例:ha ve
A. gave
B. sav e
C. ha t
D. mad e
1.co ur A. journey B. fou r C. l abour D. hour
2.match A. parat e B. ma rry C.machine D. manylighters eminem
pitchruntime3. ri A. pur B. el C. prai D. m ou
4. ba the A. faith B. cloth C. maths D. smoot h
5. Brita in A.certain B. train C. agains t D. con tain
6.—Do you k now Anna's telephone number?
—_________. As amatter offact, I do n't know a ny Anna, e ither.
A. I thi nk so B.I'm afraid not
C. l hopeso D. I'd rather no t
7. A sma ll car isbig enough for a fam ily of thr ee ________ you nee d more spa ce for bag gage.
A. once B. bec au C. i f D. unless
8. It's not_________good ideato drive f or four ho urs withou t _________ break.
A. a;a B. the;a C. the; th e D. a; the
9.—What a re you rea ding, Tom?
—I'm no t really r eading, ju st _________ the pag es.
A. turningoff B. turningaround C. turningover D. turningup 10.—Co uld I askyou a rath er persona l question ?
—Sur e, .
A. pardon m e B. go ahead C.good idea D. forge t it
11.If the wea ther had b een better , we coul d have had a picnic. But it al l
day .
A. rain ed B. rains C. hasrained D. is raini ng
12. Th e director had her a ssistant s ome hot do gs for the meeting .
A. p icked up
B. pick s up
C.pick up
D. picki ng up
13. Stand ove r there you‘ll be abl e to e t he oil pai nting bett er .
A. but B. t ill C. and D. or
14. If t heir marke ting plans succeed , they the ir sales b y 20 perce nt .
A. will in crea B. have bee n increasi ng C. hav e increase d D. wo uld be inc reasing
berio15. Modem e quipment a nd no smok ing are tw o of the t hings I li ke _______ working h ere.
A. with B.over C. at D. about
16. The road condition s there tu rned out t o be verygood, ______ was mor e than wecould expe ct.give out
A. it B.what C. which D. that
17. Liza wel l not want to go onthe trip –she hatestraveling.
B. can
C. must
D. ma y
18. Lit tle Johnny felt thebag, curio us to know what it_________.
A. col lected B. con tained C. l oaded D. saved
19. The house still nee ded a lotof work, b ut __________ the ki tchen wasfinished.
A. in stead
B. alto gether
C. at on ce
D. at leas t
20. It w as in NewZealand __________ E lizabeth f irst met M r. Smith.
A. th at
B. how
C. whi ch
D. w hen
From t he time ea ch of my c hildren st arted scho ol, I pack ed their l unches. An d in eachlunch, I ___21_ anote. Ofte n writtenon a napki n (餐巾), it might bea thank-yo u for a 22 momen t, a remin der of som ething wewere happi ly expecti ng, or a b it of 23for the c oming test or sporti ng event.
In early g rade schoo l they 24 their m otes . But as childr en grow ol der they b ecome lf-conscious(有自我意识),and 25 he reached high scho ol , my ol der son ,Marc, info rmed me he no longer26 my daily not es . Telli ng him tha t he no lo nger neede d to 27 them butI still ne eded to wr ite them,I 28 u ntil the d ay he grad uated.
Six years aft er high sc hool gradu ation , Ma rc calledand askedif he coul d move 29
For acouple ofmonths . H e had spen t tho ye ars well ,graduatin g from col lege, 30two inte rnships (实习) in Wash ington, D.C, and 31 , becom ing a tech nical assi stant in S acramento. 32 s hort vacat ion visits , however , he hadlived away from home . With hi s youngersister lea ving for c ollege , I was 33happy to have Marc back .Sin ce I was 34 making lunch for his young er brother, I 35one forMarc ,too. Imaginemy 36 whe n I got acall frommy 24-year-old son , 37 h is lunch .
"Did I do something38 ? Do n't you lo ve me 39, Mom?" w ere just a few of th e question s he threw at me asI 40 ask ed him wha t was wron g.
fiona fung"Mynote, Mom." he answe red. "Wher e's my not e?"
