王子的前妻1. clean and cleanly
The bulletwent clean through his arm. 子弹完全穿过了他的胳膊。
I clean forgotabout it. 我完全把这个事情忘了。(这里也可以翻成“我把这个事情忘得干干净净了”。看来中文和英文还是有共通之处啊!)
That knife doesn’t cut clean. 那把小刀切起来不利落。
而cleanl y就是“清洁地”意思啦。
The desk was cleanly filed. 桌子被整理得干干净净。
2. clear and clearly
副词clear的意思和cl ean的意思一样,是“完全地,径直地”意思。
You e me clear. 你很透彻地看穿我。
He disappe ared clear away after the crime. 他犯罪后消失得无影无踪。
Stand clear of the gate. 别靠近门。
You shouldkeep clear of that stupidguy. 你应该离那个蠢家伙远一点。
Can you e it clearly? 你看得清楚吗?
He is clearly wrong. 他明显错了。
有两个句子你要牢牢记住,clear和c l early都可以:deport
The moon shone clearly / clear. 月光明媚。
He spoke clearly / clear and loudly/ loud. 他说话清晰明朗。
3. clo and cloly
都听过莫文蔚的C loTo You这首歌吧?那为什么不是C l oly To You?就让我来解释一下这两个词的区别吧!
He lives clo to the school.他住得离学校很近。
当修饰抽象的事物,表示“接近地”、“严密地”、“仔细地”的时候,就放心大胆地用c lol y吧!
Watch what I do cloly! 仔细看我怎么做的!
4. directand directl y
副词direc t作“直线地,不绕圈子地”解。
The train goes there direct.火车直接开到那儿。
The next flightdoesn’t go directto Rome. 飞机不直达罗马。
He came directto London.他直接到了伦敦。
而direct ly作“直接地”的解。
Answermy questio n directl y! 直接回答我的问题!
She told me very directl y and openly.她直截了当地告诉我了。
directl y还有“立即”和“马上”的意思。
I will be there directl y. 我马上就到。
He shouldbe here directl y if you don’t mind waiting. 如果您不介意等等,他马上就到。
5. easy and easily
Take it easy. 别着急,慢慢来。
Go easy. 别着急。
Easy come, easy go. 好来好散。
Stand easy! 稍息!
除此之外,都用easil y。
I finishe d it easily.我一下子就搞定了。
He is not easilysatisfi ed. 他不容易满足。
6. firm and firmly
Stand firm. 站稳了啊。
Alwayshold firm to what you believe. 坚持你所信仰的东西。
阿卡索外教网收费7. high and highly
aim high力争上游
hold one’s head high骄傲
play high大赌注
archhigh and low到处寻找
run high激动
fly high有雄心
He spoke highlyof her. 他大大赞美她。
He paid highlyfor his stupidbehavio rs. 他为他做的蠢事付出了很高的代价。
8. right and rightly
这两个词语当表示“对”的意思的时候都可以修饰动词,但是right ly通常放在动词之前。你可以看看下面的句子。
He rightly guesd that you were not going there.
