Down syndrome is a medical condition that makers someone develop mentally and physically in a different way from most people. However, a small act of 1 could have a big influence on a teen with Down syndrome.
Every morning for 10 years, driver Scott Reynolds 2 Ty Coppola, who has Down syn-drome,with a smile and a fist bump(拳头碰拳头)when he 3 Ty.
“It would start his day in a 4 way," Michael Coppola, Ty's father said.
物流企业管理Ty can speak and communicate his basic needs, 5 he doesn't have typical conversations like most do.
"Instead, he ns how people 6 him whether it's a handshake or a fist bump." Michael s
Michael admits that many people, natural is best 7 their best intentions, do not know how to approach someone with 8 ---including him.
That's exactly 9 Michael and his wife nt Ty to Holy Childhood, a 10 that rves children and adults with disabilities. Michael says the school has taught his son to be 11 and confident despite his disability.
Yet, although Ty has 12 to do things on his own, it doesn't mean he doesn’t want affection from others.
"The 13 mean a whole lot more than words to him," Michael said.
Reynolds' kindness didn't 14 there. He also learned things about Ty's life and asked him questions about his family.
When the Coppolas were 15 that Reynolds planned to retire, Michael and his wife decid
ed to do something to 16 Reynolds that he meant a lot to their son. With other people's help, the Coppolas held a surpri party in Reynolds' 17 . Many people came and paid respect for his years of 18 .
"I wanted to show my 19 ,"Michael said. "I didn't want everything he did to be taken for granted. He wasn't just a 20 ."
1.A.kindness B.happiness C.politeness D.carefulness
2.A.examined B.helped C.greeted D.noticed
3.A.brought up B.picked up C.looked up D.give up
4.A.similar B.particular C.special D.positive
5.A.and B.but C.so D.or
6.A.follow B.entertain C.guide D.treat
give it away7.A.despite B.beyond C.without D.against
8.A.crets B.pressure C.disabilities D.anxiety
9.A.why B.when C.how D.where
10.A.school B.company C.hospital D.camp
11.A.strong B.intelligent C.independent D.gentle
12.A.decided B.refud C.agreed D.learned
how many
13.A.efforts B.actions C.instructions D.comforts
14.A.change B.end C.continue D.repeat
15.A.persuaded B.promid C.informed D.convinced
16.A.warn B.remind C.teach D.show
17.A.name B.method C.honor D.memory
18.A.education B.encouragement C.protection D.rvice
19.A.gratitude B.surpri C.satisfaction D.improvement
20.A.coach B.bus driver C.class teacher D.doctor
“Time flies. Youth fades. Treasure each moment of your life," accompanied by guitar and drums, the Band for One, made up of five people, 21 the lyrics soulfully during a performance in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Nov 7. Behind the band, there was a 22 of a young man called Philip Hancock shown on the screen. And he is the 23 why they were all there. Hancock, a 27-year-old Australian who taught English in Chongqing died in 2018 24 diabetes (糖尿病), 25 新东方英语暑假班 parents followed his wishes and 26 his organs with the help of the Red Cross Society of China's Chongqing branch.
I'm Philip's liver"; "I'm Philip's 27 I'm Philip's eyes.”... The five people—a real estate salesperson, a farmer, a former lotro 28 driver and two doctors— 29 themlves onstage. They are the ones who received Philip's organs. "Last year, Red Cross officials told me th
水利工程建设项目招标投标管理规定at Philip's parents mentioned during an earlier 30 rvice that he loved music and 31 having his own band one day,“ said former truck driver Chen Xianjun. Chen was 32 on board to form a band in 33 of Philip, and so were the other four recipients.
Since they had no music experience, they had to start from 34 . From learning the guitar to taking on the drums, they took time out of their busy lives to rehear over the past year, 35 during the epidemic.
“ 36 a new instrument is certainly difficult at my age, but we have a clear goal in mind and are 37 to achieve it," said Mo Li, the 36-year-old real estate salesman. "I think Philip not only gave me a 在线日语翻译 38 life, but also some musical cells that enable me to appreciate beautiful melodies.”
Peter Hancock, Philip's father, said after watching the band’s performance, his biggest wish is for the five to enjoy their 39 more.
Organ donation is not only the best way to memorialize a loved one, but also a 40 way to save the lives of others.
新笑傲江湖琴箫合奏21.A.spoke B.sang C.claimed D.recited