obtaining wicd
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If Wicd fails to connect after you install it, make sure that the only entry in your /etc/network/interfaces file is
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
You can change the contents of this file by pressing alt + f2, then typing
gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfacesel的用法
if you are using Gnome, or replace gedit with kate if you are using KDE. This will allow you to view and edit the /etc/network/interfaces.You can ignore lines that start with #.
Starting Wicd
If you are using a desktop environment without a notification area, you can run the Wicd GUI by running
wicd-client -n
If you are using a desktop environment with a notification area, you can start the tray icon by running
If you are using a desktop environment such as GNOME or KDE, you can start the Wicd GUI by opening the Application menu.
Installing Wicd in Ubuntu
If you are using Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), Wicd 1.5.9 is in the univer repository, so a simple sudo apt-get install wicd will do it. If you want the latest version of Wicd when it comes out, though, you'll need to add the Wicd repository. Jaunty urs who need to download the Wicd deb package can grab it from Ubuntu's Univer repository.
Non-Jaunty versions of Ubuntu (Intrepid, Hardy, etc) or Jaunty urs who want the latest updates will have to add the Wicd repository to the Ubuntu package manager. To open the package manager in Gnome, go to Administration > Synaptic Package Manager. When it appears, go to Settings > Repositories > Third Party Software > , and enter the following line:
失败英文deb apt.wicd jaunty extras
where "jaunty" is your version of Ubuntu in lowerca (dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid, jaunty). You'll also need to add the key ud for signing Wicd by running the following command in a terminal:
wget -q apt.wicd/wicd.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Now, click Reload, and wait while the package lists are downloaded. Now, arch for "Wicd", and right click on it. Select Install, then press Apply, and Wicd will automatically be downloaded and installed for you. This will also keep you automatically up to date with the latest and greatest version of Wicd. Plea note that this will remove network-manager, which is the default GNOME network manager and may cau loss of network connection temporarily.
Installing Wicd in Debian
服装出口Wicd 1.5.9 is included in Debian Squeeze and Sid, so you can just u apt-get install to g
et it.网络营销知识培训
In Debian Lenny, 1.5.9 is a backport, so installing it requires additional work. Add this to certain/etc/apt/sources.list:
deb www.backports/debian lenny-backports main contrib non-free2017考研英语二答案
inconvenienceFollow this with apt-get update and then apt-get -t lenny-backports install wicd.
For tho running Debian experimental, 1.6 is in the main repository.
Installing Wicd in Arch Linux
Wicd 1.6 is in the extra repository, so all that needs to be done is:
pacman -Sy wicd
It is recommended to take a look at the Arch Wiki page on Wicd for other notes.
Installing Wicd in Fedora
black lives matterRPMs for Fedora 10 can be found here, Fedora 11 here.
The above RPMs require urwid for wicd-curs. RPMs for it can be found here, under Fedora_XX/YOUR_SYSTEM'S_ARCHITECTURE.
Installing Wicd in Slackware
Wicd 1.5.9 is available in the /extra ction of Slackware 12.2 and is available in the /extra ction of Slackware 13. However, due to a bug in, it is recommended to upgrade to
Installing Wicd in Gentoo
All you need to do is emerge Wicd:
emerge -av wicd
Installing Wicd in OpenSUSE
Plea take a look at the OpenSUSE wiki for installation directions. Wicd 1.6 packages for various versions of OpenSUSE can be found here.
Installing Wicd in Pardus
Wicd exists in contrib repository. After you have added contrib repository, all you need to do is:
sudo pisi it wicd
You can also install the package by using Pisi Package Manager.
Installing Wicd in Mandriva
RPM packages for Mandriva 2008 and Mandriva 2009 can be found at here.
Installing Wicd in SUSE Enterpri Linux, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterpri Linux
As for the other RPM distros, packages for the most current versions of the above distros can be found here.
Installing Wicd in MOPSLinux
Wicd comes with MOPSLinux. You can install it by running
mpkg-install wicd