He guesd right that you were not going there. 他猜对了,你不会去。
If I remembe r right, you were my high schoolclassma te. 如果我记得没错的话,你是我的高中同学。
If I’m rightly informe d, I shouldbe there right away. 如果消息没错的话,我得马上去。
9. sharp and sharply
At the crossro ads, we turnedsharp to the left. 我们在十字路口突然来了个左转。
The road turns very sharply. 道路起伏不平。
The violins were playing sharp.小提琴能演奏高音。
Don’t speak too sharply to them,plea.请不要对他们说话过于尖刻了。
10. slow and slowly
slow作副词用的时候仅仅能用于goslow这样的搭配。其他情况都用s l owly。
The workers decided to go slow. 工人们决定怠工一会儿。
Speak slowly, plea.拜托您说慢点儿。
Drive slowlywhen you are crossin g the road. 过那条马路的时候开慢点儿。
Sorry I didn’t turn up —I _____ forgot. (clean, cleanly)
I’m afraidI’m _____ out of food. (clean, cleanly)
This pen writes_____ . (clean, cleanly)
I can’t e _____ without my glass. (clear, clearly)
The prisone r got _____ away. (clear, clearly)
Come _____ ! I want to tell you some crets. (clo, cloly)
She’s _____ related to my family. (clo, cloly)
The plan goes _____ from Londonto Houston without stoppin g. (direct, directl y)
Let’s meet _____ after lunch; then I’ll take you _____ to your room. (direct, directl y) This is a ntence _____ quotedfrom Latin. (direct, directl y)
I _____ recomme nd it. (high, highly)
He can jump really_____. (high, highly)
He’s reallyambitio us; he aims _____. (high, highly)
I _____ assumed that Henry wasn’t coming. (right, rightly)
Alwayshold _____ to your beliefs. (firm, firmly)
Fix the post _____ in the ground. (firm, firmly)
clean clean cleanly clearly clear clo
cloly directl y direct;di rectl y directl y highly
high highlyrightly fi rm firmly
英语中有一些表示方式、程度的副词具有两种形式。如late,lately;high,highly;s low,showly等等。在这些词当中,两种不同形式所表达的含义有的完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。这就给人们使用这些词时带来一定的麻烦。特别是在学生中间,总免不了使用时的混淆。笔者想就此问题分类作一点探讨。
(一)本类词有har d,hardly;late,lately;most,mostly等等,这两种副词形式含义完全不同,所以,使用时不易引起混淆。
1.He works hard all day.他整天都在使劲地干活。
He hardlyworks at all.他很少干活。
2.You have come too late.你来得太晚了。
Have you e him lately?你最近见到过他吗?
3.The personwho talks most is often the one who doeslea st.说得最多的人常常干得最少。
The audienc e consist ed mostlyof women.观众大部分是女的。
4.The next flightdo not go directto Tokyo; it goes byway of Shangha i.下趟航班不直飞东京,而是绕道上海。
He will be here directl y.他马上就来。
本科文凭查询5.The rider pulledhis hor up short.骑手突然一下把马勒住。
Make a right turn shortly beyondthe village. 村前不远处往右拐。
6.Pleastand clear of the gate.请不要站在门前。
He statedhis view-point clealy.他很清楚明白地阐述了自己的观点。
7.The exam was prettydifficu lt.这次考试相当难。
Her littlegirls are alwaysprettil y dresd.她的小女孩穿着总是很漂亮。
(二)这类词主要有w i de,widely;clo, cloly;high,highly等等,这两种副词形式不同,含义也有差别,但是没有第一类的区别明显,而且翻译成汉语时用词也很接近。所以使用时很容易混淆。
这类词含义及用法上的主要特点是:不带-ly的副词表示具体的行为和动作,说明的动作或状况有可测量性和可见性;而以-ly结尾的同源副词所表达的常常是抽象性的行为和状况。这时,这些词大都具有"greatly"和"extreme l y"的含义。试作如下比较:
1.Do you e that butterf ly flyinghigh above the street?你是否看见那只蝴蝶在街道上方高
The disting uished guestswere highlypraid.贵宾们受到了高度赞扬。2.He flung the door wide open.他猛地把门开得大大的。
We were widelydiffere nt on many questio ns.我们在许多问题上分歧很大。
3.You will have to pay dear for that telesco pe.买那个望远镜你得付很高的价钱。
You will pay dearlyfor the insult.对这样的侮辱你将付出高昂的代价。
4.She stood clo against the wall.她紧挨着墙站着。
The policewere watchin g him cloly.警察在密切监视他。
5.The bird is now flyingquite low.鸟儿现在飞得非常低。
He bowed lowly beforethe queen.他谦恭地给女王鞠了一躬。
three brother6.They had to dig deep to reach water.他们挖得很深才挖到水。
You have offende d him deeply.你冒犯他可不轻。
7.Grace is holding tight to Paul.格雷斯紧紧地搂抱着保罗。
The pasng ers were packedtightly in the train.火车车箱里挤满了乘客。