
更新时间:2023-06-05 10:06:55 阅读: 评论:0

1.The bank had doubled profits in the past year via a string of successful mergers, but on Apr. 21 it reported that its curities portfolio had unrealized loss of nearly $131 million. 在过去一年中银行已经通过一系列成功的合并双倍盈利,但在 4月 21日却传出报告说证券投资组合造成近一亿三千一百万美元的损失。
2.We’re considering strategies that make the most n if rates are going up much more aggressively and sooner than anticipated. 如果利率继续以超出我们想象的强劲势头增长,我们就要考虑最明智的决策。
3.But benchmarking employees, and then paying them different rates, can turn out to be a minefield if handled badly. 但是仅仅用一种单一的标准来衡量员工,然后以此对他们进行区分奖励,一旦操作 有误很可能造成恶劣后果。
4.But the growing shortage of executive talent may make the growth assumptions written into many business plans over-optimistic. 但是日渐匮乏的管理人才使得商业计划书对未来经济增长的假设显得过于乐观了。
5.Alternatively, advertirs can choo to u “spokescharacters”. Owens-Corning has ud the Pink Panther for nearly 20 years to endor its insulation products, and Metropolitan Life has ud the Peanuts gang to promote its insurance policies. Another way advertirs protect themlves is by using decead celebrities. Through the wonders of technology, television viewers e screen legends John Wayne pitching Coors beer and Fred Astaire dancing with a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner. 此外,作为一项选择,广告主不一定非要用真人来促销产品,而可以选择一个“代 言人”(不一定是真实的人,可以是动画人物,甚至可以是动物)。例如,奥弗恩 斯*科宁用粉红豹来促销其粉红色的绝缘材料已有 20 多年;大都会人寿保险公司用 花生少年来促销其保险政策。广告主保护自己的方法之一就是减少名人的运用。例 如,通过神奇的技术,电视观众看到了荧幕传奇任务约翰*威尼叫卖科拉斯啤酒的 镜头,还看到了弗莱特*阿斯泰尔与一台名叫清洁助手的吸尘器一起跳舞的情形。
6.In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SMEs have enjoyed remarkable development and have grown to become an important force in contributing towards sustained and rapid growth of the Chine economic. 在中国,由于
经济改革和市场开发等措施,中小企业有了越来越大的发展,逐渐演 变为中国得以可持续快速发展的中坚力量。
7.Many underestimate the cost of local staff. Chine graduates often have an inflated view of their own, complain some foreign managers. Multinationals are also competing for talent with China’s domestic companies, which need to improve the quality of their people as their markets open to foreign rivals. 许多人低估了本土雇员的成本。一些国外的经理抱怨说,中国的毕业生常常过分地 夸大自身的价值。不少跨国公司也在和中国本土的公司竞争人才,这就意味着中国 公司同样应当提高员工的素质,因为中国市场已经向国外的竞争者开放了。
8.A fairly obvious cultural divide that has been much studied is the one between, on the one hand, the countries of North America and north-west Europe, where management is largely bad on analysis, rationality, logic and systems, and, on the other, the Latin cultures of southern Europe and South America, where personal relations, intuition, emotion and nsitivity are of much greater importance. 一方面,北美和欧洲西北部的管
理方式大都是基于分析、理性、逻辑和系统;而另 一方面,在南欧和南美的拉丁文化中,人际关系、直觉、情感和敏感性则更为重要。 这两种明显的文化划分已经被广为研究。
9.beyThe style of the ad. Is also important, becau comparative ads, while acceptable and even common in the United States and Canada, are less commonly ud in the United Kingdom, unacceptable in Japan, and illegal in India and Brazil. aaa培训广告的形式也很重要,因为比较性广告在美国和加拿大可以被接受,甚至非常普通, 但在英国却很少使用,在日本无法接受,而在印度和巴西则是非法的。
10.Tho that want rewards to be cost-effective but memorable are eking the rvices of firms that specialize in employee recognition. 那些很想奖励员工而且希望所付出的奖励能够被员工铭记于心的公司往往会去寻求 一种服务,帮助他们用巧妙的办法来俘获员工对于公司的认同感。 amountof
11.Coca-Cola’s Indian subsidiary was forced to end a promotion that offered prizes such as a trip to Hollywood, becau it encouraged customers to buy in order to gamble, in violation of India’s established trade practices. 可口可乐印度分公司被迫停止提供奖项,
诸如好莱坞旅游的促销活动,这种活动使 顾客的购买行动带有赌博性质,而这违背了印度的贸易惯例。
12.The simplest mode is one in which Motorola makes no particular effort to adjust to the local culture, but merely clarifies its policy on a given issue, and implements that policy regardless of whether it overlaps with the values or standards of the host culture. 最简单的模式是摩托罗拉针对当地文化,并不作任何特别的调整,只是阐明一个既 定的决策,并且实施这个决策而不管它是否与当地价值观或文化标准有所重合。
13.Slowly but surely, consumers are leaving malls to shop on-line, often in their pajamas at 11 PM. And anyone who doubts the potential power of the ecommerce juggernaut hasn’t grasped the advantage for both consumers and business. 变形金刚2背景音乐显而易见的是,消费者逐渐把注意力从普通的购物商场转移到在线购物。这样他们 就可以穿着睡衣在晚上 11 点的时选择心仪的商品。如果有任何人怀疑电子商务 对传统购物的潜在威慑力的话,他一定是还没有体验过电子商务无论对买方还是卖 方的巨大便利和优势。
14.In some situations, the overlap between Motorola’s standards and certain practices of
水嶋あずみthe host culture might be so limited that the corporation has no choice other than simply to abide by its own standards and attempt to remain viable in that country. 在一些情况下,摩托罗拉的价值标准与东道国特定惯例的重合之处甚为有限,公司 别无选择,只得遵守自身的准则,同时也尽量保持在东道国的可实行性。
15.Even if one country can make everything more cheaply than every other it still gains from focusing on the goods in which its relative advantages is greatest — ., in which it has a comparative advantage — and importing the rest. 即使一个国家任何产品的生产都比其他国家具有更低的成本,它依然可以通过集中 生产其最具有相对比较优势的产品而获得更大的利益,对于其他产品则可实行进口。
旧约圣经16.The Buyers shall open with a bank to be accepted by both the Buyers and Sellers an irrevocable transferable letter of credit, allowing partial shipment, transshipment in favor of the Sellers and addresd to Sellers payable at sight against first prentation of the shipping document to Opening Bank. The covering letter of credit must reach the Sellers 30 days before shipment and remain valid in China until the 21st day (inclusive) from the
date of shipment. 买方应通过买卖双方都接受的银行,向卖方开出以卖方为收益人的不可撤销、可转 让的即期付款信用证,并允许分装、转船。信用证必须在装船前 30 天送达卖方, 有效期至装运日期后 21 天。
17.Game theory has been ud by economists to study the interaction of oligopolies, on-management disputes; countries trade policies, international environmental agreements, reputations, and a host of other situations. 博弈论被经济学家用于研究以下几个方面:市场垄断者之间的相互行为,关系管理 上的争端,国家间的贸易政策,国际间的环保协定,声望确定以及其他一些情况。

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