一、 TRANSLATION(总题数:6,分数:12.00)
正确答案:(正确答案:The world today is experiencing profound changes and adjustments. Multi-polarization and globalization continue to develop in depth. Different countries become increasingly interconnected, with their interests, happiness and misfortunes interwoven with each other. To ek peace, development and cooperation remains an irreversible trend of the times. However, we should also notice the following problems; first of all, local conflicts and hot issues are frequently en in this world, and the world is still not peaceful; condly, the imbalance of global economy increas and the gap between the South and the North widens; thirdly, climate change and energy and resources-related matters are prominent. To address the challenge, maintain peace and promote development have become an urgent and arduous task facing the international community.)
解析:解析:1.第二句中应注意对成语“休戚与共”的理解。“休”指“欢乐,吉庆”;“戚”指“悲哀,忧愁”;“休戚与共”指“共同承担忧喜和祸福”,形容关系密切,利害相同,翻译时可采用意译法。 2.第三句中“这个时代”应翻译为the times,注意time的复数形式表示时代和时
westlife好听的歌期。 3.第四句包含若干个分句,应理清分句之间的逻辑关系。原文中“我们也应看到”之后共讲到三个问题,问题之间用分号隔开,翻译时可增译“第一……;第二……;第三……”加以说明。在翻译“世界仍然不安宁,局部冲突和热点问题此起彼伏”时可调整语序,可以使用定语从句,以增加句型的多样性。“南北差距持续扩大”中的“南北差距”指发展中国家与发达国家之间的差距。发展中国家多位于南半球,故称“南”,发达国家多位于北半球,故称“北”,翻译时可意译为the gap between the developing countries and the developed countries,也可直译为the gap between the South and the North,注意此时South与North的首字母需大写。 4.第五句是整段文字的结尾,指出我们应如何应对当今国际形势的变化。原文中出现了“已成为”,翻译时宜使用现在完成时。此外“应对挑战,维护和平,促进发展”为三种不同的措施,谓语动词应使用复数形式。cooties
huobiteren正确答案:(正确答案:Education, as a social activity to cultivate people, is esntial to the development of human beings, and it also rves as the prerequisite for the advancement of human society. Basically, the development and prosperity of a particular country depends on the quality of its people, which can be improved by education. If education is the foundation of a nation, teachers are the founders. Education should be emphasized and promoted for the rejuvenation of Chine nation, which brings about new requirements for teachers, both as individuals and as a career. Great trust can only be given to people with lf-discipline and social commitment. In this way, the improvement of teachers' professional ethics in modern time rves as an important aspect in the cau of socialism education with Chine characteristics.)
展的必要条件”指出了教育的重要作用。翻译时可以使用介词短语作插入语的方式引出教育的定义,再通过is esntial to和rves as the prerequisite:来表示“必需的”和“必要条件”,此处应注意语言的多样性,宜采用不同的句式来表达。 2.第二句中两次出现了“国民素质”的提法,为了避免重复,使中文译本更加简洁明了,可使用定语从句。 3.第四句中的“教师及教师职业”可以用both as individuals and as a career后置,进行补充说明。 4.第五句较长,可以拆分成两句进行翻译。先谈“厚德载物”,再谈“厚德载物”与“现代教师的职业道德修养水平”之间的关系。需要注意的是,两句之间存在逻辑联系,可以使用In this way来进行衔接。翻译成语“厚德载物”时,首先要明确其在文本中的含义:道德高尚的人能够承担起重大的任务。此处可以采用意译法,用lf-discipline and social commitment来表示“厚德”,用great trust can only be given to sb.来表示“载物”。
4.人类文明迄今已经历了原始文明、农业文明和工业文明,目前,人类社会正处在由工业文明向生态文明的转型期。 工业文明是以经济快速发展、社会财富不断快速增长为标志,极大地满足人们对物质的需求。由于工业文明的快速发展,中国已成为世界制造业大国,随之而来的是资源的过度开采,特别是在科技水平不高的条件下,形成资源的高开采、高耗能、高排放、低产出。我国是一个资源相对贫穷的国家,无论是矿产资源、淡水资源、