it is to point to support high speed data transmission of cellular mobile communication technology. 3G rvices can simultaneously transmit voice and data information, rate in hundreds of KBPS above average. At prent, there are four 3G standard: CDMA2000, WCDMA, td-scdma, WiMAX. Generally speaking, 3G is to point to will wireless communication and Internet and multi-media communication combination of a new generation of mobile communication system, the future of the 3G will make combined with community sites, WAP and the combination of the WEB is a kind of trend. 3G and 2 gb major difference is the transmission of voice and data speed of ascension, it can in the global range better re
alize the wireless roaming, and deal with the images, music, video and so on many kinds of media forms, including web browsing, telephone conference, electronic commerce and so on many kinds of information rvice, also want to consider the cond generation of the system has good compatibility. In order to provide this rvice, the wireless network must be able to support different transmission speed, that is in the indoor and outdoor and driving environment can support at least 2 Mbps respectively (trillion bits per cond), 384 KBPS (thousand bits per cond) and 144 KBPS transmission speed.brava