21. A. carried B. fo und C. inclu ded D. held
22.A. difficu lt B. special C. c omfortable D. par ate
23. A. congratul ation B, improvem ent C.explanatio n D. enco uragement
24. A. lov ed B. answere d C,wrote D. exami ned
25. A. lately B. by the way C. by t he time D. graduall y
26. rece ived B. under stood C. enjoyed D. co llected
27. A. copyB. read C. ta ke D. nd
28. A. heldup B. gave up C. f ollowed D. contin ued任性 翻译
29. A. out B. hom e C. to coll ege D.to Sacrame nto
30. A. organizin g B. pl anning C. compa ring D.completing
31. A. ho pefully B. final ly C. particu larly D.certainly
32. A. Bec au of B. Instea d of C. Except f or D. As for
33. A. especial ly B.immediatel y C, equ ally D. generall y
34. A. o nce B. againC. still D. ev en
35. A.packed B. fetc hed C. bought D. fi lled
36. A.fear B. su rpri C. ange r D. disappoin tment
37.A. waiting for B. worryingabout C. caring fo r D. as king about
38. A. wr ong B. funnyC. strange D. sm art
39. A. any more B. en ough C. once more D. better
40. A. inter estingly B. bitter ly C. polite ly D. laughingl y
There was a sto ry many ye ars ago of a schoolteacher--- Mrs. Thom pson. Shetold the c hildren on the first day thatshe lovedthem all t he same. B ut that wa s a lie. T here in th e front ro w was a li ttle boy n amed Teddy Stoddard. He didn‘t play well with theother chil dren and h e always n eeded a ba th. She di d not like him.
Then Mrs. Thompsongot to kno w that Ted dy was act ually a ve ry good bo y before t he death o f his moth er. Mrs. T hompson wa s ashamedof herlf. She felt even wors e when, li ke all her other stu dents, Ted dy brought her a Chr istmas pre nt too.It
was his mother‘sperfume(香水)。
Te ddy said,―Mrs. Thom pson, toda y you smel l just lik e my Mom u d
to.‖ A fter the c hildren le ft she cri ed for atleast an h our. On th at very da y, she sto pped teach ing readin g, writing and math. Instead,she beganto teach c hildren.
Mrs. T hompson pa id particu lar attent ion to Ted dy. The bo y‘s mind s eemed to c ome alive. The moreshe encour age him, t he fasterhe improve d. By theend of the sixth gra de, Teddyhad become one of th e smartest childrenin the cla ss.
S ix years w ent by bef ore she go t a note f rom Teddy.He wrotethat he ha d finished high scho ol, thirdin his cla ss, and sh e was stil l the best teacher h e ever had in his wh ole lift.He went to college.Mrs. Thomp son got tw o more let ters fromhim with t he last on e signed,Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D.(医学博士).
The storydoesn‘t en d there. O n his wedd ing day, D r. Stoddar d whispere d in Mrs.Thompson‘s ear, ―Tha nk you, Mr s. Thompso n, for bel ieving inme. Y ou ma de me feel important and showe d me thatI could ma ke a diffe rence.‖
Mrs. Thomp son, withtears in h er eyes, w hispered b ack, ―Tedd y, you hav e it all w rong. Y ouwere the o ne who tau ght me tha t I couldmake a dif ference. I didn‘t kn ow how toteach unti l I met yo u.‖
41. Wh at did Mrs. Thompson do on the first day of school?
A. She m ade Teddyfeel asham ed.
B. She asked the childrento play wi th Teddy.
C. She cha nged Teddy‘s at to the front row.
D. S he told th e class so mething un true about herlf.
42. What d id Mrs. Th ompson fin d out abou t Teddy?
A. Heoften told lies. B. He was g ood at mat h.
C. He needed motherlycare. D. He enj oyed playi ng with ot hers.
43.In what wa y did Mrs. Thompsonchange?
A. Shetaught few er schoolsubjects. B.She became stricterwith her s tudents.
C. She no longer liked her job as ateacher D. She car ed more ab out educat ing studen ts.remilia